Bright Sword Military System

Chapter 151 Hospital

Chapter 151 Hospital
Wang Xuexin has made countless calculations, but he missed one point: his location is the source of the black smoke, which is an obvious target for the Devils, and even if it doesn't work, they will blow up the smoke to vent their anger source.

But Wang Xuexin should feel lucky. It was not an aerial bomb weighing hundreds of kilograms, but a small bomb weighing only 25 kilograms.

Along the way, Wang Xuexin was groggy. After waking up for a while, he saw a tiger, and then he saw a white coat wearing a mask. After a while, there were blurred lights, like the sunrise at the seaside in his hometown, warm, familiar and peaceful. , it still hurts a bit...

At this time, Su Xin was busy assembling shells with the workers.

These are the shells of the [-] small artillery, and the demand for shells will increase exponentially as soon as the battle ahead starts.

This is a good thing or a bad thing for the arsenal.

The sharp increase in front-line demand shows that the [-] small artillery meets the combat needs of the troops, and it is also a recognition of the work of the arsenal.

But the production capacity of the arsenal is a drop in the bucket, and many troops are waiting eagerly, including the independent regiment.

When Su Xin heard the news that the Independent Regiment had wiped out a large group of devils, she thought the battle was over.

Unexpectedly, it was reported that the independent regiment had confronted the main force of the devils.

"Why do you still want to fight?" Su Xin was a little surprised: "Why are the devils just staring at the independent group?"

Wu Jin replied: "Why are the devils staring at the independent group? It is because the geographical location of the independent group is important, and the devils must take Zhaojiayu down!"

Su Xin fell silent after hearing this. Does that mean she has no head?

The workers encouraged each other while busy with their work:
"Comrades, work harder, the superior is going to send a batch of shells to the Independence Regiment, and is waiting!"

"If we work harder, the soldiers on the front line will suffer fewer casualties, and we will be able to fight more devils!"

"The comrades on the front line are bleeding and dying, we can't hold them back!"


These words can cheer up other workers, but they are extremely harsh to Su Xin's ears.



Su Xin seemed to see Xiao Dongbei running and killing the enemy on the battlefield where shells were flying.

At this moment, Zhang Wanhe hurried in from the door. After finding Su Xin in the crowd, he called out, "Director Su, come here!"

Looking at Zhang Wanhe's face, Su Xin felt ominous.

Sure enough, when she stepped forward, she heard Zhang Wanhe say, "Director Su, I have something to tell you, so don't worry. Xiaodongbei is injured and sent to the field hospital..."

Su Xin's face lost all color in an instant, and she hurriedly asked, "Director, is the injury serious?"

As soon as the words came out of her mouth, she realized that the question was meaningless.

She remembered that Xiao Dongbei once said that minor injuries would not be sent to the hospital, only serious injuries would be sent.

Thinking of this, Su Xin asked for instructions without waiting for Zhang Wanhe's answer: "Director, let me go!"

"Success, go and see the situation!" Zhang Wanhe said, "I'm watching!"

Su Xin gave Zhang Wanhe a grateful look, and then quickly walked out of the factory to the field hospital.

Looking at Su Xin's leaving back, Zhang Wanhe felt a little regretful.

He wasn't sure if he was right or wrong in making such a match.

The little Northeast fights devils on the front line every three days, if there is something wrong with it, can Su Xin still work with peace of mind?
But having said that, it is very common to have an injury or pain these days, if everyone thinks like this, then life will be impossible!The work behind this is meaningless...

When Wang Xuexin woke up, he couldn't remember how long it had been. As soon as he opened his eyes, he saw a glass bottle hanging by the bed, and a yellow hose extending to his wrist.

Wang Xuexin was a little surprised, the Eighth Route Army can still infuse?
It was only later that Wang Xuexin found out that this was the glucose nutrient solution produced by the Eighth Route Army. It was produced by the Eighth Route Army Pharmaceutical Factory in Yan’an. It was put into production just last year. Because the output was small, only special seriously wounded people on the front line could use it.

Wang Xuexin wanted to get up, but when he moved, it hurt terribly, especially his head, chest and abdomen, which made him gasp.

Then Wang Xuexin discovered that there was still a person lying beside the bed.

At first Wang Xuexin thought it was a nurse, but then he was surprised to find that it was Su Xin.

"You, are you awake?" Seeing Wang Xuexin waking up, Su Xin with a tired face quickly turned excited, and then rushed out of the door excitedly, shouting: "Doctor, Dean, he is awake..."

Then a doctor in a white coat came in. Wang Xuexin was not sure if it could still be called a white coat because its color had turned yellow.

Wang Xuexin guessed that it was because the white coat was stained with blood again and again, and it couldn't be washed off no matter how much it was washed, that's why it was "rusty" like it is now.

The doctor came in and rolled Wang Xuexin's eyes, felt his pulse, and said with relief: "Everything is normal, just pay attention to rest, there is nothing serious!"

Su Xin hurriedly expressed his thanks.

After the doctor left, Wang Xuexin looked at Su Xin suspiciously and asked, "Why are you here? By the way, how is the battle going? And Huzi and the others? How many people were injured?"

"Don't worry about this and that!" Su Xin said, "Think about yourself first. The doctor took out seven pieces of shrapnel from your body, one of which was inserted next to your heart. The doctor said that if it weren't for that pile of rubber You block it, this time..."

After speaking, he shut his mouth and did not continue to speak.

"Is there nothing wrong with this? What's there to be afraid of?" As soon as Wang Xuexin said something, he was a little worried. It won't be amputation, right?

"What are you looking for?" Seeing Wang Xuexin touching this and that, Su Xin asked suspiciously.

"Is my leg still there?" Wang Xuexin asked.

Su Xin was amused on the spot: "Just now I said 'what's so scary'! Don't worry, everyone is here! The doctor said that you were knocked out by the bomb, and the trauma just looks scary, but it's not serious!"

Wang Xuexin couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief, he didn't want to just lie down and do nothing for the rest of his life.

"Your soldiers are all fine, you are the closest to the bomb and the most injured!" Su Xin skillfully poured some hot water into the washbasin, and then twisted a hot towel to wipe Wang Xuexin's face: "Student Wang, what are you doing?" The air is too big, the factory manager asked me to take care of you on behalf of the comrades in the arsenal! They are all rushing to produce ammunition for the front line, and they are too busy!"

"Is the war still going on?" Wang Xuexin asked.

"Of course!" Su Xin nodded: "But don't worry, the Baizhan Regiment has already sent reinforcements, not only in Zhaojiayu, but the battle situation in other places has also stabilized. I heard that it is your method to burn things and put them away." Smoke, coupled with reverse slope fortifications and tunnels, the devils can't do anything to us!"

Later, Wang Xuexin knew that the facts were not exactly what Su Xin said.

What really made the devils feel desperate was the large-scale application of "elastic defense" tactics by the Eighth Route Army.

That is to say, the front is fighting, and the reinforcements behind the Eighth Route Army are repairing the anti-slope fortifications, and then they are repairing layer by layer and rolling back layer by layer.

It is conceivable that if the fight continues like this, even if the devils can push forward, they will never be able to penetrate the reverse slope fortification.

Coupled with the fact that the tunnel warfare in the guerrilla area in the rear played a role again, the devils had logistics problems, so the devils had to retreat and choose to implement a blockade on the plains.

(End of this chapter)

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