Bright Sword Military System

Chapter 1397 The Consequences of Taking Advantage

Chapter 1397 The Consequences of Taking Advantage

Wang Xuexin really wanted to tell Colonel Ian: "If you didn't take advantage of those small advantages and increase the price of bomber engines, I would probably have given you the original anti-aircraft missiles and even the electronic tube computer in order to counterbalance the eagle sauce!"

The original anti-aircraft missile can obviously intercept aircraft, because the Devil missile it intercepts is actually a small aircraft.

And because the speed of the anti-aircraft missile is Mach [-], it can in principle intercept any aircraft of this period.

If there are any shortcomings, it is because the accuracy of the Mark 3 radar is not high, and the speed of aircraft is generally faster and more flexible than missiles, so the success rate of anti-aircraft missiles to intercept aircraft will be relatively low.

But what Wang Xuexin gave to the Sun Never Set was the air defense missile of the relay computer. Its speed was much slower than that of the electronic tube computer. What was more serious was that as long as one of the thousands of relays burned or malfunctioned, it would cause a calculation error and the air defense would fail.

There is also the problem of memory... Relay computers use punched paper tape to store data, which is much slower than mercury delay memory and data is prone to errors.

These made it nearly impossible for relay computer systems to be used to intercept aircraft.

But of course Wang Xuexin would not say that. He pretended to be surprised and said: "This idea is very good, Colonel Ian! You have great potential in this area. However, because we have not considered this issue, so... we Don't know if it can intercept planes either! But I think we should try!"

Wang Xuexin patted Colonel Ian's flattery in a calm manner... There is no way, you want to let the sun never set to buy things, right?
If you let them know that the relay computer has so many defects, especially that it may fail after a few bumps in the battlefield, and it is difficult to troubleshoot once it fails... As long as one relay fails, it means that thousands of relays will fail. Find it out, it's not something that can be done in a short time.

Turing and other researchers listened with gusto, and asked questions along the way. Su Xin answered them one by one fluently.

At this time, Ian was basically convinced that this air defense system was real, because the theory Wang Xuexin said along the way and what he saw before his eyes were real... At least Turing and his research team didn't see any problems.

Fortunately, Chen Jiefeng saved the scene in time to cover it up.

The difficult part is that she doesn't know much about relay computers, and sometimes thinks of tube computers.

"Eight!" Wang Xuexin replied: "Two more cars will carry generators to provide electricity for them, so just the computer will require ten cars!"

Therefore, in principle, relay computers are not suitable for use on the battlefield. They are more suitable to be placed in the laboratory and must be well protected. Even if a small bug enters the laboratory and burns a relay, it will cause the entire system to crash.

Wang Xuexin turned his attention to Turing and said: "We just moved the computer to the car!"

Su Xin greeted him, and then introduced to Turing and his party in a serious manner: "These are eight cars loaded with computers, these are base stations for three-ball positioning, and radar cars..."

"So!" Colonel Ian asked, "How should we conduct the experiment?"

Colonel Ian had no interest in these, he couldn't wait to say: "Should we test it with live ammunition?"

Wang Xuexin raised his eyebrows and didn't speak. He replied in his heart: Xiaobian, pretend to be aggressive in front of Lao Tzu, I'm afraid I have fought more than you have eaten!
After more than half an hour, the car stopped at the test site. Turing and other researchers jumped out of the car anxiously. What they saw was more than [-] vehicles loaded with equipment lined up in a row, and three anti-aircraft vehicles loaded with six bombs. Anti-aircraft missiles.

Colonel Ian was very comfortable with Wang Xuexin's words. He smiled proudly and said, "It's not difficult. Anyone who has fought in war will think of this!"

What Wang Xuexin said was reasonable, so the entire experiment process was under the supervision of Colonel Ian.

Of course, Wang Xuexin would not say these things. The suffering in it... the sun never sets should be experienced again, just because they are greedy for petty gains.

What Colonel Ian didn't know was that the trick was not in the authenticity of the air defense system, but in the air defense system they were given... So, the success rate of this system is not the same as what they got thing.

"Why?" Colonel Ian looked vigilant, as if he was worried that Wang Xuexin was deceiving him.

Wang Xuexin could have made this experiment very safe, as he said, the person who launched the missile, so why couldn't he inform the interceptor of the altitude, direction, speed, etc. first?This interception is much easier and the success rate is much higher!
But Wang Xuexin did not do so, he truthfully informed Colonel Ian of the situation.

Turing nodded slightly to Colonel Ian, indicating that Wang Xuexin was right.

"The reason is very simple!" Wang Xuexin replied: "If these missiles were launched by our army and then intercepted by our missiles, why can't you doubt that we have exchanged data long ago? What's the point of such interception results and experiments? "

"You can divide people into two teams, Colonel!" Wang Xuexin said: "One team is at the launch point. The height and launch angle of the missile are determined by you. At the same time, there is no external communication after launch. The other team is at the interception point. You can watch the entire interception process!"

Turing looked at it and nodded, "I'm afraid the computer will cost six cars!"

Colonel Ian suddenly realized, he nodded in satisfaction, and let go of his last bit of guard.

Colonel Ian was taken aback looking at this scene, and asked, "Do you need so many cars?"

Colonel Ian, therefore, felt that there was no reason to doubt, otherwise no fool would make his experiment more difficult.

Colonel Ian waved his hand behind him, and the two guards stepped forward quickly.

"I'm afraid it's not that easy!" Wang Xuexin replied.

"As you said, Comrade Commander!" Colonel Ian said, "Let the two of them rush to the missile launch site!"

"It may take some time!" Wang Xuexin said, "Because the launch point is [-] kilometers away!"

Colonel Ian was a little confused about the distance of 3 kilometers at first, but then he thought... the detection range of the Mark [-] radar is more than [-] kilometers. Forty kilometers is the closest distance to actual combat.

So Colonel Ian had no doubts and said, "Very good! Our researchers can use this time to observe carefully!"

(End of this chapter)

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