Bright Sword Military System

Chapter 132 Ammunition

Chapter 132 Ammunition
Li Yunlong did another thing before grabbing the ammunition. He removed the two machine guns and a dozen sharpshooters used to block the road... These soldiers were all original bullets, and their guns had a long range. Block the intersection from the high ground, so that the devils cannot move the ammunition out of the encirclement!

This time, Zhao Gang immediately knew what was going on: "Lao Li, are you playing an empty city plan?"

Li Yunlong gave a thumbs up: "It's amazing, you can tell it at a glance! Once my guarding soldiers withdraw, the little devils will have to murmur. The more we let them in, the more they dare not enter!"

Zhao Gang nodded again and again: "That's the case, you have used all 36 tricks!"

Li Yunlong said with a "hehe" smile: "We don't know what 36 tricks are, just trying to figure out the devil's mind!"

Zhao Gang sighed inwardly, Li Yunlong can be regarded as self-taught, he has fought a lot of wars and naturally matched the art of war.

Then Li Yunlong turned his head and shouted to the soldiers who were gathered behind and prepared to attack in a low voice: "Comrades, it's time to eat meat, don't leave me any devils! Let me watch and beat them all. The ammunition is blown up, and I will never end with him!"

As he spoke, he waved the box and shouted: "Comrades! Go!"

"Come on!" The soldier shouted and jumped out from the hiding place to attack a squadron of devils trapped in the middle from three directions.

Wang Xuexin also rushed up with his troops. His task was to hide the three ammunition vehicles at the corner of the road.

The three ammunition vehicles were not hidden in the low-lying places on the side of the road like other cars, but drove towards a small hill next to the road.

The position and direction of this hillock happened to be on the blind corner of the reverse slope, and the soldiers of the Eighth Route Army had no choice but to hold the ammunition cart.

Guarding this batch of ammunition is a squad of devils, with a strength of about ten people.

Before the war, Li Yunlong told Wang Xuexin: "Little Northeast, don't worry about other devils and ammunition, just take these three ammunition trucks!"

Wang Xuexin asked suspiciously: "Why?"

Li Yunlong raised his head towards the encirclement below, and said: "Look at the layout of the little devils. They didn't expect us to go down to grab ammunition, so the terrain is as convenient as possible. The defense line is a bit far from the ammunition. Once we fight, we only need to use firepower." Once it is blocked, the devils will have no time to bomb it!"

Wang Xuexin looked down, and sure enough, as Li Yunlong said, the ammunition and the devil's defense line were separated.

This may be a way for the devils to protect their ammunition and protect themselves at the same time.

If people and ammunition are together, then if a few shells come, it will be a pot of people and ammunition.

Then Li Yunlong turned his gaze to the corner of the road again, and said: "The three ammunition trucks at the corner are different. A squad of devils is next to the ammunition truck. If they see something wrong, they will ignite a grenade into the truck." Stuff...the meat is no longer edible!"

Then Li Yunlong turned around and said fiercely to Wang Xuexin: "I can say my ugly words first, if you mess up these ammunition, don't want your hundred rounds of ammunition!"

"Leader!" Wang Xuexin protested, "Why don't you count what you say?"

"Why doesn't it count?" Li Yunlong's jaw tilted, and he replied with shaking hands: "We call it rewards and punishments. You came up with a good idea. If you have a reward, you should be punished if you fail to complete the task. This one counts as one." code!"

Wang Xuexin was stunned, what he said... seemed to make sense.

But something always feels wrong.

After thinking for a while, I realized that the one hundred rounds of bullets have not been awarded yet?Just give you a fine?

After getting ready, Li Yunlong gave the order, and Wang Xuexin rushed forward with his troops.

Before the battle, Huzi also asked: "Platoon leader, how do we fight this battle?"

"How to fight what?" Wang Xuexin replied without thinking: "Go up and fight the bayonet!"

"Bayonet fight?" Hu Zi was stunned when he heard that, "Can that stop the devil from bombing?"

Wang Xuexin asked angrily: "If you can't stop the bayonet, do you think you can stop it by shooting a gun at a distance? You don't care about anything, just go up and see the devil stab you to death!"

Huzi replied simply: "I promise to complete the task!"

Wang Xuexin actually knew why Li Yunlong entrusted him with this task.

Li Yunlong's idea must be to use Wang Xuexin's marksmanship to stop the devils from bombing.

The problem was that the devils were too close to the ammunition vehicle, and they all stood by the side, and some even hid under the vehicle and used the wheels as cover.

Not to mention that Wang Xuexin is still in the dead zone of shooting, and he has to go around a lot to fight, even if he has this ability... As long as one of the devils is still breathing, he takes out a grenade and knocks it, the mission is basically declared a failure.

So Wang Xuexin can only consider close combat.

Wang Xuexin hopes to take advantage of the devil's mentality... Devils are good at fighting bayonets, and it is not a problem for one to fight with three or five of the Eighth Route Army.

With such a calculation, wouldn't it be a trivial matter for a class of devils to get into Wang Xuexin's platoon of 27 people?
If the devils feel safe, then this batch of ammunition will be safe too.

At least it is safe for the time being... The devil is not that stupid. He expected that he could win this battle and was eager to bomb ammunition. Otherwise, the devil would have died long ago.

But how can we win quickly in the stabbing state?

If this fails to gain the upper hand, it would be a loss-making business if all 27 people fell under the devil's bayonet.

So this battle has to be fast, accurate, and ruthless.

When the devil thought he had the upper hand to win the battle, he suddenly caught him off guard and ended the battle before they could react.

After thinking for a while, Wang Xuexin called Liu Dazuo, who was from an opera troupe, to him, then pointed to the hill where the car was hiding and asked, "Can I go up there?"

The hill is not high, about the height of two or three floors, but the side walls are as sharp as a knife, and it is difficult to stand on it. The top is connected to the main mountain in a crooked manner, and it can barely accommodate two or three people.

Liu Dazuo looked at it, nodded and said, "Yes, I just want a bamboo pole!"

"That will work!" Wang Xuexin said, "Give me a hand after I go up!"

The two of them summed it up.

When the fight started, Liu Dazuo carried a big knife on his back and a three-meter-long bamboo pole on his shoulder and rushed up after Wang Xuexin.

Li Yunlong, who was watching with a binoculars behind him, complained when he saw this appearance: "What is this little Northeast doing? This is to beat the long legs of the foreign devil with a bamboo pole? The devil's legs are not long!"

Just when they were wondering, the Xiaodongbei Division had already rushed to the hill.

Huzi led the other team members and continued to charge forward with bayonets in hand. Liu Dazuo and Xiaodongbei stopped on the side of Xiaoqiu.

I saw Liu Dazuo holding the bamboo pole for a run-up and then jumping up the hill, just like playing light kung fu...

After he stood firmly, he immediately threw down another rope, and Xiaobei continued below. The two of them climbed one side and pulled the other, and Xiaobei also climbed up the hill in twos and threes.

At this moment, Li Yunlong understood what Xiao Dongbei was going to do.

He shook his head and said with a smile: "Xiao Dongbei is really fucking talented, and the soldiers he brought out are also good. These three carts of ammunition can't escape!"

(End of this chapter)

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