Bright Sword Military System

Chapter 1377 Rocket Nest

Chapter 1377 Rocket Nest

After separating from Alberta, Wang Xuexin rushed to Su Xin's office non-stop, but was in vain.

From the guards, I know that Su Xin is working with the research and development team in the 091 laboratory.

Don't think about it, this 091 laboratory is used to develop anti-aircraft missiles... Su Xin has numbered the key research and development projects in charge of the three stores by time from the beginning. For example, the first Springfield rifle is 010. If there is an improved model or a certain The first difficult parts that need to be studied separately are 011 and 012, and the other key project is 020.

From this rule, Wang Xuexin knows that this anti-aircraft missile is the ninth key research and development project of the three stores, but why is it not 9 but 090?

Is there an improved anti-aircraft missile?
It was only after arriving at the laboratory that Wang Xuexin understood what was going on... Su Liguo and others also found that the use of proximity fuzes for missiles was not suitable, and planned to improve it. This project was coded as 091.

Wang Xuexin couldn't help but feel relieved when he knew this. This shows that the research and development personnel of the Eighth Route Army have the awareness of active research and development instead of relying solely on Wang Xuexin.

Later, Wang Xuexin discovered that the 091 project was not as simple as he thought.

"It's like this!" After Su Xin took Wang Xuexin to the desk and sat down, he raised his head to Su Liguo and others who were still busy on the other side and said: "Another issue that Mr. Su and the others considered is that since we This missile can be controlled by a computer on the ground, so can the same method be used to upgrade the missile used by fighter jets, that is, the X2, to be automatically controlled?"

Su Xin understood Wang Xuexin when he said this.

The X2 air-to-air missile is still using wire guidance, which is really not good.

The use of wire guidance has many disadvantages, such as the wire is easy to break, which will bring safety hazards to the fighter... The skin of a fighter flying at high speed may be cut by the wire, and the Hawk 81 has such a problem in the battle, "pull 5 "Fortunately, its wooden body is more resilient and not easy to be cut, but the propeller may be entangled by wires.

In addition, the wires also greatly limit the range of the X2. Although the wires produced by Yingjiang are thin and flexible, the high-speed flying things that support air-to-air missiles will end at 1000 meters at most, and no matter what wires are further It can't support it... The wire will be torn off due to its own weight plus the wind force and the momentum of the missile when it flies out.

If you can use radio to complete the operation like anti-aircraft missiles, you can avoid these shortcomings and further increase the range without using wires.

"Very good!" Wang Xuexin expressed his appreciation for this: "You can continue to study!"

In fact, Wang Xuexin knows that this research will not produce any results. The next generation of missiles should miniaturize the computer and use transistors, and then the computer can be inserted into the missile to make it semi-active and eventually active.

However, Huaxia's research team is groping forward in the dark at this time, of course Wang Xuexin will not interrupt them... What Wang Xuexin hopes is that the research and development team has learned something during the process of groping.

"Busy people, tell me!" Su Xin handed Wang Xuexin a glass of water and asked, "Why are you here this time?"

On the spur of the moment, Wang Xuexin lowered his voice and replied with a malicious smile: "Student Xiao Su, can I come and see you if I have nothing to do?"

Su Xin blushed, looked around in panic, and was relieved to see that no one was paying attention. She gave Wang Xuexin a blank look, and said angrily, "There are so many people here..."

Su Xin's reaction almost didn't make Wang Xuexin laugh out loud. If the words just now were nothing in modern times, they seem to have done some outrageous things in this era.

Wang Xuexin originally wanted to joke a few more words, but seeing He Zhimin approaching, Wang Xuexin had to give up and stop embarrassing Su Xin.

"Team leader!" He Zhimin stepped forward and said, "Can I tell you something, I hope to study with Xiao Chen in the computer group for a while, look..."

"Of course!" Wang Xuexin replied: "It's not just you, anyone who wants to study other fields can decide on their own! As long as you are interested!"

"Great!" He Zhimin replied, and the others also cheered.

After He Zhimin left, Su Xin explained: "He is good at computing, so he is very interested in computers, which can calculate numbers quickly and accurately, but since he is in the missile research and development team, he usually only I can use my spare time to study with Xiao Chen. Now it’s all right, and Lao He can concentrate on learning computers!”

Then Su Xin added: "In addition, Xiao Chen thinks that he needs to strengthen his radio knowledge, and Su Liguo is very interested in missiles, so they..."

Wang Xuexin nodded in understanding.

At this time, Huaxia has not yet opened or only a few schools offer courses related to this knowledge, but even if they do, it is only a taste of it. In addition, these scientists and technicians in the R&D team have a desire for knowledge and hope to learn from each other. Learning is also normal.

"What about you?" Wang Xuexin asked Su Xin, "Which subject are you more interested in?"

"I'm the same as old!" Su Xin exclaimed, "I'm interested in computers. It simply opens the door to a new world for us. We can't believe there are such amazing things in this world."

Then Su Xin looked at Wang Xuexin with a look of admiration, and said, "I heard from Xiao Chen that you developed the computer? Other countries don't have it yet? We Huaxia are at the forefront?"

"You can put it that way!" Wang Xuexin agreed cheekily.

Only China is the most advanced in the world, and Wang Xuexin doesn't know what excuse to make.

If it was before, Su Xin would definitely ask: "How did you think of this?"

But this time Su Xin didn't ask that question, she just stared blankly at Wang Xuexin, with a proud and satisfied smile on her face.

"By the way!" Only then did Wang Xuexin remember the purpose of his trip, and he said to Su Xin, "I need to produce another rocket. We should be fine with the improvement of the rocket, right?"

Su Xin replied confidently: "No problem, what do you need to change?"

This is because the arsenal has introduced rifle production lines and helicopter production lines, which include machine tools and equipment from Eagle Sauce.

Su Xin, a top student majoring in mechanical manufacturing, has benefited a lot from it. Using these machine tools and equipment as samples, she has produced a lot of equipment to improve the production efficiency of the arsenal. This is why the rapid increase in rocket production can meet the needs of front-line operations. one.

"I need to make the rocket smaller!" Wang Xuexin took out two drawings drawn in Liyuan from his pocket and handed them to Su Xin: "The 80M caliber of the rocket is enough, and the projectile is long and thin. Empennage. In addition, this kind of rocket launcher..."

In fact, it is not a rocket launcher but a launch nest.

They are the B-8V-20 rocket pods and S[-] rockets that Maoxiong will develop and equip armed helicopters in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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