Bright Sword Military System

Chapter 1297 Condescending

Chapter 1297 Condescending
To Major Hirao's surprise, when he organized the defense nervously and thought that the Eighth Route Army would come soon, he waited for more than two hours and no one was seen.

Major Hirao asked the staff officer with a fluke mentality: "Could it be that the Eighth Route Army's airborne failed! Or the airborne point is too far away from us!"

This is a common occurrence in airborne operations, especially at night.

There are mountains everywhere near Yanmen Pass. As long as one accidentally deviates from the landing point, it is very likely that you will not be able to reach Yanmen Pass overnight.

The Eighth Route Army Airborne Forces did have this kind of situation. The two transport planes parachuted late, and after the parachuting, they were taken to the mountain by the wind. Three dead and six injured... This is the case when parachuting into a mountainous area in the dark. The paratroopers don't know whether the ground is rocks or trees, or whether it is a slope or a cliff. They can only assume that the ground below is flat ground.

If not, there is a high probability that you will be injured when you land.

However, most of the fighters successfully parachuted to the vicinity of the landing site and connected with the local guerrillas.

The reason why Xinming Hirao did not see the Eighth Route Army attack after waiting for more than two hours was because the Eighth Route Army's airborne troops did not take the Guancheng of Yanmen Pass as the main direction of attack.

It is not impossible to attack the pass city by force. There are more than 1000 airborne troops fighting devils and more than 1000 puppet troops. It is not a big problem to win the pass city when the equipment is superior and there are still many gaps in the city wall.

The problem is that there are devil's bunkers and gun towers on the high ground on both sides, which will inevitably cause considerable casualties to the attacking Eighth Route Army.

When making the plan, Wang Shuheng said to Wang Xuexin: "Commander, since we plan to occupy the high ground and use the high ground as a defensive point, why not attack the high ground from the beginning? This may reduce casualties and achieve greater results!"

Wang Xuexin thought it made sense, and agreed without thinking too much.

For more than two hours, the Eighth Route Army airborne troops were climbing mountains and rocks besides gathering troops and approaching Yanmen Pass... The airborne troops were also equipped with multi-functional engineering shovels. It's not difficult.

What's interesting is that the dangling searchlight on the Devil's Cannon Tower has also become an excellent beacon light for the Eighth Route Army. As long as you watch it advance, it is difficult for Eighth Route Army soldiers to get lost.

Just when Hirao Shinna breathed a sigh of relief and thought that the Eighth Route Army's airborne troops were nothing more than that, the battle suddenly broke out.

The sound of the explosion came from the highlands on both wings. After hearing a few "booms", the gun towers on the highlands were blown up into a pillar of fire, and the devils inside were burned to death before they understood what was going on.

The worst thing is actually the top...

The lower floors of the turret were immediately burned to death by incendiary bombs, but the devils on the upper floors could only watch the flames go up and have no way to escape.

In the end, many devils screamed and jumped from the gun tower more than ten meters high...It is better to jump down than to wait to be burned to death. The height of more than ten meters is only three or four floors, and they may still survive.

As a result, the devil's auto soldiers stationed in other gun towers quit.

They are not combat troops and have no combat experience. They originally thought that garrisoning gun towers and bunkers was a relatively safe and easy task... It only needs to hide in the gun towers and use searchlights and guns.

Who would have thought that this is not the case at all in actual combat, they didn't find the enemy at all, but the enemy could shoot incendiary bombs into the gun tower in the dark and set them ablaze.

I don't know who started it, the devil's auto soldier yelled and left the bunker and gun tower and fled...

This was beyond Wang Shuheng's surprise, he thought there would be a fierce battle in the blockhouse and bunker area.

Because the devils only need to guard the gun towers and send ground troops forward to cover them. In this way, a defense line combining gun towers and infantry can be formed. At that time, the Eighth Route Army will have to spend some effort and casualties to take down this defense line...

The range of the rocket launcher is only tens of meters, and the accuracy will be further affected by the mountain wind. That is to say, it is difficult for the devil infantry to threaten the gun tower as long as the rocket launcher is tens of meters forward.

At that time, the devils in the gun tower will occupy a high place and can use searchlights to indicate the target. This advantage is not ordinary.

Who would have thought that the devils would be scared away after meeting each other, and those who escaped were all devil soldiers, not puppet soldiers... Such a cowardly devil soldier is really rare, it seems that this time it was a stroke of luck!

Although Wang Shuheng was surprised, his subordinates did not hesitate at all. He immediately commanded the troops to occupy the bunkers and gun towers.

The bunkers and gun towers of the devils are used to deal with guerrillas, and guerrillas may appear at any point, so the gun towers are often transparent in all directions and have perforations everywhere, and the same is true when facing the pass city below.

The next battle will be easy to fight. The Eighth Route Army shines their searchlights in the direction of Guancheng from the gun tower... The firepower and soldiers on the devil's defense line are clearly illuminated, and then rifles and machine guns greet them.

At this time, the bursting rifle is unable to play a role.

Because some gun towers and bunkers are too far away from Guancheng, even if they do not exceed the range of the continuous-fire rifle, they have a range of more than 200 meters. At this distance, the continuous-fire rifle has no advantage, so almost all long-range bolt-action rifles and machine guns are in play.

Wang Shuheng originally wanted to save his troops and fight slowly, as long as he forced the devils out of Guancheng, it would be almost the same. Anyway, now that the Eighth Route Army is condescending, the devils can't make big waves.

But he raised his binoculars and looked down, and saw that under the light of the searchlights, there were cars everywhere inside and outside the city, parked outside the city if they couldn't stop inside, one after another, at least hundreds of them (flammable and explosive) Fuel and ammunition are parked inside the city, and supplies such as food are parked outside the city).

So Wang Shuheng understood that they had inadvertently blocked a transport convoy.

This made Wang Shuheng secretly happy. Not long ago, he was still worried about the supply of the airborne troops, and he was worried that if he stayed here for a long time, not to mention whether he would run out of people, even the bullets would not be enough.

Now the devils are kind enough to send them ammunition?
It’s not enough to fight slowly, let’s not talk about the problem that the devil will drive away in a car, if the devil knows that he can’t hold it at the last moment, he will ignite the ammunition and detonate it...

Thinking of this, Wang Shuheng immediately ordered: "Smart guns and gunmen cover, others follow me!"

Then with a wave of the box cannon in his hand, he led the troops along the high ground and charged towards Guancheng below.

This is like rushing into a herd of sheep.

The devils and puppet army were defeated by the intensive gunfire of continuous rifles. They tried several times to reorganize their defense but were immediately scattered by the fierce firepower of the Eighth Route Army...

(End of this chapter)

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