Chapter 123
Wang Xuexin's guess was right, Okamura Ningji's plan was to let the main force intersperse.

For this operation, the three divisions he transferred from the front did not enter the city, but got off the train outside the city one after another, and then locked all their personnel and equipment in the warehouse and were not allowed to go out.

In the eyes of outsiders, it was nothing more than a row of warehouses for temporary storage of supplies. Who would have thought that there were densely packed devil soldiers with live ammunition sitting inside.

Neiji Okamura, who was a spy military officer in China, of course knows the power of China's intelligence network, and also knows the importance of intelligence to the battle, so he has worked hard on it!
On the other hand, Ningji Okamura shot another feint at the front line. In his words, it is what the Chinese call "building plank roads in the open and crossing the warehouses in secret". unsafe area".

Neiji Okamura saw that the time was almost up, and with an order, the three divisions of the Japanese army nestled in the warehouse came out in full force, and they took cars along three roads and rushed towards the base of the Eighth Route Army like three sharp knives.

These three divisions are regular divisions that have just come down from the frontal battlefield. They are not only well-equipped and closely coordinated, but more importantly, they have rich experience in mountain combat... This is the choice of Neiji Okamura. The Eighth Route Army was completely blocked in the mountainous areas, and fighting in the mountains was inevitable, so the troops transferred back had mountain training or combat experience.

Major General Shigekawa Lizhi, the commander of the Ninth Mixed Brigade, sat in the side three rounds and followed the troops on the uneven road. He held a command knife, and his body shook irregularly with the bumps of the side three rounds. The exciting moment when I was personally interviewed by Neiji Okamura yesterday.

"Mr. Shigekawa!" Okamura Ningji patted Shigekawa Lizhi on the shoulder: "I heard that you have invaded Bi County several times to find the headquarters of the Eighth Route Army?"

(Note: Bi County was the headquarters of the Eighth Route Army from March 1938 to July 3)
"Yes!" Shigekawa Lizhi straightened his lower body proudly: "But unfortunately, Lieutenant General, I failed!"

"It's really exciting!" Okamura Ningji was deeply moved: "The empire needs excellent commanders like you. You can always accurately grasp the situation of the war, sensitively seize opportunities, and flexibly fight against the enemy and the Eighth Route Army. What is needed most is this kind of spirit!"

"Yes!" Shigekawa Lizhi replied.

What Neiji Okamura said was what Shigekawa Reishi had always been proud of, so he even looked down on those combat troops on the frontal battlefield, thinking that they were just fighting the enemy mechanically according to tactical norms.

Okamura Ningji continued: "This time, I need you to perform an extremely important task. I transferred the troops back from the frontal battlefield to attack the Eighth Route Army base. But you know, they can only fight without thinking , and I need people who can think."

Shigekawa Riki looked at Neiji Okamura in disbelief, he couldn't believe that the commander of the front army had the same thoughts as him.

This made him excited, and a feeling of meeting a confidant emerged from the bottom of his heart.

Neiji Okamura didn't seem to notice the change in Shigekawa Lizhi's expression. He continued: "So, I hope you can carry out reconnaissance in the front and look for the main force of the Eighth Route Army like entering Bi County. You can report the situation to me directly. Question?"

"Yes!" Shigekawa Lizhi replied: "No problem! It is a great honor, Your Excellency Lieutenant General! I will definitely complete the task you entrusted to me!"

Neiji Okamura nodded in satisfaction.

After Shigekawa Riki left, Okamura Neiji said to Shinozuka Yoshio who was standing aside: "Now, do you understand what 'teaching students according to their aptitude' is?"

"Yes!" Shinozuka Yoshio replied.

Yoshio Shinozuka had no choice but to accept Okamura Neiji's methods.

He never knew that intelligence work could be used on his subordinates.

But this seems to be no problem, all you have to do is ask people to go to the Ninth Mixed Brigade to inquire about some information, and then say something like this to Shigekawa Lizhi... it will motivate Shigekawa Lizhi and make him fight desperately, why? No way?

At this time, the reconnaissance plane flew over Zhongchuan Lizhi and dropped the communication tube.

The devil's communication equipment is underdeveloped, and the plane cannot directly communicate with the ground troops. Once the reconnaissance plane detects the enemy's situation ahead, it will write the information on paper and put it into something called a "communication tube" and drop it from the air.

The tail of this "communication tube" is usually tied with a reduced version of the plaster flag. When the plaster flag is thrown down, it will fly in the air. The red circle in the middle is very bright against the white background. Get intel.

Shigekawa Lizhi, who was sitting in the side three rounds, immediately raised his hand to signal the troops to stop advancing.

This is the standard procedure for the reconnaissance troops, because the reconnaissance plane dropping the communication tube is likely to warn the reconnaissance troops, such as an ambush ahead. into the encirclement.

However, Shigekawa Lizhi just followed the usual practice, and he didn't think that the Eighth Route Army had any power to stop his troops.

After waiting for a few minutes, the communicator handed over a piece of information and reported: "Major General, our reconnaissance plane found a large number of enemy activities five miles ahead, and there may be an ambush!"

Chong Chuan Lizhi opened the map and looked at it, then compared the surrounding scenery, and immediately determined that the front was Zhaojiayu.

"That's not the enemy's ambush!" Shigekawa Lizhi said, "That's the enemy's retreat!"

Chong Chuan Lizhi had attacked Zhaojiayu twice, and the results were without exception. Before he took down the village, the enemy and the people all retreated to the back mountain.

This time, the enemy must be doing the same!
It can be seen from this that sometimes it is not a good thing to be familiar with the battlefield, because it will make people look at problems with inertial thinking.

If Neiji Okamura knew this, he would regret it.

Shigekawa Riki didn't realize this at this time.

Self-confident, arrogant, and at the same time excited and eager to sacrifice for the empire, Shigekawa Lizhi did not become cautious because of the warning of the reconnaissance plane, but was worried that the enemy would escape and ordered to speed up the march.

As a result, they plunged into the encirclement circle set up by the independent regiment in Zhaojiayu.

On Zhaojiayu's side, a communication soldier wearing a straw hat came down from a high place, and ran all the way to Li Yunlong, who was lying on the ridgeline and holding a telescope to observe the road, and reported: "Commander, here we come! At least there is one In the brigade, a group of runners is leading the way, and a long line of cars is behind them."

"A brigade?" Li Yunlong was stunned when he heard that.

He thought that the troops used by the devils for reconnaissance were at most one or two hundred people in a squadron, but he didn't expect that there was a brigade.

"Old Li, how do you fight?" Zhao Gang asked solemnly.

Li Yunlong was silent for a while, and replied: "According to the original plan, let's put it in and fight!"

"Can you eat it?" Zhao Gang was a little worried. There were a lot more devils than expected!
Li Yunlong only replied: "Whether you can eat it or not depends on whether Xiaodongbei's reverse-slope fortification is as evil as he said!"

(End of this chapter)

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