Chapter 166 Horses

This day is the day when Wang Xuexin was discharged from the hospital.

The so-called discharge means moving from one side of the village to another to live in the arsenal.

When Su Xin came to pick Wang Xuexin up, she said, "The room in the arsenal has been fixed for you! The factory manager told me that it was discussed with the head of the regiment, and there is no rush to go back. The 'Ghost Cannon' will be gone in a few days." You can try to assemble it, and then play a few rounds to see the situation!"

Wang Xuexin knows why the cannon is so fast. Su Xin has been telling him the process, which parts have been imitated, which parts have been tested... Before the axle came, these things were almost finished, and now they are waiting The barrel came out.

The parts test was also done by Su Xin. She put the parts back into the original cannon for testing, and then operated it a few times before she felt that there was no problem before she passed the test.

The reason why I say "feeling" is because I didn't try to fire a few shells... The original shells are like treasures, and even one shot made the troops feel distressed.

Li Changfu, the head of the Hundred Battles Regiment, made a special phone call because he heard that the arsenal fired a shell: "Director, do you know how important a shell is? It can probably take down a devil's gun tower!"

This is true.

This does not mean that a gun tower can be blown up with one shot, but that a hole can be knocked out in the gun tower, and then it is much easier to deal with it. If you throw a grenade into the hole from a distance, the devil will be killed in a few hits. It was blown up.

If such a hole hadn't been blown out, only Wang Gensheng, the excellent pitcher of the Independent Regiment, would have been able to throw a grenade through the hole.

So the other two shells that came with the cannon didn't dare to move anymore, they just took a look and measured them to imitate the shells.

However, the imitation shells are still not the same, not to mention the different materials. The Eighth Route Army can't make shells with copper, a scarce material. Even in terms of shape... the Eighth Route Army can only make round-headed shells and add a fuze to the front.

This is the problem of the second branch factory. If you make this kind of standard pointed and small cone shell, you will have difficulties in casting and it is difficult to ensure its balance.

If the rifled gun is fine, the shell will rotate when it is fired, and it can barely maintain its posture even if it is unbalanced.

However, if the gun without rifling is unbalanced, it will roll in the air, and it will not explode even if it hits the target. As a result, in order to pursue a balanced warhead, it can only be made into a regular cylindrical and round head.

As soon as Wang Xuexin returned to the arsenal, Li Yunlong's voice rang out: "Xiao Dongbei...he didn't tell me when his mother was discharged from the hospital, and made me run blindly to the hospital!"

Wang Xuexin went out to see that Li Yunlong came riding a horse with a monk.

"Team leader!" Wang Xuexin replied, "If I can tell you this when I leave the hospital, then you have to match me with a radio station!"

"Imagine all the good things!" Li Yunlong laughed "hehe": "But there is no radio station. I will bring you a horse. How about it?"

As he said that, with a wave of his hand, the monk led a maroon horse and handed the reins to Wang Xuexin: "Here, the leader will give you face! It is said that Xiaobei always runs around, so I will give it to the horse for convenience!"

"Horse?" Wang Xuexin was stunned when he took the reins.

This thing is very valuable in this era, especially after the base area was looted by legal currency.

"Team leader!" Wang Xuexin touched the horse's head and asked, "Where did this... come from?"

In fact, what Wang Xuexin wanted to ask was not this question, he wanted to say: "Head, how did you become so generous, you iron cock?"

But if you ask this question, you will probably get kicked by Li Yunlong soon, so it's better to take it easy.

Li Yunlong replied triumphantly: "It's nothing, a gift from Commander Ding! We just took away a cavalry battalion of the puppet army and captured more than 400 horses! More than 100 horses have been dispatched, and we are preparing to form a cavalry company..."

"Cavalry company?" Wang Xuexin was dumbfounded when he heard this.

"What's wrong?" Li Yunlong asked suspiciously when he saw Wang Xuexin's expression was not right.

"Commander, I don't think we should form any cavalry company!" Wang Xuexin replied.

Li Yunlong's face darkened, and he immediately began to scold: "Little Northeast, are you a traitor or something? I have both men and horses, why can't I form a cavalry company?"

"Regimental Commander!" Wang Xuexin looked around and replied in a low voice, "You... traitor, don't put on your hat indiscriminately, you will be shot!"

"If you don't tell me a reason today, I'm right!" Li Yunlong stared angrily, "What a great opportunity! But you say no... Isn't this speaking for the devil?"

Wang Xuexin was a little helpless, there were so many "reasons" in what this guy said.

After thinking about it, Wang Xuexin asked instead of answering: "Commander, let me ask the last question, how many rounds do our machine guns usually have?"

Li Yunlong cocked his mouth and replied, "Fifty rounds, what's wrong?"

This is the amount of ammunition prepared by the independent regiment after capturing a batch of ammunition from the devils. If it had only prepared [-] rounds of ammunition before, it was said that the machine gun was actually a faster-firing rifle.

"That's the problem." Wang Xuexin said, "Most of our Eighth Route Army is armed with rifles, and what they shoot is reloaded bullets with a short range. Form a cavalry unit. But the base of the devil's machine gun is 500 rounds of bullets, and all of them are rifles with a range of [-] meters for the original bullets, plus grenades and mortars... Isn't the cavalry a big target? Is it?"

In fact, the cavalry should have been eliminated at this time.

Strictly speaking, it is not elimination, but the transformation of cavalry into armored or motorized troops.

Those establishments are such and such cavalry regiments or brigades. In fact, they are not riding horses but driving cars, armored vehicles or tanks.

Devils are similar. Even Nishi Takeichi, the Olympic equestrian champion who served in the army, had to abandon his horses to become the commander of the armored forces.

In terms of riding, who can compare with the Olympic champion!

If it is useful, why don't the devils let the Olympic champions join the cavalry?

The reason why the devils still have cavalry on the side of the Eighth Route Army.

On the one hand, Wang Xuexin said that the Eighth Route Army's poor equipment and poor firepower could not pose a threat to the cavalry. This is the same reason as the devils dared to build artillery towers to deal with the Eighth Route Army.

On the other hand, the Eighth Route Army is good at changing places with one shot. In addition, the roads in this area are underdeveloped and it is difficult for cars to maneuver. Therefore, it is a way to use cavalry to chase the Eighth Route Army that is fighting guerrilla warfare.

But conversely, if the Eighth Route Army formed cavalry to deal with devils with superior firepower, it would be the same as building a gun tower to deal with devils with artillery. It was an act of courting death.

So forming a cavalry unit, especially if it’s just a company... It’s fine to act it out in TV dramas, but it’s going to be a big problem if you use it to fight against the enemy in reality: a target as big as a man riding a horse can be hundreds of meters away with a devil’s marksmanship If you can't hit it, you are blind.

Even if he missed the man, if the horse fell to the ground after being shot or was frightened, would the man fall half dead?
That's not counting machine guns, grenades, etc., that's a dozen or so.

(End of this chapter)

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