Bright Sword Military System

Chapter 162 Stop Loss

Chapter 162 Stop Loss
In the days that followed, Wang Xuexin clearly felt that his standard of living was getting worse day by day.

In the past, I could drink millet porridge and eat tortillas, but now millet and corn are rare, so I just drink sweet potato soup to satisfy my hunger.

Sweet potatoes have strong vitality and grow quickly. If you cut off the vines and insert them, another pile will grow. At this time, emergency planting can still guarantee a certain yield.

When Su Xin brought sweet potato soup to Wang Xuexin, she was apologetic: "Your injury is not healed yet, you should have mended it, but now..."

"It's okay!" Wang Xuexin replied, "I'm making sweet potato soup!"

As he spoke, he took a bowl and drank hungrily.

In fact, most of what I drank in my stomach was water. I would be full at the time, and I was hungry again after a while.

Su Xin sighed, and said, "It's a good thing you reminded me early, the headquarters has still grabbed a lot of rations, but those rations should be reserved for emergencies!"

"I understand!" Wang Xuexin replied vaguely.

After finishing the sweet potato soup, Wang Xuexin put the bowl on the table and said hesitantly, "Student Xiao Su, this... is the situation in our border area. It may not be short-term, it may last for a year or two!"

In fact, the Eighth Route Army didn't recover until 43. During this period, it has been tightening its belt.

Wang Xuexin remembers reading a report in modern times, saying that the radio station at the headquarters was broken and could not be repaired. He had to sell the only mule cart before replacing it with a new one.

It is said that this caused a storm... All the soldiers were so hungry that their eyes stared like gold stars. When the mule cart at the headquarters suddenly disappeared, rumors spread, saying that the headquarters had killed the mules to make a fuss.The superiors held a meeting to explain this clearly.

Although this is a trivial matter, it can be seen from this trivial matter how difficult the Eighth Route Army was during this period.

Su Xin let out a "hmm", and she answered while adjusting the dishes: "The superior has already said that we must be prepared for a long-term struggle!"

Wang Xuexin asked again: "Student Xiao Su, have you ever thought about going back to Chongqing?"

Su Xin froze for a moment, then nodded lightly: "Think about it!"

"Then go back!" Wang Xuexin said with his chest upright: "It's me, and I will take care of the arsenal! It won't be much worse than you!"

In fact, it is not easy for Su Xin to be here.

Others have nowhere to go, but Su Xin is different. Her home is in Chongqing, which is also the center of the Anti-Japanese War, and it is a big city. The conditions are definitely better than the base areas.

Su Xin was stunned for a while, and it took a long time to react: "What are you talking about? Do you think I will leave here and return to Chongqing at this time?"

This time Wang Xuexin was dumbfounded, she just said...

In the next second, Wang Xuexin understood that Su Xin's phrase "thought about it" refers to homesickness!
"Don't talk nonsense!" Su Xin put the bowls and chopsticks into the rattan basket with a smile, and said, "I also thought about whether I made the wrong choice to join the Eighth Route Army. It's not because of hardship, but because the Eighth Route Army has poor conditions and few machines. There are so many things that I don’t need. Now, I know I made the right choice!”

Talking about pulling the quilt for Wang Xuexin, he turned and left.

Although what Su Xin said was simple, Wang Xuexin could understand what she meant.

Everything she did was to beat devils.

I was skeptical before because I was worried that this would not be able to play a greater role in the Eighth Route Army.

Now the reason why I "know that I have chosen the right choice" is because I realize that the Eighth Route Army is the place that really persists in the war of resistance, and it is also the place that really needs her.

The choice is not easy.

If it were Wang Xuexin, he wouldn't even be able to guarantee that he would stick to his position and stay here.

Here in the base area, it seems that this period of time has been a bit chaotic. Everyone is busy with this and that, like headless flies, but nothing is busy.

If anything, it's doing everything it can to "stop losses."

The legal currency is still in play, and the wealth of the base area is continuously plundered by the enemy.

The measures taken by the headquarters are not only throwing French currency to grab food from the enemy as Wang Xuexin said, but also following the clues to find the source of high-priced food buyers. After finding the person, the fake money will be confiscated to avoid greater losses.

But what made the Eighth Route Army helpless was that even most of these people were not traitors.

"Many of them are fellow villagers in the guerrilla zone!" This is what the chief of staff told him when he met Wang Xuexin: "The devils are arresting people everywhere in the guerrilla zone. When they catch a family, they don't do anything. They pick out the labor and let them bring fake money. Sneak into the base area to buy things and take them back, if you can’t bring them back, you’ll kill all his family members!”

The chief of staff sighed when he said this: "When we caught him, the fellow was still kneeling and begging us, saying that if we don't take the grain back, his family will be wiped out! Let us You can’t leave him alone and say that he didn’t do anything illegal, just buy something!”

Hearing this Wang Xuexin couldn't help scolding, this devil is so fucking vicious, using Chinese people to deal with Chinese people will make it difficult for the Eighth Route Army to do it at both ends.

Of course, the Eighth Route Army could not let them take the food out at this time.

War is so cruel sometimes, you can't compromise with the enemy at any time, otherwise you will hand the knife into the hands of the devils to be slaughtered.

Another way to stop the loss is to send soldiers to publicize among the people, so that the villagers will not sell their own things and refuse to trade with legal currency but with Guanghua coupons.

This propaganda effect is not very good.

Because the exchange rate between Guanghua coupons and legal tender was 1:1.

Although the two can no longer be exchanged, the impression that they are "one price" is deeply ingrained in the hearts of the people.

So, a catty of wheat can be sold for three cents or even more, why should it be sold for four cents?
Isn't this stupid?

Villagers rarely consider that these four-cent Guanghua coupons can buy more things than thirty-cent French coins, and the gap will widen further in the future.

Then the chief of staff roughly discussed the long-term production plan with Wang Xuexin... The chief wanted to hold a detailed meeting on this aspect several times, but it was delayed because the current main task was to "stop losses".

The chief of staff pulled Wang Xuexin to sit down on a nearby tree stump and said, "The chief and I will discuss this issue as soon as we have time. I think it is easy to solve the internal problem, but the external problem is not just about breaking the embargo. We don’t have anything to sell to the enemy, should we sell food to the enemy? We don’t have enough to eat now!”

This is indeed a headache.

The production of the Eighth Route Army is mainly based on agriculture. In terms of industry, both the devils and Chongqing are much stronger than the Eighth Route Army.

If you want to do business with the enemy, it is impossible to sell industrial products.It should be more about selling agricultural products in exchange for industrial products.

But what to sell?
Food, clothes?
Or handmade items?
The food and clothes have just been looted. As the chief of staff said, of course I can't sell them if I don't have enough.

Handmade products may be possible, but these things are often light in weight and bulky, which is not easy to transport, and the price is still low.

Risking life and death through all kinds of hardships, the money in exchange may not be enough for bribes. Isn't this a loss-making business?
(End of this chapter)

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