Bright Sword Military System

Chapter 1098 Air Dominance

Chapter 1098 Air Dominance

This time Yu Ping quit. He rushed to Wang Xuexin's headquarters in a hurry and said, "Battalion Commander, is it appropriate for us to push the airport to the front line like this, and the distance is [-] kilometers? Isn't that right? Put it under the range of the enemy's 'human manipulation high fire' and let the enemy hit it casually?"

Wang Xuexin asked without raising his head: "If you don't want to fight like this, then how can you fight?"

"I..." Yu Ping was at a loss for words for a moment.

There is really no solution to this matter. Fighters will always be at a disadvantage when dealing with "human fire".

Because there must be an airport on the side of the fighter plane that will not move. The plane can indeed fly into the air, but it must always stop at the airport!

The enemy's "human fire" waited for the plane to land when it landed.

On the other hand, "human beings use high fire", but they can be carried around by car, without a definite location.

Seeing that Yu Ping was silent, Wang Xuexin said: "You should know that 'High Fire' also has a weakness, that is, it is very troublesome to set up, especially the fuel used is poisonous and unstable, because it takes a long time before launching." prepare for!"

Yu Ping nodded. When he was a pilot of the First Air Force, he had participated in the air combat to protect the "High Fire", so of course he knew the weakness of the "High Fire".

But after thinking about it, Yu Ping said: "But Battalion Commander, Liyuan Airport is outside the range of the devil's 'High Fire', which means that the devil's 'High Fire' is outside the combat radius of our army's 'La 5' .It's not that you can't hit it, but it's too dangerous..."

It is indeed very dangerous, because at this time, as long as there are a few "zero battles" of devils appearing, although "La 5" has advantages in various aspects, it still cannot fight them and can only escape.

Wang Xuexin replied: "That's why I want to push the airport forward!"

"But..." Yu Ping was a little confused: "Is it useful to push the airport forward? Let's build it today, and the devil will fly a few 'high fire' to blow it up tomorrow!"

Wang Xuexin smiled and replied, "I'm afraid that the devils won't blow up!"

Yu Ping was taken aback for a moment, and then quickly understood: "The battalion commander means that our airport is just a cover?"

Wang Xuexin replied: "It can't be said that it is a cover. If the devils don't bomb it, then it will be our real airport! If the devils bomb it, let's repair it again?"

This time Yu Ping really understood.

Repairing the airport does not mean transporting fuel and ammunition together, let alone parking fighter jets.

Fuel and ammunition can be placed a few kilometers away first, and the fighter plane will stop when needed.

Therefore, the airport is actually just a piece of flat land.

When the time comes, will the devils bomb or not?
Fry it, and the devils will waste the "human fire" because of a flat land.

Don't blow it up, this airport can become a temporary airport for the Eighth Route Army, as long as you calculate the time and quantity, and deliver the fuel and ammunition in time, fill up the fuel and load the ammunition for the "La 5" fighter that is parked in a short time, and then immediately take off……

In this way, should the devil's "man's high fire" be bombed or not?
Fry it!

By the time the "human high fire" flew to the airport, the plane had already flown away, the fuel and ammunition had been evacuated, and there was nothing to blow up.

Don't fry it!
Isn't that just "La 5" flying around freely and fighting the devils to seize the air supremacy?

This is another kind of guerrilla warfare!
Thinking of this, Yu Ping slapped his thigh and said, "The battalion commander's idea is good, why didn't you say it earlier? If we had done this earlier, our Daqingshan Iron and Steel Plant wouldn't have been lost, right? Other airports, factories, etc. Yes, it is so embarrassing to retreat!"

Wang Xuexin just smiled and didn't answer.

In fact, he only thought of this way not long ago.

But even if you think about it, you should use it at this time.

Because if it had been used earlier, the devils would not be as close as they are with the recalcitrant army now.

Wang Xuexin's airport guerrilla warfare soon started.

The airport has not only advanced one hundred kilometers, but also advanced two hundred kilometers.

And not just one, the Eighth Route Army built five or six temporary airports dotted around behind the Lvliangshan defense line in one go.

It is indeed a bit troublesome to build the airport, because it is still permafrost, and there is a small hole when you go down with a shovel, and the Eighth Route Army does not have modern construction equipment.

But this kind of work that requires manpower has never troubled the Eighth Route Army. The guerrillas and civilians from all over the country organized... Divided into several groups of people, they took turns to work around the clock. In just a few days, the temporary airport sprung up like mushrooms after rain. rise from the ground.

Neiji Okamura got this information immediately. After all, the devils still have the air supremacy in this area at this time. They have reconnaissance planes flying in the sky at all times, and they can see where the airport is to be built from the sky.

Okamura Ningji was stunned for a moment, and then he understood the power of it, he gritted his teeth and cursed: "Bastard, these cunning guys!"

Kono was really puzzled, and asked Neiji Okamura: "Your Excellency, if they build one, we will blow up another. We must not let their fighter planes force our army to take off..."

"Bomb?" Okamura Neiji interrupted Kono Shinta: "How to bomb? Use 'human missiles'? Or use bombers?"

Kono knew that the production of "man-operated missiles" was insufficient, so he immediately chose the latter: "Of course it is a bomber. Since we still have air supremacy at this time, bombers are much cheaper!"

Neiji Okamura shook his head: "If bombers are used, why can't they use these airports to intercept?"

Neiji Okamura pointed to the newly marked temporary airports on the map with his baton, and said: "As long as they coordinate properly, fighter planes can replenish fuel at these airports and take off immediately! This way, the lack of range can be made up for. Execution The mission to intercept our bombers!"

Kono really didn't expect this, and was taken aback by Okamura Neiji's words.

"What's more!" Okamura Ningji continued: "What can our bombers bomb? If the enemy builds such a number of temporary airports, our bombing will at most just add a few more holes to their airports! They have to do All we have to do is fill in the holes, but what we have to do is risk the bombers being shot down, and burn precious fuel to drop bombs in the clearing they have opened!"

There is a saying that "wars are based on comprehensive strength".

There is some truth to this statement, but if one side wastes a lot of its resources in the war, it is obviously impossible to win.

For example, as Neiji Okamura said, the devils have to pay for bombers, fuel, and aerial bombs.

And what the Eighth Route Army has to do is to fill in the holes...

After a long time, even if the devil is an industrial power, I'm afraid it won't be able to afford it.

And once the devils subside and these numerous temporary airports are in a usable state, the air supremacy will immediately return to the hands of the Eighth Route Army.

(End of this chapter)

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