Bright Sword Military System

Chapter 1085 Songluo Lake

Chapter 1085 Songluo Lake

This is the shortcoming of manually operating the V1 missile.

Although "man-operated missiles" have many advantages, such as intelligence, maintaining a stable trajectory, and even temporarily changing targets, etc.

But everything has two sides, there are advantages and disadvantages.

The V1 missile controlled by the gyro does not require human judgment. It cannot be controlled or changed by human beings at the moment it is launched. Therefore, after it reaches the set distance, it will start to dive, fall headlong and detonate.

If it is this kind of V1, it is very likely that Dishipo Airport no longer exists at this time.

This is not to say how accurate the V1 is, but that the V1 carries hundreds of kilograms of explosives, and what the devils use is not the inferior explosives of the Eighth Route Army, but high-performance Amatu explosives (that is, modern ammonium antimony explosives, Ama The picture is the old name during World War II).

In addition, the amount of charge of the Devil V1 has also increased significantly compared with the "High Fire" of the Eighth Route Army.

This is because the Devil V1 uses "human manipulation", which saves a series of control systems such as gyroscopes and the air pressure system... The control of the wings of the V1 is controlled by the air pressure system. There is an air cylinder with compressed air. If a part of the V1 flight system needs to be moved, the control system will open the valve of the air cylinder under the guidance of the gyroscope.

Once the valve is opened, the gas released from the air cylinder will generate a pressure difference, which will generate force to adjust the wings.

At this time, the gyroscope and the control system based on the gyroscope were not light in weight, and they were all replaced by a person who weighed only more than 100 kilograms, so the weight was immediately freed by more than 200 kilograms.

The more than 200 catties were all added to the explosives by the devils.

The result is that the devil's V1 missile has a full charge of thousands of kilograms.

Neiji Okamura's consideration in this regard is correct. He did not use it to increase the fuel of the V1 missile, that is, the range... The designed range of the V1 missile is 240 kilometers, which is enough for the devil.

It is conceivable what would happen if a few of such V1 missiles hit Dishipo Airport.

It doesn’t need much, as long as 50 V1s have a one-tenth hit rate, 5 of them can hit the airport, that is, [-] kilograms of explosives will explode at the airport, and the airport is full of fighter planes, ammunition, fuel, etc. there are trees...

The purpose of keeping trees is to play a certain role of cover and camouflage.

In this case, chain explosions or serious fires are almost unavoidable.

However, the devil's V1 missile is not this kind of V1, and the devil launches a "human operation" V1.

Even if the "Human Fuck" V1 reached the place according to the calculation, if you look down, there is nothing but pitch black below, then you must not dare to fall down and blow it up easily.

The reason is that he only has one chance, and of course he can't do it again if he loses his life after the dive and explodes.

More importantly... At this time, the pilot still has room for choice and observation.

This is determined by the long range of the V1 missile: the longest range of the V1 missile can reach 240 kilometers, while the launch site to the destination is only more than 150 kilometers.

Neiji Okamura also considered whether to use the excess fuel to modify explosives, but Shinta Kono stopped Neiji Okamura from doing so.

"Your Excellency, General!" Shinta Kono persuaded: "First of all, the fuel chamber is at the rear, and the charge is at the front. If the fuel is greatly reduced and the charge is increased, it will directly affect the balance of V1. If we want to increase the charge at the rear If some compartments are used as charge parts, then the entire projectile body needs to be redesigned and manufactured, and there is no guarantee of success."

Okamura Ningji hesitated when he heard this.

Then Shinta Kono added: "What's more, the fuel itself is also a combustible gas, and it is even highly poisonous. Even if there is excess fuel, it will be as effective as explosives when it explodes or burns on the target. Better than dynamite, why not keep the current design?"

Okamura Ningji nodded and agreed to Kono Shinta's suggestion.

Neiji Okamura is a layman after all in this regard. Although he knows what kind of equipment he needs or can formulate strategies and tactics in the general direction, when it comes to the lethality and stability of the equipment, he is not as good as Makoto Kono. Too much for this weapons expert to think so carefully and comprehensively.

Obviously, Kono was right.

V1 missiles like this are bombed and burned. If they can hit the enemy's airport, they will have quite terrifying destructive power.

However, success is also Xiao He, and failure is also Xiao He.

If the devil's V1 missile does not have enough fuel, that is, the range is more than 100 kilometers, then the captain of the death squad, Captain Kojima, has only one choice, and that is to dive as planned, regardless of whether there are lights below.

Because he has no choice, the fuel will be exhausted any further, and he has to dive if he does not dive.

The point is that Captain Kojima can choose.

He thought about it... the fuel can support the V1 missile to fly 240 kilometers, but now it only flies more than 150 kilometers, and there is still nearly 100 kilometers of fuel.

Don't worry, there is still a chance to find the target.

To be honest, not many people would choose to attack blindly in this situation, after all, there is only one life and one chance.

If there is time to observe clearly, why not?
Then Hosa Kojima was busy inside the missile. He turned on the map and compass to find and calculate his position under the faint light of the flashlight.

To do this, it is difficult to do it in a V1 missile in flight.

Then, Kojima Baozuo, who is proficient in this method, still roughly knows through calculations that he has reached the sky above the target position, and the target should be nearby.

But where is the goal?

Yasuke Kojima nervously looked out the observation holes on both sides.

At this time, several bright lights suddenly came into Kojima Yasuzu's eyes. Kojima Yasuzu took a closer look, and there was vaguely a large rectangular flat land below. Is it an airport or something?
Kojima Yasuke couldn't help being overjoyed, and hurriedly ordered on the radio: "I found the target, turn to the direction of three o'clock, and all turn!"

The station didn't respond.

The radio station used by the devil cannot answer.

Because the V1 missile is a one-time item, the devil thinks that it does not need to be equipped with advanced communication equipment, which is a shameful waste.

Therefore, only the captain's communication equipment can speak, and there is only one receiver on the other missiles, that is, it can only listen.

In fact, some of the fifty pilots have already discovered that it is not the airport but Songluo Lake.

Because some of them have been to this lake...

The missile pilots were selected from the infantry, and before the Eighth Route Army built a complete defense line on Luliang Mountain, the devils went deep into the hinterland of the base several times. It is not surprising that they hit Songluo Lake and camped here.

However, because they couldn't tell, they could only watch the missile turn in the direction of Songluo Lake with doubts and surprises.

Moreover, they also had to turn in that direction.

Because, this is an order!
(End of this chapter)

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