Chapter 1298 Turing
The soldiers who entered the pass crushed the enemy in all directions, not only because the soldiers had the advantage of close combat with burst rifles, but also because they adopted the tactics of snipers and riflemen.

The snipers of the airborne troops are equipped with [-] big covers.

Originally, the soldiers hoped to use the Springfield rifle, because the [-] cover was too long to turn around and parachute in the cabin, and it was even dangerous to parachute.

The Springfield Rifle is not only shorter than the Sanba Dagai, but it is also not inferior in all aspects, especially in terms of lethality, it is much stronger than the [-] Dagai.

But Wang Xuexin finally decided to equip the airborne troops with [-] large covers.

Wang Xuexin said this to Wang Shuheng: "Comrade Wang Shuheng, you must know that the airborne troops are special troops. The difference between you and other troops is that you will be surrounded by the enemy as soon as you land. Supplies. There is no way to equip a repeating rifle, it has to be used in order to increase combat effectiveness and explosive power, but if the long-range bolt-action rifle still uses Taka-chan's Springfield style..."

So Wang Shuheng immediately understood, he nodded and said: "The commander is right, we should use the [-] big cover, so that at least the sharpshooter can get ammunition supplies from the devil!"

Wang Xuexin nodded. As the head of the airborne regiment, Wang Shuheng should understand that one should not only choose advanced equipment on the battlefield, but should consider all aspects of choosing appropriate equipment.

After the bolt-action rifle was set to be a [-]-cap, the machine gun naturally chose the Devil's [-]-type machine gun.

Although the devil has a more advanced Type 7.7 machine gun, the Type 6.5 machine gun fires [-]mm caliber bullets, which are not compatible with the [-]MM caliber bullets of the [-] cover, so the Type [-] can only be used for the Type [-].

(Note: The bullets of the [-]-type machine gun are common to the [-]-type cover, and the [-]-type machine gun is common to the [-]-type rifle, but the devil’s [-]-type rifle is mainly used in Southeast Asian countries and the Pacific battlefield, and China rarely uses it)

At this time, the machine gunners and riflemen had already occupied the commanding heights on both sides of the Guancheng for the first time, and the searchlight on the gun tower shone down... As long as it hits the enemy, a row of bullets will go down immediately, occasionally a few Devils who hid in the dark and fired guns would also be hit precisely by sharpshooters of the Eighth Route Army who were ready because of the exposed position of the muzzle flame.

When the firepower of the devils was suppressed by machine gunners and sharpshooters, soldiers equipped with repeating rifles charged forward while throwing grenades... The small power of the Eighth Route Army's grenades became an advantage at this time. You don't even need to get low to dodge when you get a grenade.

But of course, as airborne troops, the soldiers were also equipped with oval grenades captured from the devils.

The Eighth Route Army also has prefabricated fragmentation grenades, but the Eighth Route Army’s self-produced grenades are heavier and less powerful due to manufacturing process problems. The airborne troops need to save every bit of weight and bring more equipment, so they equip the devil’s grenades.

These two kinds of grenades are used as offensive grenades and defensive grenades: their own grenade fragments have fewer fragments and a smaller killing radius, so they are used in the offensive type.

However, the defensive grenades here are not all defensive. For example, when you want to attack a house and throw a grenade inward, it is more suitable to use a powerful defensive grenade.

All the defenses of the devils and puppet troops stationed in Guancheng were aimed at the north and south sides of Guancheng. They never thought that the Eighth Route Army would rush into the city from both sides. Unprepared, they were beaten to the ground and even raised their hands to surrender. no chance...

To be precise, it is not that there is no chance of surrender. If you really want to say surrender, you only need to kneel on the ground with your hands.

But the battlefield is not always suitable for surrender.

Just like now, the devils and the puppet soldiers are mixed together and it is still in the dark. Even if some puppet soldiers want to surrender, they dare not surrender easily, because as long as they move their hands, the devils' bayonets and rifles will greet them immediately. .

So the puppet army had only one way to escape, then escape...

A large number of puppet troops rushed out from the gap in the city wall, and the devils couldn't stop them.

In fact, the devils didn't stop them much, because they found that the Eighth Route Army was charging towards them on both sides and the firepower was still very fierce. At this time, staying in Guancheng seemed to be the only way to die. It's better than staying in Guancheng and waiting to die.

Soon the devils also joined the fleeing crowd.

But soon, the searchlights on the gun towers on the two wings locked the exit of Guancheng... Although the city wall of Guancheng is incomplete, there is only a road a few meters wide at the exit. Expose to light.

The sound of "da da da" machine guns rang out quickly, and several machine guns poured bullets towards the exit at the same time, and the crossed firepower instantly sealed the exit. It fell to the ground like a stake and rolled down the slope of the road.

What was even more frightening was that the soldiers of the Eighth Route Army immediately occupied Guancheng. They climbed up the city wall and set up their rifles, shooting the deserters in the back...

There is no escape route before, and there are pursuers behind, I am afraid that what is being said is the predicament of the devils at this time.

The puppet army could no longer bear the pressure of being in such a desperate situation. They raised their hands and raised their rifles above their heads and shouted: "Don't shoot, we surrender! We surrender!"

But how could the devils be reconciled, after a burst of yelling and cursing, several explosions of "booming" were heard, and the devils and the puppet army were bombed together, turning their backs on their backs and screaming.

It turned out that a few devils who were unwilling to surrender pulled incendiary grenades and died with the puppet army who wanted to surrender.

Some devils mixed in with the puppet army and shot at the Eighth Route Army...their intention was obvious, to stir up a scuffle between the Eighth Route Army and the puppet army to prevent the puppet army from surrendering.

The puppet army saw that the situation was not good: if the devils continue to toss like this, they will either be blown to death by the devils and go to hell with them, or they will be killed by the devils.

So I just heard a loud shout: "Brothers, if you want to live, beat his mother!"

The nearby puppet soldiers immediately swarmed up, pinching, stabbing with knives, hitting with gun butts, or hugging the devils so that they could not move...

All the devils were subdued in just an instant.

Wang Xuexin immediately received information about the occupation of Yanmen Pass, and also seized the supplies of more than [-] vehicles, of which more than [-] vehicles were loaded with ammunition and shells.

Wang Xuexin nodded satisfied after seeing it: Wang Shuheng only needs to make full use of the seized [-] caps and these ammunition, and there will be no worries about ammunition in the guard of Yanmen Pass. The next step is to fight a tough battle with the devils.

At this time, the guard outside the door came in and reported: "Commander, the foreign lady is clamoring to see you..."

Wang Xuexin was taken aback, foreign lady?
Then he immediately realized that it should be Joan.

Wang Xuexin nodded and said, "Let her in!"

To Wang Xuexin's surprise, Joan didn't come alone, he also brought a young man in a suit and combed his hair separately.

As soon as he saw Wang Xuexin, he excitedly stepped forward to shake hands and said in English: "Hello, Comrade Commander, my name is Turing, I just came from the never-setting sun..."

Wang Xuexin froze on the spot.

Turing?This guy is actually Turing?
He actually rushed to Huaxia, and stood right in front of him!
(End of this chapter)

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