Chapter 163

"We can sell salt!" Wang Xuexin said, "Send the salt to the county town to sell!"

Wang Xuexin knew this because he remembered that the way for the Eighth Route Army to increase foreign exchange income "in the future" is to rely on salt.

Since the "future" is feasible, it is absolutely right to propose this path!

Unexpectedly, the chief of staff sighed and replied: "We are still short of salt, how can we sell salt?"

Wang Xuexin was stunned for a moment, can't it?Could it be that I remembered it wrong?

Seeing Wang Xuexin's puzzled face, the chief of staff explained: "There is indeed a salt field near us, and there is a salt lake in Yuncheng to the south, but that is Yan Laoxi'er's territory. Before the blockade, it was okay, we can send people Going to fetch salt, at 70 yuan per pack, is expensive! Now they make excuses that there is no salt and they won’t let you fetch it! You can’t buy it for two thousand packs!”

"Don't we have any other salt producing areas?" Wang Xuexin asked.

"Yes, there is!" The chief of staff replied: "But it's in Dingbian, it's far away! It's more than 800 miles away! Although it's free for us to travel, but with labor plus freight, it costs about 80 yuan a pack, so I've never thought about it this way!"

It was only later that Wang Xuexin learned that the Dingbian area was managed by fellow Mongolians at this time. Before that, it had been under the high-handed rule of Chongqing. After the Eighth Route Army liberated Dingbian in 36, it was returned to the villagers.To express their gratitude, the fellow Mongolian villagers agreed to allow the Eighth Route Army to collect salt in Yanchi for free.

As a result, Dingbian became the main source of salt for the military and civilians in the base area, and later became the economic support for breaking the blockade.It's just that it hasn't developed yet, no wonder the chief of staff doesn't know.

"Chief of Staff!" Wang Xuexin said, "Then we can't go to Yuncheng to hunt salt now, so we have to go to Dingbian!"

"That's what you say!" The chief of staff replied: "But it has to be done. But if it's a business...the salt is collected from the ground, and all the labor is added together, and it's ten yuan, plus shipping. The cost is at most 30 to 21 yuan. Yan Laoxi’er has a heavy tax, and a tax of 63 yuan is charged, so the market price is only 60 yuan. But we have to pay [-] yuan for shipping, how can we sell it better than others?”

It was the chief of staff who was in charge of discussing with Yan Laoxier about the matter of salt mining in Yuncheng, so they knew everything about it.

Wang Xuexin felt that there was nothing wrong with this analysis. If the cost of Dingbian's salt was higher than the enemy's price, then of course it would be unprofitable.


Wang Xuexin asked curiously: "Chief of Staff, why is the freight so expensive?"

The chief of staff was not very clear about this matter, and happened to see Zhang Wanhe passing by, so he called out: "Old Zhang, come here, let's talk about something!"

Zhang Wanhe is not only the director of the arsenal but also the head of the logistics department. He is familiar with transportation. When he heard this question, he raised his head and said to Wang Xuexin: "Little Northeast, you don't know! It's eight hundred miles! From Dingbian to There are many mountain roads along the way, and there are bandits. A load of salt weighs 150 catties. It takes more than half a month to walk fifty miles a day. , if it weren’t for the mules and horse shops on the road, I wouldn’t be able to walk here! 60 yuan isn’t too much!”

Wang Xuexin's jaw almost dropped when he heard it. It takes more than a month to go back and forth in [-] miles?what's the situation?
But when I think about it, I feel normal. This is not a modern car or train, and mules and horses carry heavy loads and walk on two legs.

In addition, you have to risk being robbed by bandits, and you may lose your life... 60 yuan is really not much!
Then Wang Xuexin asked again: "Director, what is this mule shop? Is it a mule shop?"

This time Zhang Wanhe and the chief of staff looked at Wang Xuexin with strange eyes.

The chief of staff asked: "Little Northeast, isn't there a mule and horse shop in the Northeast? How come you don't know?"

Wang Xuexin was stunned on the spot: "Is there? I really don't know!"

Zhang Wanhe said "oh": "Xiao Dongbei was imprisoned by the devils to work in an arsenal. It's normal if you don't know!"

The chief of staff suddenly realized, and then explained: "The mules and horses store is not selling mules and horses. It provides fodder for mules and horses that used to transport things, and provides food and lodging for people!"

Wang Xuexin understood with an "oh". ,
Isn't this an inn?
After thinking for a while, Wang Xuexin said: "Chief of Staff, Factory Director... I was thinking, if we want to do this business, we have to find a way to reduce costs, so that we can make money. Our transportation accounts for the majority, why not What about reducing the transportation cost?"

"Do you have a way to reduce costs?" Zhang Wanhe asked.

"Simple!" Wang Xuexin replied: "First of all, we have to build roads. If the roads are not good...for example, there are mountain roads, that mule and horse can only carry one load, but if the roads are made wider, this time we can carry a load." Car! Doesn’t this reduce the cost?”

The chief of staff said: "Xiao Dongbei, what you said is correct, but road construction is no small matter!"

Zhang Wanhe hesitated for a while, then said: "Chief of Staff, if we have to make long-term plans, then this road must be repaired, and the sooner we repair it, the more cost-effective it will be!"

The chief of staff understood when he heard the "long-term plan".

This is correct. Although it is difficult now, the enemy's blockade is not a day or two, but a year, two years or even longer.

And salt is a must, everyone needs it every day.

Well, of course, it is better to repair this road sooner than later.

You can enjoy the benefits after repairing it early. If you don’t repair it all the time, you will be transported with low efficiency and high cost, which is actually a loss.

What's more, it is difficult to repair roads now, and it may be even more difficult and impossible to repair in the future!

Thinking of the chief of staff, he nodded: "That's the reason. I'll tell the chief later."

Wang Xuexin went on to say: "We can also open a mule and horse shop. You see, we have planned for about half a day to open a mule and horse shop there, so that the transport team can settle down and feed the mules every day and every meal. Let’s go on the road after we’ve had enough to drink, and it’s easy to go one stop after another, and don’t bring any dry food.”

Wang Xuexin couldn't stop talking when he was happy:
"We not only reduce transportation costs, but also generate income and make money. And we only recognize Guanghua coupons, so the fellow villagers will use Guanghua coupons instead of French currency? If any new money is issued in the future, just change it!"

"Besides, what are the bandits along the way? Our Eighth Route Army runs mules and horse shops along the way, and we open a few every half a day. The guy who feeds the horses and chops firewood has a box on his waist and a cannon on his back. Carrying a rifle, bandits dare to come to make trouble?"

"Our mule and horse shop, don't you feel relieved to live here? The transportation is so fast and fast, the journey is safe, and the transportation cost can't be reduced exponentially?"

"At that time, let's transport this salt to the enemies and devils, hehe..."

The chief of staff and Zhang Wanhe were stunned when they heard this.

This little Northeast...why he solves all the problems like playing games!

 Dingbian Salt and Luomadian were the two main sources of income for the Eighth Route Army after it was blocked. This is written according to historical facts. Later, Luomadian gradually developed into a military station, which is the place where guerrillas communicated and concentrated their studies and training.

(End of this chapter)

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