Bright Sword Military System

Chapter 131 Benefits

Chapter 131 Benefits
Shigekawa Lizhi, who commanded from the rear, could not see the tragic situation of the Japanese army on the other side. He didn't hear many gunshots, and thought that the Japanese army had successfully occupied the enemy's position and was very relieved by it.

At this time, a scout from the "Pseudo-Peace and Founding Army" dressed up as a Chinese commoner rushed to report: "Taijun, Niutoushan, the enemy's situation!"

The so-called "Puppet Peaceful National Founding Army" is a branch of the puppet army. It was formed by Wang Jingwei in March this year. Was sent to the battlefield to assist the devils in fighting.

One of their advantages is that as long as they wear civilian clothes, they can easily go around and obtain information that is difficult for devils to obtain.

Of course, stepping on thunder is also one of the benefits... The previous puppet army suffered heavy casualties because of stepping on thunder, so they changed a group.

Chong Chuan Lizhi didn't take this information too seriously at the beginning. After all, the devils went deep into the Eighth Route Army base to fight, and it is normal to have enemy situations.

But soon Shigekawa Lizhi realized that this matter was no small matter.

The scout reported: "Taijun, it's not the Eighth Route Army. It's the Jinsui Army, the Sixth Army...the Jinsui Army, at least it has a battalion!"

Ding Wei sent only one company.

The reason why the scouts of the puppet army talk about a battalion is that it looks like a lot of troops deployed in the woods. In the eyes of the scouts of the puppet army, it looks like all the grass and trees are soldiers.The other is that the puppet army scouts are used to amplifying the enemy's situation to show the importance of intelligence and take credit for it... Anyway, if there is only one company in the fight, it can also be said to be transferred or run away.

Shigekawa Lizhi unfolded the map and looked at it, then asked the scout in surprise: "Are you sure, Niutoushan?"

"It's absolutely true!" The scout replied with certainty: "I just came from there and saw it with my own eyes!"

Shigekawa Lizhi asked again: "Are you sure, the Jinsui Army?"

"Definitely!" The scout nodded: "I also went up to say hello, and saw the number on the military flag, the Sixth Army! Wearing a dog fur cap, with a bong in his waist, the Jinsui Army can't be wrong! "

Shigekawa Lizhi frowned involuntarily.

The Jinsui Army should not appear here, as we all know that they have drawn a road with the Eighth Route Army as a boundary so that they will not interfere with each other.

Is it...

Are they working together again?

Thinking of this, Shigekawa Lizhi immediately ordered: "Stop the attack and withdraw the troops."

After a pause, he turned his head and shouted to a captain: "Mr. Xiangyuan, take your troops and garrison on the flank of our army facing Niutoushan!"

"Yes!" Lieutenant Aihara answered and led his troops up.

Captain Guizi corresponds to a squadron, the standard number should be 180 people, but Aihara Squadron suffered heavy casualties in the previous attack, only 89 people remained, and some of them were wounded.

However, Shigekawa Lizhi believes that these people are enough to deal with the Jinsui Army...if they only have one battalion.

After thinking for a while, Shigekawa Lizhi sent a report to Neiji Okamura: "The Jinsui army was found near Zhaojiayu, please give instructions to the Lieutenant General!"

Neiji Okamura was also taken aback when he received the telegram.

At this time, Neiji Okamura had reached a tacit agreement with the Jinsui Army, which is one of the reasons why he dared to attack the Eighth Route Army.

At this time, the Jinsui Army should not intervene.

But after thinking about it, Ningji Okamura felt that the Jinsui army was likely to do so.

Neiji Okamura knew Yan Xishan very well, and knew that he was a person who only cared about his own interests.

Although the Japanese army's attack on Zhaojiayu was in the interests of the Jinsui army, it was not in his interest at the same time.

Because of "dead lips and cold teeth", the fall of Zhaojiayu meant that the flanks of the Jinsui Army were exposed to the front of the Japanese army.

