Chapter 134
From the beginning to the end, Shigekawa Lizhi did not dare to send troops to reinforce the squadron trapped in the middle to protect the ammunition.

Yoshida Tokumori was not reconciled to his subordinates being wiped out like this, so he said to Shigekawa Riki: "Your Excellency, Major General, get them out!"

"Do you think you can still withdraw?" Shigekawa Lizhi said: "They are already surrounded. They should try to detonate the ammunition to prevent the ammunition from falling into the hands of the enemy!"

"Then reinforce!" Yoshida Chimori replied: "We have already asked Aihara Squadron to block the Jinsui Army!"

"Yoshida-kun!" Shigekawa Reishi replied: "What if the battalion on Niutoushan is just the vanguard of the Jinsui Army?"

Yoshida Chimori had nothing to say, if it was true what Shigekawa said, then entering the encirclement for reinforcements would be a dead end.

Shigekawa Rikishi originally thought that the Japanese soldiers trapped in the encirclement could at least detonate the ammunition, but after waiting for a long time, no explosion was heard, and the gunfire gradually stopped.

So he knew that the ammunition fell into the hands of the Eighth Route Army.

Shigekawa Lizhi regretted and hated, the ammunition left in the encirclement was a total of eleven cars.

The Eighth Route Army in front of us was already extremely difficult to deal with. The Japanese army was able to rush to the reverse slope to fight it hand-to-hand. It took advantage of the lack of ammunition of the Eighth Route Army. Now they have added so much ammunition to them...

If I knew it, I should have blown up all the ammunition.

But there is no such thing as "knowing it earlier" on the battlefield, and Shigekawa Lizhi is too late to regret it.

Li Yunlong was grinning from ear to ear. He immediately distributed the ammunition to the high places and moved it to the reverse slope...the reverse slope has many tunnels, which are perfect for storing ammunition.

Then he distributed fifty rounds of original ammunition to each of the fighters who had just captured the [-] Dagai, and confessed that the gun could only fire original ammunition...they would not change the ammunition if they were replaced.

As a result, the number of troops firing original bullets has changed from the original 85 to [-], more than doubling.

Among them, Wang Xuexin's row of captured [-] caps included eleven... The tigers went up to fight with bayonets, and all the devils fell in the fight with bayonets, and all the guns were intact. After killing eleven devils, eleven guns were handed over.

Unlike other troops, when they approached the enemy's position, they would throw a few grenades, blowing up the enemy with a "boom", and at the same time, the gun would malfunction and be useless.

Wang Xuexin was a little unhappy when he received a hundred bullets from Li Yunlong.

"Regimental Commander!" Wang Xuexin looked at the packs of bullets sealed with oiled paper in his hand, and said, "Is this number wrong?"

"Let me see!" Li Yunlong pretended to come forward and counted: "One, two, three... That's right, a pack of fifteen rounds, a total of six packs, and I added ten rounds for you, isn't it exactly one hundred rounds? You bully I can't count or what?"

"Leader!" Wang Xuexin looked at Li Yunlong with incredible eyes, and said, "What did we say before? Give me a hundred rounds personally!"

"That's what you said!" Li Yunlong nodded, then pointed to the bullet in Wang Xuexin's hand: "Isn't this just a hundred rounds?"

"But each of the [-] caps with original bullets is given fifty rounds!" Wang Xuexin said, "What about my fifty rounds?"

"Wait a minute!" Li Yunlong asked solemnly: "When did I say 'everyone will be given fifty rounds'? Comrade Wang Xuexin, I mean fifty rounds for comrades who are short of ammunition! Are you short of ammunition?"

Wang Xuexin:  …

This shit was taken advantage of again.

But Wang Xuexin really has no shortage of ammunition at the moment.

The newly acquired one hundred rounds, plus the thirty rounds given before, there are five rounds left... This is 130 five rounds, which is more than the amount of ammunition carried by the devil.

But to be honest, people who are afraid of poverty will feel empty no matter how much ammunition is given, so they want more, more...

With so much ammunition, Wang Xuexin is no longer satisfied with putting it in his satchel.Putting the satchel is not only troublesome during battle, but it is also easy to get wet when it rains or something.

Wang Xuexin found several ammunition boxes from the devil's corpse and tied them to the armed belt.

Two front boxes and one back box.


It is really convenient to have this ammunition box. When the ammunition is insufficient in battle, when you reach out to the ammunition box, there will be a pressed magazine. Moreover, the ammunition box is also waterproof, so it will definitely take some time to search in the satchel.

Wang Xuexin originally thought that this battle would come to an end...

After a few battles, the brigade brought by Shigekawa Lizhi suffered heavy casualties, and there were only more than 500 people left. Among them, more than 400 people had to deal with the "Jin Sui Army", and the remaining [-] people continued to attack and counterattack. Inclined fortifications are almost courting death.

The Independence Regiment took advantage of the anti-slope fortifications, and only had more than 200 casualties, a considerable part of which were caused by fighting for ammunition.

However, Li Yunlong did not dare to attack the devil easily.

He knew the fighting power of the devils, and if they really fought in the open, two or three times as many troops would not be able to defeat them.

So with this calculation, the 1000 members of the Independence Regiment are still unable to defeat the 500-odd Zhongchuan Lizhi, and even if they can defeat them, it will be a miserable victory.

Therefore, the battle situation fell into a stalemate for a while, and neither side dared to attack easily.

At this time, gunshots suddenly came from behind Shigekawa Lizhi, and then fighting started in the direction of Niutoushan, and Shigekawa Lizhi's troops were in chaos for a while.

Li Yunlong was taken aback when he heard the gunshots from two directions, and wondered: "Could it be that the Jinsui army really came here?"

As a result, I looked through the binoculars and found that it was an Eighth Route Army without a dog fur hat.

It turned out that this was Kong Jie's new second regiment.

Kong Jie's troops were stationed in the plain area to the east of Zhaojiayu, and fell into the "fish-scale encirclement" of the devils. When he received the order to retreat, the New Second Regiment had already caught fire with the devils who were encircling them, and the devils gathered more and more Come up from all sides.

This is one of the characteristics of Neiji Okamura's "fish-scale encirclement".

The devil's troops spread out layer by layer, as if grids were drawn on a map.

Once the enemy's situation was discovered, the nearby friendly forces immediately rushed to reinforce, so as soon as Kong Jie was fired, the enemy besieged from all directions.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Kong Jie led his troops to break out immediately.

The troops were dispersed on the way out, and only two companies with more than 300 people came out.

When they arrived at Zhaojiayu, they saw a group of devils with their backs facing them... This group of devils was facing Niutoushan to build a fortification, and it happened to shine their backs in front of Kong Jie.

Kong Jie was also beaten in a hurry, thinking it was another encirclement of devils, he beat him without saying a word.

The soldiers ambushing in Niutoushan saw it, wouldn't this be sent to attack from both sides in front of the gate?

Can you take such a big bargain?
So without thinking too much, I followed suit!
(End of this chapter)

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