Chapter 161
"What about the outside world?" the chief of staff asked again.

Wang Xuexin replied: "The enemy wants to block us. Of course, we cannot allow the enemy to block us. On the one hand, we must continue to fight against the enemy. On the other hand, we need to obtain scarce supplies from the enemy. Such as medicines, radio stations, etc. There are a lot of things that we have trouble producing but have to use."

Zhang Wanhe answered: "For example, the train wheel axle, we have been waiting for a long time!"

This reminded Wang Xuexin that the supply of train axles must be continuous, so as to ensure the equipment of the [-]nd infantry artillery for the troops, which is also a basis for breaking the devil's blockade of the Eighth Route Army.

Having said that, Ding Wei is excited.

Thanks to the "blessing" of the Independence Regiment, the Independence Regiment defended Zhaojiayu and protected the Xinyi Regiment from the attack of devils.

Although the new regiment also fought a small battle... pretending to be the Jinsui army to attack the devils.

But the other regiments fought with the devils, and all of them were proud, and only the new regiment was moldy there.

Now, who else could give this task of breaking through the blockade to Xinyituan?
Thinking of this, Ding Wei stood up with a "teng" and said, "Chief, this task is left to Xinyituan!"

This time Li Yunlong was not happy.

"I said Lao Ding!" Li Yunlong also stood up: "We all guard that area, why should it be yours if something good happens?"

"Old Li!" Ding Wei glared at Li Yunlong with anger: "Last time you had a good time, and I will help you. I haven't asked you to share the equipment you paid! If you continue to argue with me about this, you will It's so embarrassing!"

"Then you can't take it all by yourself!" Li Yunlong said: "You only sent out a few soldiers last time? With such a little effort, you want to snatch the big one now? It's not such a cheap thing!"

The chief didn't have time to listen to the bickering between the two, so he called the roll call directly: "Both of you, tell me what you think! Let whoever has a good idea go up!"

Ding Wei rushed to answer: "Chief, we are familiar with each other in this area. Although the mountain area to the east of Zhaojiayu is blocked by the Jinsui Army and the Central Army, they are also at odds with each other. There are still many loopholes that can be exploited." , I intend to smuggle along their gap."

The chief nodded slightly. This is indeed a feasible method, but it is somewhat difficult and dangerous.

Then the chief turned his gaze to Li Yunlong and asked, "Li Yunlong, what about you?"

Li Yunlong laughed "hehehe": "Chief, why are there so many troubles, what kind of terrain is familiar and what is inserted along the gap! I just need to order this..."

As he spoke, he raised his hand and made a gesture of counting money.

The chief stared and scolded: "I'm telling you something serious, why do you talk about money again, do you really think you are a landlord and old fortune?"

"Chief!" Li Yunlong shook his head triumphantly and said, "You don't know that! I, Li Yunlong, have gone to the county seat several times alone. Do you think I relied on courage and luck? Isn't that nonsense? How can there be such good luck every time! The Jinsui Army and the Central Army each have big smoking guns in their waists, and they smoke up their military pay in a few moments. How can they live without some extra money?"

The chief looked at Li Yunlong with incredible eyes: "You mean, you only went to the county by bribing the enemy? This is your way?"

"Who said it wasn't?" Li Yunlong raised his head and replied, "If it wasn't for this time, I wouldn't have said it!"

Everyone "coaxed" and laughed out loud, and the atmosphere in the venue eased up a lot.

Ding Wei looked hopeless. It's not that he didn't know that the Jinsui Army and the Central Army were greedy for money, but he never thought of doing so.

It seems that this time... Li Yunlong had the upper hand again.

The chief shook his head helplessly, this Li Yunlong really could think of any way to achieve his goal.

But if it's possible to do it for a little money, it's a solution.

Thinking of the chief, he replied: "If you want legal currency, it's not a problem. We will get a lot back then, and we can take them to the enemy to spend!"

Wang Xuexin interjected: "Sir, these fiat currency may not be enough!"

The chief felt strange for a while, and said: "French currency has been circulating in the border area for several years, plus the money invested by the enemy to rob supplies, if all of them are recovered... at least hundreds of millions, enough for us to use for a while!"

"Chief!" Wang Xuexin explained: "It might be enough at the current currency value, but..."

The chief said "Oh" and he understood: "You mean the depreciation of the currency?"

Wang Xuexin nodded.

There are some things he can't say first.

In the future, as the ghosts print more and more counterfeit money, especially when a complete set of equipment is seized in Hong Kong next year, the depreciation speed of the legal currency can be said to be three thousand feet.

100 yuan of legal currency can buy a pig now, but in a few months, it can only buy a bag of flour, and in a short time, it can only buy a chicken, and then it can only buy two eggs, and finally, it can barely buy a piece of paper. up.

A 100 French currency can only buy a piece of paper... What the hell, this money is not worth as much as paper!

At such a rate of depreciation, what can the hundreds of millions of French currency circulating in the border area be able to buy back?
I'm afraid I'll just buy a stack of toilet paper if I pick two!

Hearing this, the chief frowned even deeper, and he said worriedly: "If this is the case, we will expel legal currency in the future, how can we go to the enemy-occupied area to buy necessities?"

This is indeed a problem. The Border Region issues its own currency, which means that it has nothing to do with other places. Taking the money from the Border Region to other places will not recognize it and can't buy things. It is equivalent to a piece of waste paper.

Wang Xuexin hesitated for a moment, then said: "We business with the enemy! In other words, we take what the enemy needs and sell them, and then buy back what we want!"

This has nothing to do with currency depreciation.

Because the depreciation of the currency means that things can be sold more expensive, so the things bought back are about the same value.

Unless the currency depreciates so fast that when you buy something, it falls another level.

The reason why Wang Xuexin hesitated is because "bringing what the enemy wants" is more sensitive.

Sure enough, the chief's face darkened, and he said: "Playing the piano randomly, doing business with the enemy, and bringing what the enemy needs, isn't that 'benefiting the enemy'?"

"Boss!" Wang Xuexin replied: "Then if we buy things with legal currency, and the enemy uses these legal currency to buy what they need, isn't it the same as 'enemy'?"

The chief had nothing to say after being surrounded by Wang Xuexin.

After thinking about it for a while, he felt that what Xiao Dongbei said made sense.

As long as it is bought with money, it is essentially a 'capital enemy'.

Unless you go to the devil with a knife and a gun to snatch it, you can bring it back if you snatch it.

But if you can go to the devil to grab things back, wouldn't it be enough to just take the devil away?
and so……

The chief nodded: "Using extraordinary means in special times, you can do this!"

The chief felt a little helpless, but today he broke the principle twice in a row in order to achieve his goal.

 One of the means used by our army is to use extraordinary means in extraordinary times, and to break the embargo through bribery during the blockade.In addition, the discussion of "resources and enemies" in the article is also true. After several discussions, it was finally decided that we should choose to communicate with each other.

(End of this chapter)

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