Bright Sword Military System

Chapter 146 Artillery Observer

Chapter 146 Artillery Observer

The matter of Heiyunzhai came to an end, but the battle ahead is still fierce.

The devils took advantage of sufficient troops to divide the troops into three groups, and then took turns to attack the high ground, even at night.

Devils usually don't like night battles very much.

This is because the devils have an advantage in equipment... Their guns have a range of nearly 500 meters, and they also have machine guns and various artillery, which enable them to suppress the Eighth Route Army at long distances during the day.At night, the range of rifles, machine guns, and even artillery is limited.

However, the Japanese army still charged to the high ground wave after wave, and even if the attack was intermittent, they would smash the shells on the anti-slope fortifications one after another.

This is a typical fatigue tactic, and its purpose is to prevent the Eighth Route Army from having any rest time... The devils are divided into three groups and can take turns to rest, but the soldiers must always maintain a high level of tension.

When Wang Xuexin returned to the position, he couldn't hold on any longer, so he rested on the side of the trench for a while.

I say "rest" because it is difficult to fall asleep in this situation.

It's not because of the gunshots on the battlefield, nor the sound of cannons, nor the bullets and shrapnel flying around outside the trenches... It's useless to worry about these, they are too fast, and they really hit you and you can't dodge them.

Wang Xuexin believes that the reason why he could not fall asleep is probably because the tension of the battlefield caused a large amount of adrenal hormones to be secreted, so he was in a state of being very sleepy but unable to fall asleep.

Then Wang Xuexin knew that not everyone was like this.

When Wang Xuexin was rubbing his dry eyes and worrying about not being able to fall asleep, he saw Zhang Qingcai running to the side, squatting on the ground, and started snoring.

Wang Xuexin couldn't help but nudged Zhang Qingcai with his elbow. He jumped up and put his rifle on the trench. He didn't see any devils for a long time before he retracted his head in confusion and complained: "Platoon leader, the devils didn't What are you doing to wake me up?"

"Comrade Zhang Qingcai!" Wang Xuexin asked humbly, "Tell me about your experience! How can you fall asleep while squatting down?"

"What is this?" Zhang Qingcai replied indifferently: "If you fight for a few more years, you will naturally have this ability!"

With one mouth open, he hugged the rifle in his arms, tilted his head and fell asleep again.

Those who envy Wang Xuexin are almost kicked hard.

But thinking about it, Wang Xuexin felt that what Zhang Qingcai said made sense.

Fighting wars for a few more years, treating wars as a way of life, a habit, or even a conditioned reflex, will naturally make you less nervous.

If you are not nervous, you will not secrete too much adrenal hormone, and you will naturally lie down and sleep when you are sleepy.

The problem is...

Is there still life by then?

Can you still live until then?

Wang Xuexin was silent.

Wang Xuexin looked up at the sky. Under the cover of the boundless night and gunpowder smoke, he suddenly felt a sense of loneliness, followed by fear and helplessness.

A strong idea arises spontaneously in his heart, he hopes to return to the safe world of reality, even if it is just for one night, he can have a comfortable and dry bed, if there is a quilt, it is a luxury, and then rest assured , Sleep well.

But it's just a nice dream.

Just when Wang Xuexin got into the mood, the company commander's hoarse voice sounded in the darkness: "The devil is coming up, fight!"

Wang Xuexin and Zhang Qingcai jumped up from the ground like a spring, put their rifles on the trench and pulled the trigger towards the enemy.

The combat rhythm of the devil's regular army is indeed somewhat different from that of the mixed brigade.

The mixed brigade fought more urgently and fiercely, but lacked stamina.

Regular field divisions often use small groups of troops to test and reconnaissance, and use artillery fire to knock out the firepower points one by one... Although the devil's mortars are on the front slope, they can deploy artillery observers on the top of the mountain.

These artillery observers communicated and coordinated with the rear artillery by telephone.

For example, tell them whether the shells are far or near, high or low...the shells can be guided to the exact position and bombarded in a concentrated manner without a few shells.

This caused heavy casualties to the garrison soldiers, more than half of the company's casualties at this time, Wang Xuexin's platoon still had 20 people because of the supplement of sharpshooters, but most of them were wounded.

Wang Xuexin learned how to behave now, and after firing a few shots, he immediately changed his position with the rifle.

Sure enough, the position where he stood just now was immediately bombed by devil mortars.

Wang Xuexin gritted his teeth.

He believes that the most hated thing on the battlefield is not the enemy's snipers, but artillery observers.

Because the snipers at least have traces, and when they shoot, there will be gunshots and sparks from the muzzle.

But the artillery observer only needs to lie down on the top of the hill, scan the battlefield with his eyes, and use the phone to guide the artillery bombing. There is no trace, and it is almost impossible to find them and kill them in the dark.

But Wang Xuexin still wants to try.

He squatted in the trench with his gun in his hand and observed the battlefield for a while, and found that most of the impact points of the shells fell on the right side of the col.

This shows that the left side of the col is likely to be the blind spot of the artillery observer, and it can be inferred that his position is not in the middle but on the right side.

Wang Xuexin continued to analyze...

There are four locations on the right that are suitable as observation points.

One of them is on the enemy's charge line, and the two armies have to pass through it repeatedly, which is obviously not suitable for artillery observers to lurk.

There is also a position that is too high and conspicuous, because snipers focus on the target, and it is not suitable for lurking.

The remaining two...

Wang Xuexin really couldn't find a reason to rule it out, so he could only choose one of the two by chance.

He slowly stretched out his rifle and observed the target position through the scope.

It was a high ground interspersed with rocks and soil layers. It was not a good lurking spot for the Eighth Route Army, because the rocks protruding from the soil layer would cut the palms and elbows of soldiers like knives when they crawled forward. And knees, at the same time, the shells will blow up countless gravel, leaving the soldiers hiding nearby nowhere to follow.

But this terrain may be a good choice for the devils, because the Eighth Route Army has run out of shells, and only a dozen rounds are left for use in emergencies.

Therefore, the devil can rest assured to lurk here.

This is also the reason why Wang Xuexin chose one of the two to come here.

Although the visibility was poor, the moonlight through the smoke allowed Wang Xuexin to scan the rocky area through the sniper scope.

Nothing out of the ordinary.

Wang Xuexin thought he had chosen the wrong one, and the artillery observers might be hiding in another place.

However, at this moment, a black stone trembled in the mountain wind.

Of course the stone does not shake.

Wang Xuexin aimed at the rock without hesitation and pulled the trigger... "Bang!" After the bullet was shot, Wang Xuexin hid in the trench.

He didn't know if he hit the target, but he only knew that there were a lot fewer shells in the next period of time.

(End of this chapter)

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