Chapter 164 Old Wei
In fact, Wang Xuexin has considered the issue of expulsion of legal currency since discussing the development of production.

This is what the general direction requires.

If it was before, that is, when only devils invested fake money to buy supplies, there was still a glimmer of hope in the base area to distinguish fake money or trace it back to the source to avoid losses.

But if Chongqing also joins in... This method will not work, because Chongqing uses real money.

This is also the reason why Chongqing required the Eighth Route Army to use legal currency when they first cooperated, and even required the Eighth Route Army not to open banks or issue currency.

In this way, Chongqing can firmly grasp the economy of the Eighth Route Army, and can implement an economic blockade and plunder of materials at any time.

It's just that it found that the devils were the first to attack.

So I thought, rather than letting the devils rob it, it would be better to rob it myself, and at the same time, it is also in the interests of Chongqing strategically, so why not do it.

Then there is the current situation based on the ground.

Faced with this situation, the Eighth Route Army had only one choice: abandon the French currency.

The ridiculous thing is that the Chongqing side used legal currency to plunder the resources of the base area. When the base area issued the border area currency, it also accused the Eighth Route Army of violating the agreement... This is beating people and asking the other party to stand still and not hide!
But currency is not something that can be thrown away or thrown away at the opening meeting for a few days to make fellow villagers throw away legal currency.

The essence of currency is barter, which is for the convenience of buying and selling.

Since it is for the convenience of buying and selling, it is necessary to buy and sell in order to use as much currency as possible.

If every household grows food and cotton, and even spins, weaves, makes clothes, etc., and is completely self-sufficient, then there is no need for money.

But this obviously has disadvantages such as low efficiency, poor quality, and long time-consuming.

Because everyone has their own strengths and weaknesses, it is impossible to be proficient in everything.

Therefore, the farming should be handed over to those who are good at farming, the spinning should be handed over to those who can spin the thread, and the weaving should be handed over to...

After finishing everything, buy and sell each to get what they need, which is division of labor and cooperation.

Currency plays a role in facilitating transactions.

This is why Wang Xuexin previously proposed to encourage villagers to grow cotton and the army to open up wasteland to grow grain.

With food in hand, the army has the top priority in "food, clothing, housing and transportation". Food is related to whether it will starve to death, so it has currency decision-making power and control power.

To put it simply, as long as the Eighth Route Army has food in its hands, they will shout: "You can only buy food with Guanghua coupons, and the French currency will not be accepted!"

Then the common people have to exchange their cotton for Guanghua coupons!
Anyone who wants to exchange legal currency that cannot buy food will starve to death!
Conversely, if the Eighth Route Army grows cotton while the common people grow grain...

The Eighth Route Army shouted again, and the common people "cut": "Anyway, there is no hurry. The clothes are almost ready to wear. Why do you need so much cotton? If you call you, I will recognize French currency. If your Eighth Route Army does not use French currency Come buy my grain, I won’t sell it! I’ll starve you to death, and see who can last longer!”

The result is likely to be... the Eighth Route Army had to compromise and use legal currency to buy food again.

Therefore, if you want to drive out legal currency and stabilize prices, you must keep food in the hands of the Eighth Route Army.

Guanghua coupons are needed for food, cloth and clothes, for living in mules and horse shops, for buying salt, etc... This covers the food, clothing, housing, transportation and daily necessities of the people.

So the common people don't need to publicize it, and they will naturally choose Guanghua Coupons instead of French currency.

At that time, no matter how much French currency the devils or the Chongqing side invested in, it would not be able to stir up any ripples.

If the border area currency is printed in the future, all you need to do is exchange the border area currency with Guanghua coupons according to the exchange rate.

After the chief of staff returned to the headquarters, he discussed Wang Xuexin's specific ideas with the chief, who nodded in praise and said, "That's right, Xiaodongbei is very comprehensive! This multi-pronged approach will fully cover the people's food, clothing, housing and transportation. , to drive out the legal currency as soon as possible to minimize its harm!"

Then the chief issued several orders in succession:

"Except for the troops stationed on the front line with combat missions, the rest of the ministries will join production labor, focusing on opening up wasteland and building water conservancy facilities, so as to prepare for next year's sowing!
"A certain division will immediately go to Dingbian to investigate the route along the way, widen the mountain road and build a mule and horse shop along the way!"

"The logistics department immediately sent people to Dingbian to set up a salt bureau to organize the operation, management and anti-smuggling of the Dingbian salt pond!"

On Wang Xuexin's side, Old Wei came to him.

He limped into Wang Xuexin's ward with a cane. Wang Xuexin hurriedly got up and helped Old Wei come in and sat down.

Old Wei seemed a little nervous, he swallowed with difficulty, and asked, "Brother, is there any big problem with our daughter-in-law?"

"What's the matter?" Wang Xuexin was asked inexplicably.

"No, it's just... the business I told you about two days ago." Old Wei said worriedly, "They said it was buying and selling, and they were helping traitors to use fake money to search for food..."

Wang Xuexin said "Oh", and replied while offering Lao Wei a glass of water: "Don't worry! It's okay, many fellow villagers don't know about it, and were deceived by traitors! Just don't do this in the future!"

"Yes, yes, yes!" Old Wei heaved a sigh of relief when he heard Wang Xuexin say this: "My wife has no brains, and she also wants to save me some money. Look at me like this..."

As he said that, Old Wei looked at his legs, shook his head and smiled wryly.

"Is there any problem with your family?" Wang Xuexin asked.

"Fortunately, you remind me!" Old Wei looked at Wang Xuexin gratefully: "As soon as I heard you say 'stop', I immediately sent a message to my wife. Coincidentally, my wife was driving a mule cart carrying hundreds of catties The wheat is going to be transported to Chenjia Village, and I turned back immediately after hearing the news! Including some at home, the total is about [-] catties, and I heard that they are all piled up in the house. How about I make a report to the superior?"

Wang Xuexin sighed in his heart, people in this era are really sincere.

If others got this benefit, they would have shut up a long time ago, and would take the initiative to submit a report?

Wang Xuexin looked at the empty trousers on Old Wei's legs, and said, "You don't need to hand it in, as long as the rations don't reach the traitors, you'll be fine."

"Then...what if our daughter-in-law gave fake money?" Old Wei asked worriedly.

"It may be real money!" Wang Xuexin was a little overwhelmed: "There is no way to investigate this matter, just use Guanghua coupons in the future!"

Old Wei rubbed his head and asked, "Are you all right?"

"It's okay!" Wang Xuexin nodded with certainty.

"That's good!" Old Wei giggled, "I trust you, everyone says you have a good head!"

Speaking of old Wei, he propped up his crutches to leave, and Wang Xuexin asked at this moment: "Old Wei, do you know the mules and horses shop?"

"How could you not know?" Old Wei replied, "I worked as a clerk in a mule and horse shop before joining the army!"

"That's good!" Wang Xuexin leaned forward and said in a low voice, "Recently, we have an army going to build roads, so you use the grain as your capital, and you decide on that road to run the entire mule and horse shop with your wife. It will be settled for the rest of my life!"

Old Wei nodded heavily: "Okay, I'll listen to you!"

(End of this chapter)

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