Chapter 124 Ambush
"Conceal, conceal, the enemy is coming!"

"Pay attention to the sound of the explosion, and fire after the thunder!"

"When the thunder sounds, fire again!"


The orders were passed down one after another, and the atmosphere immediately became tense.

Wang Xuexin lay on the ridgeline and looked at the road ahead through the sniper scope with a gun in his hand.

This road was marked on the map as Highway No. [-]. It circled half a circle at the foot of the mountain where Zhaojiayu Village was located, and then meandered deep into the three highlands stationed by the Independence Regiment.

The highlands arranged in a triangle form a natural encirclement to the middle road, which is an excellent ambush site.

A large part of the reason why the Eighth Route Army could not use it before was that the slope length of these highlands generally exceeded 300 meters.

This distance was already beyond the range of the Eighth Route Army's rifles, and there were no artillery at that time, and even if there were a few artillery pieces, they would not be of much use due to the severe shortage of shells.

Therefore, if the Eighth Route Army wanted to set up an ambush field in this area, it would have to face an embarrassing problem:

If you want to hit the enemy, you must build field fortifications on the mountainside... In fact, building fortifications on the mountainside is not enough. The range is 200 meters. Each bullet has a different charge, a different warhead, and the rifling is severely worn. It can reach 150 meters. The distance to hit the target depends on luck.

When the time comes, what if the devils counterattack?
The soldiers turned and retreated towards the high hilltop position?

That is to show your back like a target in front of the enemy and practice marksmanship for them!
You should lie in ambush at the top of the mountain. Although it is easy to retreat, the distance is too far and the rifle cannot be fired accurately. It is impossible to effectively block the road at the foot of the mountain with firepower.

That's why it is said that the Eighth Route Army is difficult!

In many cases, it's not that they are not brave, it's not that they don't want to fight, but that there is no way out due to the constraints!
It's different now. Ten five-zero small guns and three hundred shells are aimed at the road according to the measured elements. In addition, there are more than [-] guns and five machine guns that specialize in original bullets. It is not a big problem to block the road. .

If it is impossible, the retreat will be the reverse slope fortification, and there is no problem in survival.

Just thinking about it, the devil appeared at the other end of the road.

At the front are more than a dozen sidecars, each with a machine gun mounted on the sidecar.

This thing is fast and has strong passability, and it can be drilled into the mountain road. It is an artifact of devils' reconnaissance.

Looking back, Wang Xuexin realized something was wrong. Why were the military vehicles so invisible?
What the hell is this reconnaissance unit?
They can all be called the main force, right?
Wang Xuexin probably counted, and there are already more than [-] vehicles, and they are rushing out one by one. It is estimated that there must be a large group.

Wang Xuexin couldn't help looking at Li Yunlong, who was lying on the ground more than [-] meters away. He looked at the devil convoy below with cold and fierce eyes, plus a little excitement.

Coldness is hatred for devils.

The ferocity is to shed the devil's blood.

Excitement is thinking about eating meat...

So Wang Xuexin knew that Li Yunlong was going to eat up the brigade.

Even Wang Xuexin didn't have much confidence in this matter. Not long ago, one brigade or two regiments attacked the devils with several times the strength, and it took a lot of effort to destroy them. Now one independent regiment can complete it?

The devil convoy was getting closer and closer, and the fast runners had already turned out of the encirclement at the front... That was intentionally released by Li Yunlong. Those gangsters had a few more people, and it was enough to take a taxi.

Seven or eight of them turned around and stopped at the foot of the mountain, and the devils jumped down one by one.

Wang Xuexin felt a "thump" in his heart, he must have been discovered by devils!

It was only later that the devils sent a small force to Zhaojiayu Village to "sweep", "search" and "pursue the enemy".

The Devil's main convoy was still driving along the highway at full speed, without even stepping on the brakes and getting out of the car to investigate.

In fact, this is not arrogance of the devils, but they know that the Eighth Route Army is not capable of using the surrounding highlands for ambushes.


When the devil convoy had entered the encirclement, Li Yunlong waved his hand, and the correspondent who had been prepared for a long time hurriedly waved the flag down the mountain.

As soon as the soldiers hidden at the foot of the mountain pulled the rope, the explosives buried in the middle of the road exploded with a "boom", and a car was thrown into the sky with a loud noise, and then the fragments of the car and the remaining limbs of the Japanese soldiers were severed. The arms fell down one after another like hailstones, and the blood drifted in the smoke with the wind, dyeing the surrounding area red in an instant.

"Fight!" Li Yunlong yelled, raised the box cannon and fired a shot in the direction of the enemy.

Soon the guns rang out.

The shells of the [-] small artillery flew into the sky from the anti-slope position one after another, and smashed into the group of devil cars with a piercing howling sound.

Because these cannons had been tested beforehand and even tried firing a few rounds, the shells hit the road accurately as if they had eyes.

Those who hit the target directly smashed into the rear compartment of the car, and after the explosion with a "boom", the dozen or so Japanese soldiers inside were thrown into the air in an instant, and fell one by one and fell to the ground in a roughly fan shape around them.

If it was not accurate, it exploded in front of and behind the car, and the flying shrapnel knocked down the devils who had just jumped out of the car in pieces.

The gunners were veterans and machine guns who specialize in original bullets in the army.

The problem with reloading bullets is not just short range.

Another problem with it was that the warhead was made of iron instead of brass.

The characteristic of brass is that it is soft and easy to cut. The bullet is scraped off by rubbing against the rifling in the barrel, and the rifling is less worn.

The iron bullets of reloading bullets are different. The rifling in the barrel is iron to iron, and the rifling will be polished after a few rounds.

So reloading bullets and using guns...the life of the guns will be shortened exponentially, which is one of the reasons why the guns handed over by the Eighth Route Army are not enough.

This is especially the machine gun. If this thing is reloaded, the barrel will explode after a few shots.

Therefore, if the performance of the gun is to be guaranteed, reloading bullets cannot be played from beginning to end.

For example, the sniper rifle in Wang Xuexin's hand had to be loaded with a reloaded bullet and the rifling was ground, and that would be the end.

The original bullets can only be handed over, and every shot is one less. The seizure of the whole regiment is barely enough for five crooked machine guns and 33 veterans with good marksmanship.

Wang Xuexin is one of these 33 people.

But at this time, he only had 200 rounds of ammunition in his hand... In the last battle, he handed over more than [-] rounds of bullets from the devils, but he could only keep [-] rounds, and the rest were all contributed to the machine gun.

Li Yunlong also patted Wang Xuexin on the shoulder and comforted: "What's the matter? Are you not good at marksmanship? Next time we will fight again, let's shoot one at a time... The devil has a lot of bullets, and one bullet can be exchanged for more than 100 rounds. Isn't it up to you to fight?"

That being said, what if it was a high ground battle like now?
Even if Wang Xuexin shoots one by one, can he go down the mountain to pick up the bullets and shoot them?
(End of this chapter)

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