Chapter 152
In fact, strictly speaking, this is no longer called "elastic defense", it should be called "roller-type" defense, because the defense line is endless like a roller.

Its creator was Liao Yaoxiang, and a year later the expeditionary force used it in Burma to deal with devils.

At this time, the Eighth Route Army inadvertently used "elastic defense" in order to have more defensive depth and better use.

In this way, the Eighth Route Army's defense line became a veritable war of attrition: the mountainous areas consumed the devils' troops and supplies, while the plains used tunnel warfare to preserve their strength and attack the devils' supply lines.

Devils can still achieve a high casualty ratio due to their superior equipment and quality. The problem is that in this war of attrition, more than 6 troops can consume more energy than 40 Eighth Route Army?
These things were told by the chief when he came to see Wang Xuexin.

The chief has visited Wang Xuexin three times. The first two times were when Wang Xuexin was in a coma.

When Wang Xuexin was sent to the field hospital, the chief left the headquarters to the chief of staff and rushed over.As soon as he saw Wang Xuexin covered in blood on the stretcher, he frowned and asked Dean Huang of the field hospital: "How is the situation?"

"It's not clear yet!" Dean Huang replied after a preliminary examination: "There are too many wounds, so I'm not sure if there are fatal injuries!"

"Old Huang!" The chief confessed: "This comrade is a combat hero and has a great effect on our army. You must not let him have trouble. You can use any medicine you need. If it doesn't work, tell us, we want to Find a way to do it!"

"Yes, chief!" Dean Huang replied: "We will try our best!"

In fact, there is no need for the chief to explain. The field hospital is also located in Lujiagou. Xiaodongbei is in the headquarters area and is a special agent team for fighting devils and researching and developing things.

For nothing else, even if he has made so much credit for him, he can't be reluctant to take medicine.

So anti-inflammatory drugs, painkillers, drugs made in Yan'an and the drugs paid by the devils were all used.

Dean Huang also performed the operation on Wang Xuexin himself... He is the doctor in the "rusty" white coat, and it seems that he usually performs operations.

This made Wang Xuexin feel embarrassed, because his pain was much lighter than others, and many seriously injured patients did not need painkillers for surgery!
However, Dean Huang insisted on using it. He said: "Comrade Wang Xuexin, this is the same as what you said when you were fighting that 'good steel should be used on the edge'. You are a combat hero who has made special military exploits! This is what you should do, so don't have any psychological burden. What's more, you may be able to seize more medicine for us in the future, I am reluctant Do you know that a child cannot be caught by a wolf?"

Wang Xuexin had no choice but to accept.

When the chief came to see Wang Xuexin for the third time, he heard that his condition was stable and took time to see him.

"Comrade Wang Xuexin!" The chief said while shaking Wang Xuexin's hand: "Facts have proved that your tactics are very effective. We blocked the devil's attack on the frontal battlefield, thwarted the enemy's plots and attempts, and dealt a severe blow to the enemy's arrogance. Arrogance! Although the enemy is still unwilling to give up the blockade against us, they have obviously fallen into a passive position!"

Hearing this, Wang Xuexin asked: "Chief, have the devils still not withdrawn?"

The chief nodded heavily: "The devils are not reconciled! They burned, killed and looted the guerrilla area north of Zhaojiayu, implemented the three-light policy to create no-man's land within a range of more than ten kilometers, and started to build a barrier between the two Fortifications. According to the analysis of the current construction situation, we estimate that the enemy will build a gun tower every 500 meters, and it is likely to pull barbed wire and lay mines in the middle, or dig isolation ditches. They are trying to use these methods to isolate us from the guerrilla zone.”

The so-called isolation ditch is a deep ditch that is two to three meters deep and more than ten meters wide, and sometimes river water is introduced to make it a small river, so that it is difficult for vehicles and horses to pass through. In fact, it is artificially creating traffic difficulties.

"Fortunately, there is your tunnel warfare!" Then the chief sighed again: "Because every village has tunnels, most of the villagers hid in the tunnels, which greatly reduced the casualties of the people. It's just that the villages were destroyed and they couldn't live. I can escape to another village!"

The chief of staff added: "The results of the battle at Zhaojiayu also ensured that the devils could not complete the blockade. The five-mile-wide defense line of the new regiment extended to the mountainous area to the east. It is very difficult to get started, and it has become our only passage to the guerrilla zone!"

So Wang Xuexin can be sure that this situation is much better than the situation in which the Eighth Route Army was blocked in history.

This is true.

Because a gun tower 500 meters away in the plain area is far from enough to achieve a blockade.

Might be able to do it during the day.

The devil's rifle has a range of about 500 meters, and the crooked machine gun has a range of 600 meters.

This means that the two gun towers 500 meters apart can cover each other, and can form crossfire against the enemy attacking from the front.

Coupled with the isolation ditches, barbed wire and landmines in front, and the barracks in the rear, it is still difficult to take down the gun towers for mobile reinforcements at any time.

But at night...

The gun tower was isolated and helpless like a small island.

It is difficult for the devils in the gun tower to keep an eye on the one-kilometer-long defense line outside in the dark.

Therefore, the Eighth Route Army could carefully walk through the isolation ditch, excavate a passage from the minefield, and then cut through the barbed wire, quietly touched the front of the gun tower, and then suddenly launched an attack.

The Chief also considered this way, and he even held several meetings to discuss this issue.

As a commander, he must consider everything ahead, otherwise, it will be too late if he is not prepared when the problem is in front of him.

The focus of the discussion is how to break the devil's blockade.

"Although we have the mountainous areas around Zhaojiayu, we can keep in touch with the guerrilla zone!" The chief pointed to the map and said, "But we can't rest our hope on others. What if the Jinsui army and even the national army also come down and block our army?"

The cadres nodded repeatedly in agreement, judging from the current situation, this is indeed very possible.

As the saying goes, "You must not have the heart to harm others, and you must not have the heart to defend against others." Although it is now a period of cooperation, everyone knows that the Jinsui Army and the National Army are afraid of the Eighth Route Army.

"As for the devil's turret." The chief said: "It is indeed no problem to attack by force in the dark, but once the devil finds out, it will cause a lot of casualties or even fail. And this is also passive. We must consider that we can also take down the turret during the day." method, so that you can strike at any time when you need it!"

Zhang Wanhe thought for a while, and then replied: "As long as there is a 'ghost cannon', it will not be a problem!"

(End of this chapter)

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