Bright Sword Military System

Chapter 1095 Liyuan Village

Chapter 1095 Liyuan Village

Wang Xuexin will follow wherever the airport moves, because his main task at this stage is to command these two air teams.

But this time it's not as easy as before.

Because the airport has been moved to the Ningxia Plain in order to avoid the bombing of the devil's "human-operated missiles".

There is not much difficulty in transferring the plane to Ningxia, and the 200-plus kilometers is only 5 minutes for "La [-]".

For the landing airport, let the comrades working in Ningxia open up a flat area as a temporary airport... "La 5" is a fighter that requires high performance in field combat. On the other hand, Mao Xiong requires that this fighter can be forced to land in the wild, so the requirements for the airborne site are not high, and it can land on a slightly decent flat ground.

But of course, this is a test of the pilot's skill.

Fortunately, among more than 100 "Pull 5", only one rolled over due to lack of stability when landing, the pilot suffered some minor injuries, and the fighter was basically unusable... It's not that it can't be repaired, but it's like " Fighters like the 5" are often damaged and there is no point in repairing them, because the cost of repairing may be higher than the cost of reproducing one.

Then people like Wang Xuexin rushed to Ningxia and they were in trouble.

There were no highways in this era. I rushed all the way to Ningxia, crossed the Yellow River twice, and had to cross the high slopes of the loess. I had to travel day and night for a full week before arriving at the airport.

When Wang Xuexin jumped out of the car, his whole body was already covered by a layer of loess shoes, and he was almost unrecognizable.

The headquarters is a one-story house. The local guerrillas who received Wang Xuexin and his party were led by a fellow Hui nationality named Su Dali. Because he had done business in Xi’an before, he could speak Chinese fluently... Ningxia in this period was not like modern times. Similarly, if you grab a few of them, you can speak Chinese.

"Commander Wang!" Su Dali shook Wang Xuexin's hand excitedly, and said, "When you come this time, will you stay here permanently? Are we going to have a plane? That's great! We can, I have never seen so many planes and so much equipment!"

It turned out that the village where Su Dali was located, because of its remote location, it was difficult for the forces of all parties to take care of it.

To be precise, it is not that it is "difficult to take care of" here, but that neither the Eighth Route Army nor the Recalcitrant Army have invested their main force in Ningxia, and both are guerrillas.

Because the guerrillas were alone and alone, the bandits and rogue bandits rose again, and not just one family.

In addition, Ningxia also has landlord forces, family forces, etc., so the situation is very complicated. In some places, there are still two systems in one territory or even multiple systems in one territory.

Sudari is worrying about this.

But Su Dali also expressed his understanding of the equipment situation here. After all, the devils are fighting closely in the front. Of course, the rear of Ningxia cannot deploy too many troops and resources.

But recently, Su Dali has encountered a troublesome thing... In Liyuan Village where he lives, the power of the Eighth Route Army was originally comparable to that of the Recalcitrant Army, but the Recalcitrant Army has recently spent money to buy off a few bandits, which greatly wiped out Su Dali's guerrilla group monopolized the momentum of Liyuan Village.

This is a tactic of the recalcitrant army to draw wages from the bottom of the pot. While the Eighth Route Army is fighting lively with the devils in the front, they will engage in small tricks in the back to encroach on the Eighth Route Army's territory.

Sudari was worrying about this at this time, but he didn't expect an order to build the airport.

Sudari was still wondering, how could a plane land here?
Even if there is, it should be a small plane, or a transport plane?

Unexpectedly, when the plane landed here, Sudari was stunned...the one after another was all fighter jets, and there were more than 100 of them, all around the airport, and he almost couldn't manage them coming.

Then came another truckload of ammunition and gasoline.

While Su Dali was busy, his heart was full of joy... With these planes, let alone bandits, it would be no problem to uproot the recalcitrant army, right?

When Wang Xuexin heard Su Dali's request, he hesitated.

Originally, at this time, the Second Aviation Brigade shouldn't be disturbed too much, they should hurry up to train and prepare for the next battle against the devils.

On the other hand, the Second Air Brigade should keep it secret rather than make a big show of it. Otherwise, if the devil knows the specific location, it is very likely that its "man-operated missile" will take advantage of it.

But when Wang Xuexin thought about it in detail, he felt that this was not the case.

First, on the issue of confidentiality.

More than 100 "La 5" planes landed in this village with no concealment at all. Is there any secret at all?
What's more, there are stubborn soldiers in this village.

As we all know, the recalcitrant army is the mouthpiece of the devils. Once they know that the Eighth Route Army's airport is here, the devils have no reason not to know.

Therefore, secrecy is basically impossible, and all efforts are in vain.

Secondly, what are the possible interferences of the air force?

Devil's "man-operated missile"?The straight-line distance from Luliang Mountain here is about 250 kilometers, which is already outside the range of "human-operated missiles".

Devil's bomber?
When Devil fighters and bombers come, they will undoubtedly be intercepted by the "La 5" that takes off, and the Devil's fighters cannot approach.

Then possible interference will only come from the ground.

As for the interference on the ground, there are more bandits and stubborn troops.

In other words, if the Eighth Route Army cannot fully control the village for layout defense, devils and spies are likely to sneak in and carry out a sneak attack on the airport.

Therefore, helping Sudari gain control is actually to ensure the safety of the airport.

The only difficulty is that this is the period of the Cooperative War of Resistance. Can the Eighth Route Army openly wage war on the recalcitrant army?Will this give the stubborn army an excuse?
On this issue, Wang Xuexin immediately sent a report to the headquarters.

The answer given by the chief was: "The stubborn army in Liyuan Village colluded with the bandits to eliminate our guerrillas first, and our army just counterattacked reasonably, allowing the Second Air Force to annihilate the enemy!"

Wang Xuexin answered "Yes", and then gave Yu Ping an order: "Assist Captain Su with all our strength and seize control of Liyuan Village!"

"Yes!" Yu Ping was overjoyed when he heard the order. This is an excellent opportunity for new students to practice.

The other person who was overjoyed was, of course, Su Dali. He immediately marked the location of the recalcitrant army and the places where the bandits were stationed on the map.

Then, an "asymmetrical battle" against the recalcitrant guerrillas and bandits started that afternoon.

The Eighth Route Army used a total of twenty fighter sorties, which were divided into two batches. All of them were piloted by new students, and they all carried bombs to the enemy's position... Dropping bombs is quite safe. Scuba shooting is not something new students can master for the time being. If you fail to pull it up carefully, the machine will crash and people will die.

(End of this chapter)

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