Bright Sword Military System

Chapter 1391 Impossible interception

Neiji Okamura on the other side was frightened by the situation on the front line.

Neiji Okamura actually didn't pay much attention to the bombing.

In his mind, bombing Ningbei Railway Station with missiles is a foregone conclusion. There is no suspense whether it will be successful or not. It is only a matter of the outcome.

For a battle without any suspense, Neiji Okamura certainly does not want to spend more time thinking about it. He is already planning what to do next:
"We should bomb Ningbei Railway Station every morning!"

"In this way, the materials of the Eighth Route Army cannot be transported to the front line through the railway line, and our army's troops, including aviation, will continue to harass and consume their supplies!"

"When the imperial interspersed troops pass through the Taihang Mountains and reach the hinterland of the Eighth Route Army, it will be time for our army to attack!"


The plan was very careful, especially in terms of strategy, the goal was no longer to bomb the Eighth Route Army airport but to consume its supplies.

However, Kono Shinta always felt that something was wrong, and he was thinking about a question:
If the Eighth Route Army can provide Mao Xiong with a system for anti-aircraft artillery to intercept missiles... it means that the Eighth Route Army has already taken the lead in missile interception.

So, does this also mean that the Eighth Route Army is likely to develop another more advanced interception system against the empire's "man-operated missiles"?
Then Kono Shinta realized that this is not "possible" but "certain".

It's no wonder that Neiji Okamura first thought of fighter jets.

Kono Shinta rushed to ask: "Is that an anti-aircraft gun?"

"Your Excellency General, you mean..." Shinta Kono didn't quite understand Neiji Okamura's words.

"No, it's not an anti-aircraft gun!" The staff officer replied: "We don't know what it is, but the pilot confirmed it before committing. It seems to be something like a missile, but it is much faster than the missile. Our missile then exploded... Lieutenant Lin Tian thought it was the Eighth Route Army's 'man-operated missiles' because they can change trajectory just like our missiles!"

Then Shinta Kono looked at Ningji Okamura with a look of horror on his face: "Your Excellency, so... the missiles of the Eighth Route Army can change their trajectory on their own, and they can also accurately find the target. Is... is this possible?"

Only then did Kono Shinta understand what Okamura Neji said, and after thinking about it, it was indeed the case. The most difficult parts have been realized. Wouldn’t it be better to shoot them down with a machine gun?Isn't it superfluous to die together?
But the problem that arises from this is even more terrifying.

Otherwise, is the Eighth Route Army's research on the anti-aircraft artillery interception system just to benefit Mao Xiong?

Although this type of "night fighter" can achieve interception, it is too inefficient and dangerous.

So, what if the devil's "man-operated missile" directly hits the fighter plane?
In doing so, one missile and a missile pilot with half a bucket of water can be exchanged for a fighter plane of the Eighth Route Army, a professional fighter pilot, and a trained machine gunner.

Shinta Kono was just about to tell Okamura Neiji about this idea, when a staff officer ran into the headquarters in a panic: "Your Excellency, our army's missiles... were intercepted by the enemy!"

Shinta Kono was convinced. He nodded and said, "It's a good idea to intercept human-operated missiles. I was just wondering what method the Eighth Route Army would use. It turned out to be like this..."

"Why are you so sure, General?" Kono looked at Neiji Okamura strangely.

However, this is just wishful thinking of Ningji Okamura.

In Neiji Okamura's mind, this is the most likely method.

Kono Shinta had preconceived ideas because Mao Kuma used anti-aircraft guns to intercept missiles.

Since the Eighth Route Army can independently produce the "La 5" fighter, of course it can also develop a "night fighter" of its own.

Neiji Okamura did not speak, he shook his head slightly after thinking about it for a while: "No, this is not 'Human Fuck Missile'!"

Okamura Neiji analyzed: "Kono-kun, let's make a hypothesis: If this is a missile operated by the Eighth Route Army, is it necessary for them to hit our missile and explode?"

"What?" Okamura Ningji, who was looking down at the map, suddenly raised his head after hearing this, his eyes full of doubts: "Intercept? What do they use to intercept? Fighter plane?"

Okamura Neiji explained: "I mean, if the Eighth Route Army's manned missiles can approach our missiles so quickly and accurately, and they are manned, why would they choose to explode and destroy the target? Can't they install a machine gun? Is it? In this way, we can easily shoot down our army's missiles and don't have to die together!"

Just like the empire has night fighters, the Eighth Route Army can also produce night fighters... The so-called night fighters in this era are actually two-seater fighters, with a rotatable machine gun in the back seat and a machine gunner.

When intercepting a fighter plane, it must approach the enemy missile at a very close distance and reduce its speed to keep it consistent with it for at least a period of time before it is possible to shoot it down... This is determined by the short visual distance and low visibility at night.

In addition, the speed of the empire's "man-operated missiles" is not fast, so it is feasible to intercept the "human-operated missiles" with night fighters under the moonlight.

Neiji Okamura frowned when he heard this: "Humans operate missiles? The Eighth Route Army will use this thing to intercept them?"

Because the first consideration of any army in any country must be to solve its own problems rather than other countries. It will only consider exporting equipment when it is comfortable, and the exported equipment is usually not as advanced as its own country.

Shinta Kono has already determined that the missile was operated by a human. Another meaning of his words is "other than that, what else can intercept the missile?".

Others believe in Kono Mata but don't believe it!

Needless to say which is cost-effective.

More importantly, Wang Xuexin is a modern person. He would not consider this kind of "night fighter": it will not play much role in actual combat and will be eliminated in the near future. What's the point of developing it?
The staff officer gave a negative answer: "No, Your Excellency, it is not a fighter plane!"

This is indeed incredible. No one has been able to do it yet. Not only have they failed to do it, they even dare not even think about it... If you think about it in depth, there are too many problems that cannot be solved!
For example, positioning problems, calculation problems, taking any one out are tasks that this planet cannot solve, but the Eighth Route Army can do it?

If someone can do it, then only the "human flying missile" of the empire!

But this was denied again!
Shinta Kono didn't believe anything, but Neiji Okamura believed it.

Neiji Okamura said with a pale face: "Judging from the current situation, the Eighth Route Army has indeed achieved it!"

Said Neiji Okamura closed his eyes in pain, and let out a long sigh: "Has the Eighth Route Army already reached this level?"

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