Chapter 165 Axle
As soon as Old Wei left, Su Xin rushed in hurriedly.

"Hurry up!" Su Xin pulled Wang Xuexin out without saying a word: "The axle is here, and the factory manager told you to go there if you are free!"

Wang Xuexin complained in his heart, you are dragging people on the road, and you still ask if you are free?
When I arrived at a branch factory, I saw Zhang Wanhe and several directors there. There were three wheel axles in the open space. The hardware reported while measuring: "The diameter is 150MM, the length is 1489MM..." (Devil Railway uses a narrow distance of 1067MM, the wheel axle slightly longer than the rails)

Zhang Wanhe said excitedly to Wang Xuexin: "I heard that this axle can be used for four years, but it was replaced after just over a month of use. It is suitable in all aspects, so I am worried about the problem of punching holes!"

"Director, let's try it!" Hardware said.

"Try it, what else can we do?" Zhang Wanhe pretended to be relaxed: "Anyway, we didn't expect to succeed!"

There is a saying that the greater the hope, the greater the disappointment. Zhang Wanhe feels that if there is no hope, there will be no disappointment.

But even he himself knew that this was just a lie to lie to himself.

These days, when the axle is not here, he calls Li Yunlong every day, sometimes twice a day:

"I'm talking about Lao Li! You really have to take care of me this time! Don't let the axle be caught by the enemy on the road!"

"This thing is scrap iron in the eyes of others, but it is a treasure in our eyes! It can't be sloppy at all!"

"Chengcheng, of course I miss you if there are good things! What is the relationship between us!"

Zhang Wanhe had never begged anyone so humbly before, and this time he almost knelt down to Li Yunlong.

"Hey..." Zhang Wanhe watched nervously as several people lifted the axle onto the machine tool, "Take it easy, don't knock it!"

When the hardware fixed the axle on the machine tool, Su Xin raised his head towards the drill bit at the other end, and introduced: "That is the twist drill we processed, thanks to the method you mentioned to modify the bellows!"

Wang Xuexin followed Su Xin's gaze, and he saw a twisted twisted drill bit, about sixty centimeters long.

Wang Xuexin thought that Su Xin and others should have cut the long drill pipe into several sections, so that they could continue drilling one section after another.

Hardware oiled the drill bit, and then turned to Zhang Wanhe.

Zhang Wanhe nodded, and as soon as the metal switch was pressed, the twist drill started to spin quickly.

Hardware carefully leaned the drill bit towards the axle, and with a harsh sound of metal turning, the axle slowly sank into a pit.

After a while, Wujin stopped his hands and shouted excitedly: "It can be done, but it is a bit slow. The more you drill in, the more careful you have to be. After a while, the slag will be poured out, and you have to cool down and refuel. It may take more than ten days. We should First shorten the axle, it will be easier to fight!"

The crowd immediately burst into cheers.

Zhang Wanhe pretended to be there and shouted: "Why are you so excited? You haven't written your horoscope yet! You won't know if there is any problem until you make a few shells after making it. Don't be too happy!"

Zhang Wanhe said so, but he knew in his heart that the steel of the train axle was fine and the holes could be drilled, and there were no other technical difficulties.

This is a cannon!
The Eighth Route Army is about to have its first cannon!
There will be many more to come...

Zhang Wanhe was so excited that he staggered and almost fell, which made everyone laugh.

Zhang Wanhe ignored the others, only beckoned to Wang Xuexin and pulled him aside, and said in a low voice: "Xiao Wang, the superior highly praises the spirit and achievements of our arsenal in actively producing and inventing new weapons, especially the toughness of steel." This technology has spread to the whole army, which has raised our army's equipment to a new level. However, because it is confidential, the achievements in this area will not be announced to the public. Let's talk about it internally. I hope you can understand!"

"It must be understood!" Wang Xuexin replied: "Don't worry, the factory manager, I understand this reason, and I don't care about the name."

Wang Xuexin really understands.

Because if the whole army reported this, the devils and spies would immediately focus on Wang Xuexin, and even guess the location of the arsenal based on Wang Xuexin's whereabouts.

At that time, whether it is a strong attack, an assassination, or a special agent team... Anyway, it is not pleasing!

This is what people often say "people are afraid of being famous and pigs are afraid of being strong", so we still have to keep a low profile.

Zhang Wanhe nodded and said, "It's good if you understand! In addition, I want to tell you some good news. Because we are trying to produce artillery, the superior plans to distribute smokeless gunpowder to us every month, and also considers setting up a chemical branch in our arsenal." factory. If the artillery can be made, I don’t think the chemical branch will run away!”

Wang Xue understood what Zhang Wanhe meant.

If the chief engineer can produce artillery, then in order for the artillery to be more powerful and last longer, of course, smokeless gunpowder that burns more fully must be used!
Otherwise, after firing a few shells, the barrel will have to be cleaned, which will definitely affect the combat effectiveness. (When reloading bullets, there is a problem of cleaning the barrel, otherwise it is easy to blow the chamber, but reloading bullets also have the reason that the rifling is severely worn)
So the gunpowder came with the artillery.

To Wang Xuexin's surprise...

"Our army can actually build a chemical factory to produce smokeless gunpowder?" Wang Xuexin asked.

Zhang Wanhe nodded: "I didn't know it, it was hidden deep enough!"

It was only later that Wang Xuexin learned that this was not actually a "deep hiding", but that the chemical plant had just produced the first batch of nitric acid and based on this it produced smokeless gunpowder (December 40).

This chemical plant is located in Da'angou, Yizhong, code-named "pig".

The reason why it is called "pig" is because sulfuric acid and nitric acid are produced by the local method "tank tower method", that is, they are distilled in large vats of ordinary people. An acid-resistant lead pipe is added to the side of the large vat, which looks like pig nose.

At this time, after several years of attempts, they finally succeeded in producing sulfuric acid, the mother of gunpowder, with the third-generation "cylinder tower" after numerous failures.

However, the output is very low. If it weren't for the fact that the Lujiagou Arsenal can produce artillery and urgently needs smokeless gunpowder, it wouldn't be here!
Therefore, the wisdom of the masses is infinite. Inventing a little here and creating a new one there is a remarkable achievement.

That's fine, Wang Xuexin also thought about whether to buy a smokeless gunpowder technology from the system...

But at first, I thought that the black gunpowder could barely be used, and the more anxious thing was to solve the problem, and the gunpowder could be put aside first.

Second, the target of the chemical plant is too large and it is easy to be exposed... Chemical acid production will inevitably produce pollution, and the pungent smell can be smelled from a long distance.

So the matter was delayed again and again.

Unexpectedly, another place has been reorganized, and Wang Xuexin also saved a sum of military industrial coins.

(End of this chapter)

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