In addition, the Jinsui army may also be taking advantage of the fire to loot, that is, when the Japanese army and the Eight Route Army were defeated, they suddenly sent troops to occupy the important area of ​​Zhaojiayu.

If it was for these reasons, Neiji Okamura could still accept it. After all, why not use some territory that did not belong to the Japanese army to provoke disputes between the two factions?
But if it is...

Thinking of Neiji Okamura, he ordered Shigekawa Lizhi: "Beware of the Jinsui Army, and don't go to war with it unless it is absolutely necessary!"

Shigekawa Lizhi frowned when he received the telegram, which made the already unoptimistic situation even worse.

Not long after the enemy withdrew, Li Yunlong knew that the devils had divided their forces on Niutoushan... Looking out from the position on the top of the mountain, he could see a group of devils hastily assigned to the flanks and used the terrain to build fortifications.

Li Yunlong put down the binoculars and laughed: "The devil has been fooled, it's time for us to eat meat!"

Zhao Gang reminded: "Don't be careless! There are less than 100 devils in the past, and the troops left behind are still capable of grabbing ammunition from us!"

Li Yunlong replied: "Don't look at the devils who only divided so few people, they look down on the Jinsui army. Against the Jinsui army... a devil dares to lead a dozen of his soldiers to charge at them!"

What Li Yunlong said is correct. At this time, the combat effectiveness of the Jinsui Army has seriously declined and is not as good as before.

This is not only because the Jinsui army suffered heavy casualties in the previous battles with the enemy, but also because of Yan Laoxier's wrong strategic direction, which caused the morale of the Jinsui army to decline.

When the devils invaded Shanxi, Yan Lao Xi'er fought against the Japanese with all his strength. Although he failed to win, the Battle of Xinkou and the Battle of Taiyuan were also impressive.

Then he took the initiative to cooperate with the Eighth Route Army to fight against Japan and became a model for the whole country.

At that time, Shanxi could be said to be united as one.

China has never lacked the hard bones that dare to fight. You, Yan Laoxier, who sincerely fight against the Japanese will naturally have the hard bones to join the Jinsui Army, and you will join the Jinsui Army after a wave of sacrifices. This has enabled the Jinsui Army to maintain its combat effectiveness.

Later, Yan Laoxier had a "Jinxi Incident" and negotiated with the devils, and the situation was different.

In Yan Lao Xi'er's eyes, this method may be just a check and balance strategy, an expedient measure for the sake of profit.

But in the eyes of the people and soldiers, that is to be a traitor.

You, Yan Laoxier, are going to be a traitor. If you want to beat the devil, can you still go to the Jinsui Army?

Not only did they not go, but those who had joined the Jinsui Army tried their best to escape.

Not long after, what was left was a bunch of deep-fried dough stick soldiers who were reluctant to pay their military pay and only knew how to dawdle.

It is already a great deal of face for the devil to use nearly a hundred people to defend a battalion of the Jinsui army.

Zhao Gang looked at the foot of the mountain and replied, "This is two different things. The problem is that the devils are still there!"

Li Yunlong laughed "hehe": "Old Zhao, you don't understand this! There are Jinsui troops on Niutoushan, and we will start fighting from the encirclement area. What do you think the devils will think?"

Zhao Gang thought for a while, and then said "oh": "The devils will think that we deliberately lure them into the encirclement, and then close the door and beat the dogs?"

Li Yunlong turned his head and smiled, pretending to be a teacher to a student, and replied: "That's right! I said, Lao Zhao, he's a fast learner, and he can understand everything. It's worth my trouble to teach."

Zhao Gang was a little helpless. Compared with Li Yunlong in this aspect, he had a lot of gaps, so he couldn't accept it.I have indeed learned a lot from Li Yunlong after being with him for so long, and it is not an exaggeration to call him a teacher.

Unexpectedly, Li Yunlong added a sentence at the end: "Do you want to respect the teacher a few more bowls someday?"

Zhao Gang cursed secretly, damn it, any time, any place, any occasion... this guy can find excuses to drink!

(End of this chapter)

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