Bright Sword Military System

Chapter 1094 "Octopus Torpedo"

Chapter 1094 "Torpedo Returning to Heaven"

Then after thinking about it, Tokyo immediately came to a conclusion:
In the war with Eagle Sauce on the Pacific battlefield, there is no doubt that you will lose!The Combined Fleet has little hope of winning!Unless the empire can develop equipment that can rival Eagle Sauce in a short period of time.

But can the empire develop such equipment?
Tokyo has no confidence in this at all.

It's no wonder they don't have confidence. Devils are actually flawed in their ability to innovate.

On the modern Internet, devils' innovative ability is often blown to the sky, and what they say is even better than Yingjiang.

But most of the devil's innovations are based on the achievements of others.

To put it simply, devils have a strong learning ability. They can learn other people's technology in a short time, and then achieve detailed and in-depth re-innovation in this technology...that is, to dig deep into the technology itself, rather than creating it alone make a way.

This is also one of the reasons why devils can make some things better than Yingjiang. They are very good at making a certain technology to the extreme.

However, it basically does not exist for devils to independently innovate and find their own way.

Therefore, from World War I, World War II to modern times, almost all the devil's technologies can be found in the shadow of eagle sauce, the sun never sets, or other countries' technical support, from aviation and aerospace to tanks and warships, all of which are from other countries technology.

So much so that there is a joke that says that except for the air conditioner on the devil's warship, everything else is from other countries.

If it is said that modern times are restricted by the "Peace Constitution", why is it also the case during World War I and World War II?

Tokyo knows how much they have, and they understand that it is almost impossible to surpass Eagle Sauce in terms of fighter jets.

If fighter jets want to develop, they need to increase the thrust-to-weight ratio of their engines.

However, even the machine tools used to produce engines come from Yingjiang, so it is not easy to independently develop new types of aero-engines.

Therefore, throughout World War II, the devils could only improve and improve the engine. As a result, the performance of the fighter did not change much.

Not only has there been no change, but there has even been a regression.

Because the devil found that only by upgrading the weapons and equipment of the fighter can it be possible to shoot down Yingjiang's fighter, but as soon as this aspect is improved, the weight increases, and as the weight increases... the mobility of "Zero Fighter" is gone.

So, after much deliberation, in the end Tokyo could only make up its mind to shift its strategic focus to China.

But the devil also made another preparation:
Asao Nagano, head of the Tokyo Firearms Works, said: "We, can we develop 'man-operated missiles' for sea and air combat? I mean, if this equipment can be used on land, why can't it be used at sea?"

This suggestion immediately aroused the approval of many people.

It should be said that this aspect is the devil's advantage in "man-operating missiles".

Because neither the "High Fire" of the Eighth Route Army nor the V1 missile of Hans has the ability to attack moving targets... They are launched according to a fixed orbit, and the speed is only four to five hundred kilometers per hour. A long distance means reaching the target The location takes a long time, sometimes even half an hour.

Half an hour later, the enemy warship had long since disappeared.

However, what the "High Fire" and V1 missiles cannot do, it is easy for the "man-operated missile".

Because they are operated by humans and controlled by pilots, they can "pilot" these "missiles" to track enemy warships.

But this plan was quickly rejected: "Its speed is about [-] kilometers, that is to say, it will not be much faster than a fighter plane. Think about the proximity fuze of Yingjiang, how many'man-operated missiles' can Get close and hit the target?"

The flame that had just ignited in everyone's hearts was immediately extinguished by these words.

In addition, the speed of the "man-operated missile" is only more than 500 kilometers per hour, while the speed of Yingjiang's new fighter (Hellcat) reaches more than 600 kilometers per hour.

With a carrier-based aircraft at a speed of more than 600 kilometers per hour, it will not take much effort to intercept a "man-operated missile" with a speed of more than 500 kilometers per hour!

It is conceivable that Yingjiang can use carrier-based aircraft to form a line of defense outside the warship, and then use anti-aircraft guns with proximity fuzes to form a line of defense.

At that time, how many "human missiles" can break through these two lines of defense?
Does the empire have the time and ability to train so many pilots to fly "human missiles" to death?
In fact, the devils did do this. The so-called "Kamikaze Special Attack Team" and "Sakura Bomb" in the later period were attempts in this regard.

It's just that he was beaten to the point where he couldn't help it, and it was a kind of emergency medical treatment, which actually didn't have much result.

But Nagano Asao was still not reconciled, he was silent for a while, and then said: "Since it is not possible from the sky, why don't we consider going from the bottom of the sea?"

"Under the sea?" Everyone looked at Yongno Asao suspiciously.

"Yes!" Nagano Asao nodded confidently: "Torpedo, we can develop a human torpedo, I believe it will not take too much time, because it does not require any technology, and there is no difficulty in equipment! "

The "man-operated torpedo" does not need any technology, because it can directly transplant the technology of the submarine, and of course there is no difficulty in equipment. It can be directly used for what is needed, at most it is a miniaturized modification.

Nagano Asao's idea was quickly recognized by everyone.

Because this can perfectly avoid Yingjiang's advantages... Yingjiang has proximity fuzes and new fighters, but these are all used to deal with air targets, so they can't be used to hit torpedoes in the sea, right?
Thus, the Devil's "Huitian Torpedo" was born.

Tokyo has made such a strategic plan:
The first is to do everything possible to slow down the attack speed of the eagle sauce in the Pacific.

This is very important, because it means how much preparation time the Empire has... The longer it delays on the Pacific battlefield, the more time the Empire will get.

There are two directions to delay the plan: one is to hold on to the island so that Ying Jiang can stand firm.The second is that the navy will deal with it, and at the same time, the navy will also support the defense of the island from some aspects.

From this point of view, the devils have a very clear position on Ying Jiang. They know that they can't defeat Ying Jiang, even if they have the "returning torpedo".

Secondly, it is to speed up the pace of attacking China.

It only makes sense to completely occupy China and prepare for the battle in China before Yingjiang hits the mainland of the empire.

Otherwise, before the main power in Tokyo could move to Huaxia, the Eagle Sauce Navy would encircle the island... everything would be over.

This is why Okamura Ningji received the telegram "Immediately implement 'Operation No. [-]'".

Neiji Okamura can wait, but Tokyo is impatient, not even for a month!
(End of this chapter)

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