Bright Sword Military System

Chapter 147 Minor Injuries Can't Fall Into the Line of Fire

Chapter 147 Minor Injuries Can't Fall Into the Line of Fire
Then elastic defense tactics are used.

Although this tactic was proposed by Wang Xuexin to solve the problem of Heiyun Village, it is not nonsense.

The advantage of elastic defense tactics is that after abandoning the surface position in front, some troops are still hidden in the underground fortifications, that is, the tunnels.

Because these tunnels will be difficult to clear for a while, it will be difficult for the enemy to organize effective defenses on the reverse slope.

Because the fortifications constructed are likely to face the enemy's tunnel entrance with their backs.

Moreover, these tunnel entrances need to be sealed with machine guns or sentries, or the tunnel entrances must be blown up with explosives.

However, because of the existence of invisible tunnel entrances, these are not good solutions.

The Seventh Company where Wang Xuexin was in was ordered to withdraw to the No. [-] Highland, and the Eighth Company was also withdrawn together. Only more than [-] people from the Ninth Company were dispersed in squads to continue fighting in the tunnel fortifications.

The reason for this arrangement is because the seventh company and the eighth company have stronger combat effectiveness and are more suitable for surface combat.

Among them, especially the Seventh Company, all sharpshooters who fired atomic bullets were transferred to Wang Xuexin's row.

It is conceivable that if Wang Xuexin's row is arranged in the tunnel, the long-range [-] cover will not be able to play a role at all.

The second highland is the position of the second battalion.

As soon as Wang Xuexin and others withdrew, the soldiers of the second battalion shouted at them one by one:

"Comrades, you have worked hard!"

"Comrades from the third battalion, well played, let's see ours next!"

"We want to learn from you!"


Wang Xuexin felt a little warm in his heart.

Don't look at the fact that the independent regiment usually fights fiercely because of the order "whoever grabs the equipment will belong to him", but if they really want to fight the devils, they are still fighting against the devil. keep outside" this sentence.

After the seventh and eighth companies withdrew, they got a little rest time and replenished some ammunition.

The resting place is behind the first line of defense of the Second Battalion.

Because they are familiar with the terrain and the location of the tunnel, they then need to cooperate with the soldiers of the second battalion to counterattack, and then they can switch defenses with the second battalion and hand over the position to the second battalion.

Wang Xuexin still couldn't fall asleep.

It began to rain lightly. In order to prevent the cotton-padded clothes on his body from getting wet, Wang Xuexin put the handed-in poncho on his body, then took out cornbread from his satchel, and took a sip of cold water with a kettle in his other hand. Fill your belly.

"Platoon leader!" At this time Huzi came up, and he reported: "The second squad leader has a bad fever and can't hold it anymore!"

Wang Xuexin was taken aback for a moment, he hadn't noticed anything unusual about Chen Hao, why he couldn't hold on all of a sudden?

Without hesitation, Wang Xuexin stuffed the tortillas into his satchel, and while tightening the lid of the kettle, he followed Hu Zi and walked along the traffic trench in the dark.

After walking for more than ten meters, they stopped. Wang Xuexin stepped forward to see that Chen Hao, the second squad leader, was lying on the ground pale and short of breath.

Wang Xuexin touched his forehead and it was as hot as a hot water bottle.

Liu Da used the black-clothed flashlight to shine on Chen Hao, and said, "Strange, I don't see any injuries!"

Wang Xuexin took a look at Chen Hao's particularly tight belt around his waist, and seemed to understand something.

He gently untied the armed belt and then lifted the cotton-padded jacket, and then everyone understood that there was a lot of blood inside, which was only wrapped up with a bandage. Since the cotton-padded jacket was wrapped outside and the armed belt was tied on, it looked normal.

"Why didn't you say it earlier when you were injured?" Wang Xuexin frowned.

"Platoon leader." Liu Dazuo explained for Chen Hao: "The squad leader said 'slight injuries can't go to the line of fire', he was worried that you let him go down, so..."

Wang Xuexin was speechless for a while, this is not a minor injury!
"Send him down immediately!" Wang Xuexin ordered: "Move quickly!"

"Yes!" The two soldiers responded, and they carried a stretcher to send Chen Hao away.

Wang Xuexin couldn't understand this persistence.

Won't he become seriously wounded and even lose his life if he persisted in fighting despite being injured?
This is also a loss to the troops and combat effectiveness. Is it really worth it?

It was only later that Wang Xuexin realized that it was indeed not worthwhile to use rationality and science to calculate, but what the battlefield needed was not only these, but also spirit and will.

Before Wang Xuexin could clear his mind, Wu Lei shouted: "Everyone is here, ready to fight!"

Then there was a counterattack. The soldiers successfully wiped out a Japanese squadron that entered the anti-slope organization defense and seized a lot of ammunition.

Prior to this, it was very difficult for the soldiers to seize ammunition.

The reason is that the devils knew that the Eighth Route Army needed to replenish from them, so they reduced the original ammunition base of 125 rounds to only one front box plus one magazine in the rifle, which is 35 rounds.

This amount of ammunition is not too small for a mountain attack, because many people really can't even finish 35 rounds.

Even if the fight is over, the devil can also throw the ammunition box to the position where it needs to be replenished.

Although it is troublesome and sometimes affects the battle, it can reduce the amount of ammunition seized by the Eighth Route Army in battle... This is also a battle result for the devils.

However, it is different this time to let the devils in and then counterattack back.

The devils originally thought that the Eighth Route Army could not hold the No. [-] highland and gave up completely. In order to hold the place that was finally occupied, they moved the ammunition forward and organized a defense.

As a result, the Eighth Route Army's surface and underground coordinated a beautiful counterattack and wiped out a squadron of devils, and seized more than 3 bullets and a large number of grenades in one go.

Anda 23, who was commanding the battle in the rear, finally understood, and exclaimed, "So that's how it is! What a clever tactic!"

As he spoke, he jotted down the tactical points in his notebook.

Anda 23 has not launched a general attack until now. On the one hand, it does not want to attack rashly without knowing anything and cause excessive casualties. On the other hand, it wants to thoroughly understand the role of this tactic.

"Know yourself and know your enemy, and you can win every battle", this is a famous Chinese saying taught by Neiji Okamura to Adachi 23.

Then, Adachi 23 called Okamura Ningji: "The tactics of the Eighth Route Army are not as simple as they appear on the surface. They sometimes withdraw from the surface position and leave a small number of soldiers in the tunnel. When our army enters the position, it will form. Similar to the unfavorable situation of being hit by 'infiltration warfare'."

Okamura Ningji couldn't help but suddenly realized.

It is very difficult for the Japanese army to launch "infiltration warfare", because it requires a lot of time to train soldiers who can speak Chinese, and even cultivate their living habits, so that it is possible to sneak into the enemy's cities and defense lines and launch a fatal blow at a critical moment .

But the Eighth Route Army didn't need anything.

They only need to keep some soldiers in the tunnels, and when the Japanese army goes up to occupy the surface fortifications, the Eighth Route Army soldiers in these tunnels will come out... They immediately formed a kind of "infiltration warfare" against the Japanese army in the dark.

"It's amazing!" Neiji Okamura nodded repeatedly.

Then he felt strange again: "It's hard to imagine that such a mature defense system will appear on the battlefield in such a short period of time. It should be gradually improved! Why... it is almost perfect as soon as it appears!"

(End of this chapter)

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