Bright Sword Military System

Chapter 1378 Wrapped Steel Wire Fragment Set

Chapter 1378 Wrapped Steel Wire Fragment Set

The reason why Wang Xuexin chose the S8 rocket was because it was a rocket that Mao Xiong played with. After the end of World War II, the West has always paid little attention to unguided rockets, but Mao Xiong saw the benefits of this rocket. Value and it has been continuously improved and used until modern times, which also shows the vitality of this rocket.

Su Xin casually flipped through the two blueprints and asked, "Student Wang, is this used in a helicopter?"

It is easy to guess, the rocket launcher used by infantry does not need to be changed into this rocket pod, the 12-tube 107 rocket launcher is quite good, simple, practical and powerful, changing to the rocket pod is to reduce air resistance and to be able to Bring more rockets to increase the spread area, what else is there for helicopters?
But Wang Xuexin replied: "No, not only for helicopters, rocket fighters can also be used!"

Su Xin nodded. It is indeed not appropriate to hang a rocket launcher on the pylon of the rocket fighter.


Su Xin said: "Xiao Wang, change the rocket from 107MM to 80MM, is this powerful enough?"

Wang Xuexin gave a secret praise in his heart, this Su Xin is worthy of being the director of the arsenal factory, and he pointed out the shortcoming of the 80mm caliber rocket in one sentence: its power is small.

From the perspective of caliber, the reduction from 107MM to 80MM does not seem to be much, it is only 27MM smaller, less than 3cm, no big deal.

But for cannonballs, this change in power is huge.

Because the reduced 27MM is the 27MM of the outermost circle, the larger the circle, the larger the volume, and the greater the charge. On the contrary, if the outermost circle is reduced, the charge will be much less, resulting in a large reduction in power.

Wang Xuexin replied: "The amount of charge is less, we can make up for it by changing the gunpowder, such as using yellow gunpowder (TNT), every point of weight and volume on the plane is money, and using yellow gunpowder is not a loss!"

Su Xin agreed, not to mention other things, if the weight of the rocket can be reduced while ensuring the power of the rocket, aviation fuel will be consumed less.


There are some things that Wang Xuexin did not elaborate on.

Another reason why Wang Xuexin changed the 107MM to 80MM rockets is that it can increase the spread area of ​​the rockets... The rockets used by helicopters are mainly aimed at enemy infantry. For infantry, the spread area is required instead of power: a 107MM rocket It is indeed more powerful to hit it down, but it hits a single point. It can blow up the enemy to the sky and even divide it into several pieces without finding a whole body.

However, there is no difference between blowing up the enemy into several pieces and killing an enemy and keeping the whole body. The actual killing effect of a 107MM rocket is not much different from that of an 80MM rocket, but the latter can carry more.

The reason why Wang Xuexin didn't say it was because he didn't want a girl like Su Xin to think about the problem with the thinking of "how many enemies to kill".

However, to Wang Xuexin's surprise, Su Xin analyzed in the next second: "There is another problem: because the 107 rocket has a large caliber and the shell area of ​​the outermost circle is also large, the number of shrapnel produced is more. If you change Into 80MM... Even if yellow powder is used, the number of shrapnel produced will be much less than that of 107 rockets, which may not help us kill the enemy!"

Wang Xuexin glanced at Su Xin. When she said this, her expression was very calm, as if she was saying something that had been done countless times and became a habit.

So Wang Xuexin realized that the "girls' family" who grew up in the war years were not as fragile as he imagined. Their hatred for devils had already surpassed their awe of life, or you can say... They didn't regard devils as It is a living thing.

Seeing that Wang Xuexin didn't speak for a long time, Su Xin asked strangely: "What's wrong? Did I say something wrong?"

"No, that's right!" Wang Xuexin came back to his senses, and replied after a little thought: "In this regard, we may consider prefabricating fragments..."

"Prefabricated fragments?" Su Xin interrupted Wang Xuexin: "You mean like grenades? Grenades may be fine, but it is very dangerous to use prefabricated fragments on rockets, because the prefabricated fragments are particularly fragile in the groove. , There may be small and imperceptible loopholes in the process of production and handling, which will not only make the rocket a safety hazard, but may also make it damp, malfunction, etc.!"

"Then change it to a prefabricated fragment set!"

"Prefabricated fragment set?" Su Xin looked at Wang Xuexin curiously, and asked, "What is this?"

"It's... such a thing!" Wang Xuexin explained while drawing on the paper: "We can increase the caliber of the rocket by 2MM, which is 82MM, but the head and tail are 82MM, and the middle warhead is still 80MM. A circle of grooves is formed in the middle, so there is no difficulty in production, right?"

"No difficulty!" Su Xin replied.

It's really not that hard, all it takes is changing the shape of the mold.

"Then!" Wang Xuexin continued to draw the picture and said, "We produce such a thin steel wire, its diameter is about one millimeter, and a dent is rolled out every two centimeters, and then this steel wire is wrapped around the warhead. On the groove, it just winds up into a rocket with a diameter of 82MM..."

Seeing this, Su Xin understood. She looked up at Wang Xuexin, and said in surprise: "You mean, once the warhead explodes, the steel wires wrapped around the warhead will break from the dents and become fragments?"

"What do you think?" Wang Xuexin raised his eyebrows.

This is actually not Wang Xuexin's invention, it is the standard configuration of the S8 rocket... As I said before, Mao Xiong played tricks on this rocket, one of which is to match it with this kind of rocket called Something for a "Wound Wire Fragment Sleeve".

This kind of wound steel wire fragment set is easy to produce and low in price, and the key point is that it is extremely lethal to infantry... The fragments it produces are extremely tough and thin steel wires, and when they are shot at high speed, they will look like sharp knives. More visually speaking, it should be a "flying knife", which flies out densely to cut the skin, cut blood vessels and penetrate into the eyes, or cut into the body to destroy organs. Compared with steel balls, its destructive power and lethality are much higher Nothing less than that.

Su Xin seemed to be aware of this too. She nodded thoughtfully, then her eyes lit up, and she said, "Student Wang, tell me... can this kind of fragmentation cover be used on grenades?"


"Look!" Su Xin explained enthusiastically: "The same steel wire, if we wrap it around the grenade, can it produce more fragments and increase the lethality?"

Wang Xuexin was stunned.

That's cruel enough, this woman... just now I was worried that saying such things would scare her!

Damn he missed it!
(End of this chapter)

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