Bright Sword Military System

Chapter 125 The main force

Chapter 125 The main force
There was a "bang" gunshot, and the bullets flew down with a whistling sound, knocking down a Japanese sniper.

With the experience of fighting against snipers last time, Wang Xuexin knew that the most dangerous opponent was the enemy snipers.

Otherwise, you may unknowingly become the prey of the enemy.

The reason why Wang Xuexin could recognize the other party as a sniper was because his behavior was different.

Other devils lined up and jumped down from the rear of the car... This is obviously not a good choice, because on the one hand, it will be blocked by other people and the speed of getting off the car will be slowed down. On the other hand, this position is the enemy's machine gun, Focus on rifle blockade.

As expected, the devils who got out of the car were knocked down in pieces, almost turning into corpses as soon as their feet hit the ground.

The devil sniper turned over nimbly with a rifle, jumped out of the car from the side, and then lay down immediately and nimbly got into the bottom of the car, the whole movement was done in one go.

Especially since he was clever enough to use car tires as cover...the only thing on the car that can stop bullets.

But unfortunately, his excellent tactical action attracted Wang Xuexin's attention, so the moment he raised the sniper rifle, a bullet flew into his head.

His eyes were wide open, as if he didn't understand where he was wrong until he died.

With a "bang" gunshot, another sniper fell into a pool of blood.

This time it was because a machine gun a few meters away suddenly misfired.

Wang Xuexin took the time to change positions and turned his head to see that it was Lao Huang of the machine gun company. Wang Xuexin remembered that Lao Huang escaped from the northeast just like him.

For this reason, Lao Huang also chatted with Wang Xuexin about their respective hometowns for a while, with nostalgia for his hometown and relatives on his face.

At this moment, he was lying quietly next to the machine gun. There was a clear bullet hole in his left forehead, and the blood gushing out was shocking.

Wang Xuexin immediately judged that it was done by enemy snipers, because there was a bush in front of Lao Huang's left, with a distance of more than 300 meters. If the bullet passed through this bush and hit Lao Huang's head accurately... It's not something ordinary devils can do.

Wang Xuexin didn't stop on his feet. He walked briskly in the trench with his gun in his hand. At the same time, he drew the terrain in his mind and imagined the lying position of Lao Huang and the angle of the bullet, and then he probably locked on the range of the opponent.

But when Wang Xuexin stuck out his rifle again, he was a little surprised, because the locked range was an open space, and there was nothing but corpses all over the ground.

Wang Xuexin found his opponent in the next second. He built a trench with corpses to provide cover for himself, and at the same time wiped some blood on his head to integrate with these corpses.

But unfortunately, there are very few corpses at the rear of the car lying on the ground like him, so Wang Xuexin turned him into a real corpse with one bullet.

"Bang!" There was a gunshot, and this time Wang Xuexin hit the fuel tank of the car.

It was a car trying to break out of the encirclement, perhaps because the rear compartment contained ammunition, and the driver was anxious to drive it to a safe place.

The devil driver was a bit skilled. He drove the car left and right in the gap, sometimes passing through the gap between two cars and sometimes crossing the side of the road, completely unaware that a hole in the fuel tank was leaking oil.

So gasoline was spilled all the way along the route he was driving.

Then Wang Xuexin shot another shot at the fuel tank, and the fuel tank exploded with a "boom".

There are different opinions on the Internet about whether the bullet hit the gasoline tank or not.

It doesn't explode because the ignition point of gasoline is more than 500 degrees.

Said it will explode, because gasoline explosions have been seen in reality, and flammable and explosive materials cannot be carried at will.

In fact, both are right, and neither is right. It can actually be controlled by humans.

The ignition point of gasoline is more than 500 degrees, and the part of the bullet that hits the gasoline will indeed not explode.

But gasoline is volatile, and it is impossible to fill a full tank with gasoline. If there is only half a tank of gasoline, then the other half is a mixture of air and gasoline gas. The ignition point is only in the [-]s. Explosions are weird.

Therefore, Wang Xuexin's first shot hit the lower part of the fuel tank to cause it to leak oil, and the second shot hit the upper part of the fuel tank to make it catch fire.

As a result, the car was full of flames, and the gasoline sprinkled along the way was also ignited. For a while, fires broke out on the road, and after the fire spread, it ignited other cars.

Several of them were loaded with ammunition. Not long after, they made loud "booming" noises one after another, and several mushroom clouds rose up, causing the nearby devils to stagger and fall down.

Li Yunlong was stunned watching this scene.

He didn't go to the battlefield during the battle of Xue Yu, so he didn't know how Xiaodongbei fought, he thought it was because his marksmanship was a little better, so there was nothing wrong with being treated the same as other sharpshooters in the army.

But looking at it now... I regret that I handed over the extra bullets that Xiaodongbei had left.

Two machine guns are not as good as his rifle, he is so stupid to hand over his bullets to the machine gun!

Shigekawa Lizhi on the other side was also shocked by the scene in front of him, but instead of being angry, he was happy: such firepower, so many cannons, and the ability to set up an ambush on such a high ground... Isn't this what he has been looking for all along? Is the main force of the Eighth Route Army?

So Shigekawa Lizhi didn't think too much, and immediately ordered loudly to the correspondent hiding behind the stone: "Send a report, our department has found the main force of the Eighth Route, and it is near Zhaojiayu. Our department will resolutely counterattack and wipe it out. Your Excellency, Lieutenant General, please reinforce !"

As he spoke, he drew out his command saber and waved it towards the high ground, shouting: "Attack!"

After taking a breath, the Japanese soldiers immediately organized to suppress the high ground with firepower, and another part of the troops were assigned to attack the position on the top of the mountain alternately.

As I said before, the Eighth Route Army was at a disadvantage in fighting the devils at this distance. Li Yunlong also knew that he would accept it as soon as he saw it. He waved the box cannon and ordered: "Except the bombardiers and observers, all withdraw to the reverse slope fortification!"

The soldiers put away their rifles and retreated in response, while the bombardiers and observers were lurking on the ridge line and getting ready.

Back-slope operations began at this point.

The observers are camouflaged with branches and weeds. They are located in the most favorable position for observation. Usually, they can see the enemy as soon as they raise their heads, and they can hide when they lower their heads.

When the enemy appeared and rushed somewhere, the observer shouted back: "Position number three!"

"Position number three!"


As soon as the cooperative observer hit the flag, the mortar crew on the reverse slope immediately understood: "Position No. [-], release!"

"Boom!" A few times, a few shells slammed into the middle of the devils advancing along the mountain road.

The screaming Japanese soldiers were all very confused. They couldn't figure out why the enemy who was already fleeing could still fire mortars so accurately.

(End of this chapter)

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