Bright Sword Military System

Chapter 1086 Reconnaissance Company

Chapter 1086 Reconnaissance Company

Dishipo Airport has four reconnaissance companies, responsible for four directions.

Although these four reconnaissance companies are "reconnaissance companies", their tasks are not like reconnaissance.

The reason is that they are the reconnaissance company of the airport, which guarantees the security and secret work of the airport.

The company commander of the third reconnaissance company is called Chen Lizhi, and he often complained to the instructor: "The reconnaissance company grabs tongues and beats them on the battlefield, but we are lucky, the reconnaissance company has become a security department!"

The instructor will explain at this time: "Comrade Chen Lizhi, you can't have any thoughts and emotions. What's wrong with the security department? Ah? Do you know what we are defending? It's the airport! The airport that can defeat the devil planes, other The army couldn't even ask for it! If it weren't for...the superiors considered that the devil's intelligence personnel would come to reconnaissance airport information, our reconnaissance company can use reconnaissance methods to counter reconnaissance, and it would not be our reconnaissance company's turn!"

Chen Lizhi didn't say anything on the surface, but he murmured in his heart: "It's better if it's not your turn. It's about defending the airport. Every day, you lie on the snow or hide in the bushes. Up to now, the most commendable battle is to catch a few traitors... If things go on like this, my box cannon will get moldy!"

This Chen Lizhi, like most commanders and fighters, prefers to fight with real swords and guns on the battlefield. They think it is enjoyable. Although defending the airport is honorable and important, they always feel that it is not interesting.

On this day, Chen Lizhi and his reconnaissance company were stationed at Songluo Lake.

To be precise, it is not stationed, but a lurking observation in this area.

The field of view around Songluo Lake is very good and wide open. As long as the scouts spread out along the shore of the lake, anyone passing by will not be able to escape their eyes, even at night.

Just when Chen Lizhi took a nap and was about to get up and go around the secret posts, the correspondent in front of the radio station reported nervously: "Company commander, new mission! The battalion commander asked us to flashlight and pretend to be at the airport! "

Chen Lizhi's heart shuddered. With many years of scouting experience, he immediately realized that this was an unusual mission.

Playing flashlights and pretending to be an airport is to make the enemy misunderstand that this is an airport.

Why let the enemy misunderstand that this is an airport?
Obviously, it is to attract enemy fire to protect the real airfield!
Which means... the airport is in danger!

So Chen Lizhi didn't dare to hesitate, stood up suddenly, and ordered: "Everyone is here, prepare for battle!"

Although Chen Lizhi doesn't know much about the operation of the airport, as the saying goes, "I have seen pigs walk without eating pork." As an airport scout, he has often seen fighter planes taking off at night at the airport... There is no night combat capability, but before the exposure of Dishipo Airport, for a long period of time, the practical training of pilots was carried out at night.

Needless to say what the purpose of the night training is, I am worried that as soon as the new type of fighter "La 5" takes off, the devils will be able to learn from the intelligence personnel that the Eighth Route Army has obtained a new type of fighter from Mao Xiong, so the devils have ready.

The result of the devils' lack of mental preparation was that when the Eighth Route Army was competing for the Daqingshan Iron and Steel Plant, the devils did not dare to dispatch fighter planes to compete with "La 5" for air supremacy.

At the beginning, Chen Lizhi was curious because he knew that "La 5" would take off at night, and he would stay awake to watch the excitement. Later, after watching too much, he felt that was the same thing, and gradually lost his enthusiasm.

No one thought that his enthusiasm for watching the excitement back then would still come in handy now.

Chen Lizhi immediately organized his subordinates to line up in two rows on the open space in the middle of the lake, with a distance of more than ten meters from each other, and then lit a little light with a flashlight... This is the indicator light simulating the airstrip. The most troublesome thing about fighter planes taking off at night is that they cannot see them. You don’t know if the runway is crooked during takeoff or landing, so you need lights to frame the runway.

Chen Lizhi himself led a few soldiers and waved flashlights in the air, as if he was using signal lights to guide the fighter planes into the runway.

While doing this, Chen Lizhi's scalp felt numb.

Because he knows the danger of this task: isn't this just to direct the enemy's firepower from the airport to himself?

From the beginning to the end, Chen Lizhi never considered whether this order was appropriate, or whether it was fair to the [-]rd Reconnaissance Company.

He knew in his heart that this order was very appropriate and fair to the [-]rd Reconnaissance Company!
Because that's what the third reconnaissance company does: to protect the safety of the airport, even if you have to sacrifice yourself at a critical moment!

On this point, Wang Xuexin also thought about it: if the firepower is directed to the third reconnaissance company, wouldn't these more than 100 soldiers have to be sacrificed?
But Wang Xuexin still didn't hesitate at all.

Because he knew very well that if these more than 100 soldiers were not sacrificed, the airport would probably be bombed, and what would be sacrificed would not be as simple as a reconnaissance company, but a bear flying brigade, the Second Air Brigade of the Eighth Route Army , the flight cadet brigade, as well as ground crew, aircraft, ammunition, fuel and so on.

Although human life is equal, Wang Xuexin has no right to decide who lives and who dies.

But the battlefield is so cruel sometimes, reality requires you to choose one of the two.

Then, Wang Xuexin can only put aside all emotions and use reason and data to decide how to choose.

The answer is obvious, of course, is to sacrifice the third reconnaissance company, both tactically and strategically.

Chen Lizhi also understood this truth, so he didn't hesitate or back down when he gave the order.


When he was getting ready to wait for the enemy's firepower to arrive, he still couldn't help but feel hairy.

What could it be?

Artillery bombing?


It is hundreds of kilometers away from the devil's border, and none of the devil's artillery can have such a long range.

On the other hand, to the east is the Luliangshan defense line of the Eighth Route Army. Unless the devils grew wings and flew over, their artillery could not appear nearby without a sound.

That's the bomber.

But think about it, it is unlikely!
This is at night, and Devil bombers don't have the ability to bomb at night... Chen Lizhi is right about this, night bombing is very difficult, and a high-precision dive bomber is basically courting death (because it can't see the ground after diving, it is often too late to pull up. ), ordinary bombers with poor precision just bombed randomly without seeing the target, which is basically a waste of bombs.

If not artillery and not bombers, then what else?

Just when Chen Lizhi was wondering, he heard a whistling sound unique to "High Fire" coming from the sky.

Chen Lizhi's expression changed slightly, and he scolded: "Damn it, the devil actually made a 'high fire', this trip is in trouble!"

(End of this chapter)

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