Chapter 133
What Wang Xuexin was actually playing was "Creating plank roads and crossing Chen Cang secretly". He was obviously the tiger in front leading twenty or so people up to fight with bayonets, but secretly he and Liu Dazuo turned over the hill and appeared behind the devils.

After climbing up the hill, Wang Xuexin did not hesitate at all. He took out the box cannon on his waist and rushed forward along the steep hill, climbing or jumping.

Liu Dazuo was also clever, he drew out the big knife behind his back and followed Wang Xuexin closely.

When he ran to the other side of the hill, Wang Xuexin quickly glanced at the battlefield, and the situation was exactly as he thought. The devils formed a half circle to protect three ammunition vehicles and were bayoneting with Huzi and his gang...

It's actually not difficult to guess, the task of the devils is to protect the ammunition, since it is to protect the ammunition, it must be in front of the car to prevent the Eighth Route Army from blowing them up.

It sounds ironic: the Eighth Route Army was worried that the devils would blow up the ammunition, and the devils were also worried that the Eighth Route Army would blow up the ammunition, and then both hoped to blow it up at the last minute.

It was too late and then soon, Wang Xuexin jumped down from the hill with a "teng", raised his hand and pulled the trigger while still in the air. The devil who stabbed was knocked down to the ground.

The box cannon uses round-nosed pistol bullets, which do not have strong penetrating power. Wang Xuexin does not need to worry that it will penetrate the devils and accidentally injure his own people.

Just as he was thinking, his feet landed firmly on the iron sheet of the front of the car.

During World War II, the Japanese auto industry was still in its infancy and could not produce qualified cars. At this time, they equipped a large number of Yankee Ford cars... American products are nothing to say, the quality is terrible!
On the other hand, it is also because the devils always like to lie on the roof of the car and set up a machine gun alone, so the roof is very strong. When Wang Xuexin jumped from the hill, it only sank slightly, which just played a buffer role. .

Then the box cannon in Wang Xuexin's hand was opened, and there was a chaotic sound of "bang bang", and the devils fell down one after another.

Wang Xuexin learned this box cannon from Chen Fujun, the company commander of the guard company, that is, when Wang Xuexin was working with him to clean the tunnel.

Chen Fujun said to Wang Xuexin while holding the gun: "If you want to use a box cannon, you should hold it horizontally. Why? Every time this thing is fired, the muzzle of the gun will jump up. If there is a row of enemies In front of you, this gun jumps every only need to adjust the muzzle of the gun a little bit, and it is guaranteed to sweep down a large area!"

Wang Xuexin thought about it too. If he insisted on holding the gun, the direction of the muzzle jumping would be different, and it would be slower to adjust the muzzle.

At this moment, Wang Xuexin was using this style of play, and he knocked down four or five in the blink of an eye.

Liu Dazuo was not bad there either. He jumped onto the roof of another car, and as soon as his feet touched the roof, he flipped off the car with another beautiful somersault... Wang Xuexin saw his action out of the corner of his eye He cursed secretly, "Damn it, this is beating devils, do you think you are singing a big show?".

But Liu Dazuo didn't hesitate at all, he took up the big knife with two "chacha" and cut down the two devils whose backs were facing him.

These dozen or so devils were fighting with their bayonets with all their strength, how could they have imagined that two deadly gods of plague would suddenly jump down from the top of their heads, and they would be knocked down halfway by Wang Xuexin one after another. Go up and hold the bayonet for a while.

Wang Xuexin jumped out of the car when he saw that the general trend was set... He didn't dare to stay on the roof for too long. Although this place has a good view and is condescending, it is also very conspicuous, and it's over if you don't know where to shoot a cold shot.

At this moment, Wang Xuexin saw a devil lying in a pool of blood on the right move his hand, so he quickly raised the box cannon and "ba ba" to make up two shots.

But it was too late, a grenade rolled over the car's gas tank...

At that moment, Wang Xuexin's mind was blank, as if he didn't think about anything, as if he was just waiting for the grenade to explode and end everything.

At this critical moment, a figure flew up and pressed on the grenade. With a "boom", the figure bounced more than one meter high under the shock wave of the grenade before falling again.

"Zhou Ping!" Huzi yelled and rushed forward.

Only then did Wang Xuexin know that the figure was Zhou Ping, the leader of the third squad, who was originally a guy who got information and went to the army to scout for information.

When Wang Xuexin stepped forward, Hu Zi had already turned Zhou Ping over.

The bloody mess on the chest and abdomen was horrible. Zhou Ping's face was pale and he vomited blood. He looked at Wang Xuexin and said intermittently: "Platoon... platoon leader, hit... hit devils..."

When he tilted his head, he lost his voice.

Wang Xuexin stood up slowly, and ordered: "Make up the knife, no one will be left alive!"

"Yes!" The soldiers responded, and then stabbed the corpse of the nearby devil with a bayonet again.

In this battle, six people were sacrificed in a row, five of them fell under the devil's bayonet, and only Zhou Ping died because of throwing a grenade.

Although casualties on the battlefield are normal, you should get used to it by now.

But Zhou Ping's sacrifice was a bit special. He sacrificed to cover his comrades and protect the ammunition, which made the soldiers feel that they owed him a life but had no chance to pay it back.

Wang Xuexin is no exception.

So he wanted to dig out something from Zhou Ping to find clues about his family, but in the end he found nothing.

This is what Huzi said: "We can't even read, so how can we have any letters on us!"

"So." Wang Xuexin asked: "How do you tell your family that a comrade is about to die?"

"The instructor is registered." Huzi replied, "But..."

Hu Zi shook his head as he spoke, and said, "Zhou Ping's family has long since disappeared. He was engaged in intelligence in enemy-occupied areas before, and his identity was exposed and he escaped. His family..."

Wang Xuexin couldn't help being silent.

He seemed to understand why Zhou Ping said "beat devils" in the last sentence before his sacrifice.

Wang Xuexin guessed that Zhou Ping didn't say the whole thing, he should have told Wang Xuexin to fight a few more devils for him.

This may be the only reason why Zhou Ping lives in this world.

Later, Wang Xuexin knew that he had guessed correctly, and the instructor came to Wang Xuexin once after the war.

The instructor said: "For Comrade Zhou Ping's sacrifice, you should not have too much burden. He has always had the idea of ​​fighting the devils, and even wants to die with the devils with a grenade. We discovered this and made his thoughts Work made him realize that he should keep calm and save his useful body for a long-term struggle against the devils. This time, he chose to sacrifice himself to save everyone, which is considered a wish fulfilled!"

Hearing this, Wang Xuexin didn't know what to say.

He never imagined that Zhou Ping, who is usually joking and likes to inquire about all kinds of gossip, would have such experience and burden.

Perhaps, precisely because of the overwhelming pain, he tried to find a way to enrich himself.

At the same time, Wang Xuexin also thought of one point: there may be many soldiers like Zhou Ping in the army.

Because Wang Xuexin can see the anger, hatred, and pain buried deep in the hearts of the soldiers.

If there is anything that can fill these, it should be the blood and corpses of the devils.

(End of this chapter)

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