Bright Sword Military System

Chapter 1392 Energy Crisis

Chapter 1392 Energy Crisis
The victory at Ningbei Railway Station is not just a victory, it marks the success of the Eighth Route Army's anti-aircraft missiles... Everything before this was based on theory and experiments, but now it has passed the test of actual combat.

This victory made the R&D teams of the three stores rejoice, and the headquarters also sent congratulatory messages to Wang Xuexin and the three stores arsenal.

It is said that the chief excitedly said to the chief of staff: "Our Huaxia finally has a kind of equipment that is ahead of the western powers. Xiaodongbei has made a great contribution!"

The chief of staff was also filled with emotion.

Because from the late Qing Dynasty, Western powers often only needed to set up a few cannons on the coastline to force China to sign unequal treaties.

Now, if China has anti-aircraft missiles and other countries do not, does that mean that such days are gone forever?
Wang Xuexin can understand why the chief and the chief of staff have such a big reaction to the success of anti-aircraft missiles.

For Wang Xuexin, a modern person, what he values ​​most is the development of computers, and anti-aircraft missiles must be ranked after computers... The reason is very simple. He knows that computers will be popular all over the world and lead an industrial revolution. Almost all high-tech The equipment is all computer-based.

But the chief and the chief of staff put more emphasis on anti-aircraft missiles.

It's not that the chief and the chief of staff don't recognize the importance of computers, they also know that computers cannot be ignored.

But people have the nature of seeking good and avoiding bad. No matter whether it is a person or a country, the first thing to solve is the problem of survival and then development.

The real difficulty of anti-aircraft missiles is the auxiliary system on the ground, and it is not only necessary to produce it, but also to train a group of technicians who can skillfully apply this system.

This may be the difference in understanding of the world by people in different time and space.

"Yes!" Colonel Ian stepped forward and added: "Comrade commander, I think it's time for us to draw a successful conclusion to this cooperation, but please rest assured that we will also provide parts for your army. Just pay the cost price and shipping! What do you think?"

Originally, Wang Xuexin planned to fly the helicopter to Liyuan to organize training, but he was a bit reluctant to use aviation fuel... VS300V uses four engines. Although this solves the problem of insufficient horsepower, it has a disadvantage of high fuel consumption.

At this time, ten armed helicopters had been produced, and Wang Xuexin transferred the monk's reconnaissance to the three stores for training.

These five air defense systems will be deployed in Zhangjiakou, Datong, Longxi Airport, Iron and Steel Plant and Yuncheng respectively.

These matters were left to Su Xin to solve, and Wang Xuexin then turned his attention to the helicopter.

China's biggest shortcoming should be energy: cars, planes, tanks, etc. all use oil.

"Foreign devils?" Wang Xuexin was still not used to calling soldiers, and he realized in a second that the guards were referring to Turing.

This is why Wang Xuexin is not worried that the anti-aircraft missiles will be imitated by the devils... Even if occasionally a few missiles fall into the hands of the devils without exploding, even if the devils can copy the anti-aircraft missiles exactly, but it is just an empty shell, the devils still have to It has the ability to push out the huge ground support system with this missile.

Wang Xuexin didn't think much about it. After the successful battle at Ningbei Railway Station, he immediately ordered three stores to mass-produce anti-aircraft missiles to speed up the pace of putting them on the front line, especially the air defense system.

This made Wang Xuexin a little embarrassed.

Just as Wang Xuexin was meditating, the guard came in and reported, "Commander, the foreign devil wants to see you!"

Computers are a matter of development, and anti-aircraft missiles are a kind of equipment that can be put into the battlefield to help the Eighth Route Army defeat the devils and gain air supremacy. It can solve the problem of the Eighth Route Army's survival.

Therefore, in their view, it is inevitable that anti-aircraft missiles are more important.

After obtaining Wang Xuexin's permission, Turing and Colonel Ian walked into the office together. As soon as Turing entered the door, he happily held Wang Xuexin's hand and said, "Wang, we have benefited a lot through this project and cooperation, thank you very much! But , although we are extremely sad..."

Wang Xuexin's focus on computers is only because he knows that the Eighth Route Army will win in the future, so he doesn't think there is any survival problem. The research and development of anti-aircraft missiles is just to speed up this process.

If this is described in one sentence, it is almost "one minute on the stage and ten years of work off the stage". Don't look at the anti-aircraft missiles, which shoot down the enemy's air targets in just a dozen seconds. But there are a lot of equipment and many people who are making a lot of preparations for these ten seconds.

This hydropower station was built with the blood and lives of countless Chinese laborers (many mass graves were dug near the hydropower station after liberation), and it has already begun to generate electricity to provide electricity for the devil's industries in the Northeast.

If it's just helicopters, it's okay, the oil fields of the Eighth Route Army are not short of oil.

Under the war environment and pressure of this era, the focus is of course "survival".

There is oil in the Northeast, and the devils built a large hydropower station there: Fengman Hydropower Station.

In principle, it is useless to keep these talents, because they are people who never set, and it is difficult to guarantee that the technology will not leak to the never-set by working with them. At that time, it will be Huaxia R&D and the never-set of the sun will pick up a big deal .

Wang Xuexin actually wanted to keep Turing and Joan and the talents they brought.

However, as the Eighth Route Army produced more and more "La 5", coupled with reconnaissance aircraft, transport aircraft and ground mapping aircraft, aviation fuel was a bit stretched.

And not only oil but also electricity... At this time, the Eighth Route Army even uses coal or gasoline to generate electricity for factories, which is obviously not acceptable.

If one day we can control this hydropower station... the industrialization process of the Eighth Route Army will be much faster.

Speaking of which, Turing looked back at Colonel Ian: "The relay project has been successfully developed, and it is time for us to return to China..."

This is also one of the reasons why Wang Xuexin is eager to advance to the northeast... If the Eighth Route Army wants to develop, specifically to realize industrialization, the biggest constraint is not technology, at least not for Wang Xuexin who has a systematic blessing.

Wang Xuexin's first task for the three stores was: "Reproduce five sets of air defense systems as quickly as possible!"

But Wang Xuexin has a last resort: Huaxia Computer has developed to electron tubes, and then transistors.

The transistor is a semiconductor component, which not only requires high material requirements, but also a technological leap.

Wang Xuexin is almost certain of one thing: At this time, the top talents in China may have never even heard of this thing, let alone research and development.

Even if Wang Xuexin has the technology, who should develop it?
What are you doing?

(End of this chapter)

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