Chapter 1097 Rumors
Wang Xuexin spent a whole month preparing.

In fact, this month's time is not entirely for preparation. While preparing, Wang Xuexin is also waiting for a better opportunity to attack.

It is true that the devils were taken in, but the devils have just begun to launch "Operation No. [-]" to attack the stubborn army.

If the Eighth Route Army launched a counterattack against the devils at the beginning of the war and pointed their troops directly at the northeast, it would be needless to say what the result would be. The devils would immediately stop attacking the recalcitrant army and transfer their troops back to North China. against the Eighth Route Army.

Wang Xuexin was not so stupid, of course he would wait until the devils fought with the recalcitrant army and could no longer recover, or the devils had won a big victory, even if they knew that the Eighth Route Army had started to counterattack, he was reluctant to throw away the results of the battle and return to the moment for reinforcements.

Wang Xuexin thought that this moment was not so fast, because the stubborn army is a stubborn army after all. Although it is difficult at this time, there are millions of troops, and the devils are only three 10,000+ people plus the puppet army. At the same time, the devils have to divide their troops to deal with the Eighth Route Army.

However, the stubborn army collapsed at an unimaginable speed for Wang Xuexin.

This is actually not to blame the stubborn army, because Neiji Okamura knows the stubborn army very well. He knows that although the stubborn army has a large number of troops, their morale is low and they have a natural fear of the imperial army... This is because they were scared by devils, subconsciously Li felt that he would definitely not be able to beat the devils, so once he faced the devils, the first thing he thought of was failure, saving his life, and escaping.

Neiji Okamura grasped the mentality of the recalcitrant army, so he gave the recalcitrant army a blow as soon as he came up: he used the more than twenty V1 missiles he had just produced on the recalcitrant army.

At this time, Eagle Sauce has built several air bases in the stubborn army, and Eagle Sauce plans to use these air bases to take off heavy bombers to bomb the empire in the future.

As soon as Okamura Ningji came up, he gave the recalcitrant army and Ying Jiang a disarm, and directly bombed Ying Jiang's air force base with V1 missiles.

With a loud bang, Ying Jiang's air force base and the dozen or so bombers that Ying Jiang had just arrived were blown up into the sky.

Neiji Okamura deliberately waited for a few days to let the secret agents mixed in with the recalcitrant army spread rumors to create panic:
"Did you see that? The devil's thing called a 'flying bomb' can be bombed hundreds of kilometers away, and every time it is bombed, it will be accurate!"

"Even Yingjiang's airport has been bombed, and Yingjiang can't do anything about them!"

"The devils have this thing, so why do they fight? Then they can bomb whoever they want, maybe one day in Chongqing..."


This rumor is half true and half false.

It is true that it can hit hundreds of kilometers, and it is very accurate.

But what the secret agent didn't say is that the most difficult thing for a "man-operated missile" like a devil is the pilot... Even if the pilot is easy to train, it's just a few months, and it must be educated and capable of learning. Otherwise, it will be impossible to operate in a hurry.

Therefore, "man-operated missiles" are not unlimited use.

If it can be used in unlimited quantities, let alone a stubborn army, I am afraid that Yingjiang will have nothing to do with it.

But the recalcitrant army didn't know this. When they heard the rumors and the fact that the Yingjiang airport was blown up by devils, they quickly believed it.

As a result, people were panicked before the battle was fought, and an atmosphere of failure quickly permeated the entire army.

When the Chongqing side found out that something was wrong and wanted to refute the rumors, they found that it was too late... The recalcitrant army had already preconceived and believed the devil's rhetoric, and the Chongqing side's refusing rumors was taken for granted as a means to boost morale , so the statement of refuting the rumor was regarded as a rumor instead.

It can also be seen from this that Okamura Ningji's scheming is not comparable to that of Chongqing.

In contrast, Neiji Okamura rarely used this tactic when facing the Eighth Route Army.

It's not that Neiji Okamura doesn't use it, or doesn't have a chance to use it.

But Ningji Okamura's set would not work in the Eighth Route Army... The Eighth Route Army's morale is high, and as long as they know guerrilla warfare, they will be fearless. No matter what tricks the devils play, they are determined to fight the devils to the end. No scheming or rumors will work.

And many people in the stubborn army are swinging back and forth at both ends. Once they are bewitched by rumors, their psychological defenses will collapse and they will not have the courage to fight the devils.

This is what the army is most afraid of, because once they lose their courage, no matter how large the army is, they can only act as deserters.

Okamura Ningji took this opportunity to launch an attack, and with great fanfare, hundreds of fighter planes and eight armored troops were used to launch a fierce attack on the stubborn army.

Its offensive can be described as overwhelming. In less than a month, it took Zhengzhou and Luoyang respectively, and then went south all the way, with the potential to advance into Chongqing.

On Wang Xuexin's side, it's almost time to see.

Wang Xuexin hoped that the devils would fight with the stubborn army, but he didn't want the devils to beat the stubborn army too hard, or completely kill the stubborn army... This is also not in the interests of the Eighth Route Army.

It's just like this now, when the devil is about to reap the fruits of victory, the Eighth Route Army will give him a shot, so that he can't get up or down.

The attack first started from the airfield.

This surprised everyone, including headquarters.

The chief of staff sent a telegram to ask: "Shouldn't we start with the Daqingshan Iron and Steel Plant? Now that the ice and snow have not melted, it is relatively easy to attack the Iron and Steel Plant. Once the ice and snow melt, the vicinity of the Iron and Steel Plant will be a piece of mud. When the time comes, we will attack the Iron and Steel Plant." Difficult!"

Wang Xuexin replied: "Chief of Staff, if we can gain air supremacy, it won't be a problem to take down the steel plant, whether it's snow or mud."

The chief of staff frowned when he saw the telegram, and then said to the chief: "This little Northeast, the tone is not small! The enemy has a range of more than 200 kilometers with a 'man-operated high-fire', and our army's 'La 5' fighter plane has a combat radius of It’s only [-] kilometers, and it’s not easy to gain air supremacy!”

That's what the chief of staff said.

Because of the control of the devils, the Eighth Route Army had to set the airport more than 200 kilometers away.

And "La 5" is notoriously short-range, with a combat radius of 200 kilometers minus a distance of more than [-] kilometers, there is not much left here. How can we fight for air supremacy?

The chief thought for a while, and said, "Let him try it! Maybe this guy can do something amazing!"

As he said that, he waved his hand and sent a telegram to Wang Xuexin: "You have full command of the offensive!"

As a result, Wang Xuexin gained command of the frontline operations.

The first thing he did was to advance the airport a hundred kilometers into the dangerous area.

(End of this chapter)

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