The experiment went smoothly. Six anti-aircraft missiles were launched against six target missiles, and five of them were accurately shot down. Two of the five missiles changed their flight trajectory after being damaged and crashed in other positions.

If this is modern, it can be regarded as a successful interception, because it has been successfully diverted from the target.

But in this era... Missiles are not precision strike equipment in the first place, and even if they crash, they may still hit the target.

So it's not clear whether it was successful or not.

This time the experiment was more rigorous than before, and the six missiles were launched together.

This is because Colonel Ian said: "In actual combat, it is impossible for the enemy's missiles to appear one after another in our airspace and be intercepted one by one. They should appear in batches!"

Wang Xuexin is still a little heartbroken about this. Damn, whether it is a target bomb or an anti-aircraft missile, they are all produced by military personnel with blood and sweat, and they can hit devils in actual combat, but now they are playing for Japan. Look down.

However, when he thought that the Eighth Route Army was in short supply of talents and now Turing, a genius who could lead the great development of China's computer industry, Wang Xuexin's mind was balanced.

"Six intercepted five!" Colonel Ian looked at Wang Xuexin in surprise: "This interception rate is much higher than what you said!"

"It's different!" Wang Xuexin replied: "The target missiles we use now fly on a fixed trajectory, but the devil's missiles are controlled by humans and can change directions at any time, so the difficulty of interception is different."

This time, even the field marshal known as the "runaway general" knew how important it was.

Hearing this, Wang Xuexin understood what Colonel Ian meant. What he was thinking of was an improved version of anti-aircraft missiles. To be precise, the sun never sets... because Colonel Ian has no such power at all.

"Maybe!" Wang Xuexin said, "Colonel, this doesn't seem to have much to do with the deal between us. If I remember correctly, you are buying equipment that can intercept missiles, not aircraft!"

The Minister of Defense frowned and said: "Gentlemen, this is good news and bad news at the same time. The good news is that we will soon be able to get this air defense system that can intercept Hans missiles, and the interception success rate may be as high as 80% or more The bad news is that Huaxia's technology in this area is likely to be ahead of us!"

Turing interjected: "What Wang said is right. Fighters are doing various high-speed maneuvers in the air, and sometimes they can switch between two or more actions within a few seconds. What we need to do is to use radar to catch fighters." position, and then send the signal back to use the computer to calculate, and then the computer controls the missile to fly to the target through radio... This has a lot to do with the reaction speed of all aspects, and the calculation speed of the relay computer may not be able to do it. to that extent."

Colonel Ian nodded in satisfaction, and then asked another question: "Comrade commander, I have a doubt: If the devil's missile is controlled by a human, isn't it equivalent to an airplane?"

"Of course!" said Colonel Ian, "it will have no effect on our transaction, Comrade Commander! I mean, if we can cooperate in this regard, such as providing your army with funds, technology and Parts support, or to solve other difficulties of your army, can we jointly improve or develop an anti-aircraft missile that can intercept aircraft?"

The generals and marshals in the meeting room were discussing, of course they knew what it meant.

The sun never sets, this is not enough greed, I have not figured out how to intercept missiles, and now I am thinking about intercepting planes!
But this seems normal, because any country knows what it means if there is a missile that can intercept fighter jets, it means that it can easily seize air supremacy, and air supremacy often determines the outcome of a war.

Therefore, even if there is only a little chance, Sun Never Set will do its best to fight for it.

"Indeed!" Wang Xuexin replied, and immediately understood what question Colonel Ian was going to ask.

Sure enough, Colonel Ian continued to ask: "Since the devil's missile is equivalent to an airplane and your missile can intercept it, why don't you have confidence in it intercepting the airplane?"

"It's not that I'm not confident, I'm just not sure!" Wang Xuexin explained in ambiguous words: "Because we haven't done this before. In addition, although the devil's missile is equivalent to an airplane, it can only be equivalent to a simple Aircraft that are outdated, backward, and low-speed, in actual terms, are much stronger than the Devil’s missiles in terms of speed, altitude, and maneuverability, so we can’t equate them!”

Therefore, Wang Xuexin believes that Sun Never Set has long known what kind of missiles the devils are using and what characteristics they have. If Wang Xuexin deliberately avoids this question, it will make Sun Never Set suspicious.

"That is to say!" Colonel Ian understood: "It can track slow and unresponsive aircraft, so that's right?"

Then Wang Xuexin added: "Fortunately, Hans' missiles are the same as ours, and their missiles are also launched according to a fixed orbit!"

Wang Xuexin's guess was right. When Colonel Ian sent the results of the experiment back to London, there was a fierce debate immediately.

Wang Xuexin didn't hide anything about it, he knew he couldn't hide it if he wanted to... Although the empire on which the sun never sets has fallen in terms of military strength, equipment, industry, etc., it still ranks first in the world in terms of intelligence system.

Although the sun never sets at this time, it is still No. [-] in the world in name.

Now this "world's number one" technology is actually caught up by the weak country of China... What will happen then?
One thing that is certain is that the various colonies controlled by Sun Never Set will further lose confidence in Sun Never Set, thereby speeding up the process of Sun Never Set being pulled down from the world's number one throne.

"I don't think we need to worry about this!" The Field Marshal said with his head held high: "As we all know, the reason why China surpassed us in this area is due to a great chance. They developed missiles earlier, and then the devil developed a In actual combat, the more threatening man-operated missiles, in order to deal with this man-operated missiles, Huaxia had to develop an air defense system that can be used for interception, which was forced out under the pressure of the battlefield..."

"The point is they already have it, Field Marshal!" the Secretary of Defense interrupted the Field Marshal.

"Yes, they do have it!" The field marshal replied: "But we all know China's industrial situation and technological level, they still have a big gap with us, why can't we get this air defense system by ourselves? Improvement? I mean, surpass them with our industrial and technological advantages!"

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