Bright Sword Military System

Chapter 167 Income Generation

Chapter 167 Income Generation
After listening to Wang Xuexin's analysis, Li Yunlong hesitated and asked: "So, we don't want to form this cavalry company anymore?"

"It must not be grouped!" Wang Xuexin replied: "Our situation is different from that of the devils, with different equipment, different firepower, and different qualities. The devils like to fight us on the open ground, and we have to fight the devils on the reverse slope of the mountain. ;The devil wants to use the gun tower to block us, we want to break through the blockade by using the gun tower; similarly, the devil can use the cavalry, but we can't use the cavalry!"

In this way, Li Yunlong understood. He nodded and said, "That's reasonable. If we use cavalry again, it's like fighting with the devils on the open ground. It means the same thing to build a gun tower with the devils!"

One attack and one defense, the strategic direction and strategic goals are different, and the tactics used must also be different.

"Yes, yes, that's what it means!" Wang Xuexin said: "Some things can be learned, but some things cannot be learned. For example, if we use landmines to block traffic lines and use reverse slope tactics, the devils cannot learn them. They are asking for trouble. .We are asking for trouble for the cavalry, think about it, commander, if the cavalry is formed... where can we use it?"

After being told by Wang Xuexin, Li Yunlong realized that he really didn't know where to use the cavalry.

Plains attack?That is the target of the enemy.

Mountain reverse slope defense?The cavalry is to reach the destination faster, and the rest is just to play there, and there is one more thing to take care of!

Thinking of this, Li Yunlong frowned and asked, "Little Northeast, then our war horse is so useless?"

Li Yunlong knows what horses can do, for example, as a correspondent, as a group leader and guard for transportation, and as a set of cars to transport things.

But the more than 1000 people in the independent regiment don't need so many horses at all. If you don't form a cavalry company, it will be a heavy burden to keep them like this.

"How can it be abolished!" Wang Xuexin laughed and asked: "Commander, have you heard about the salt transportation in Dingbian?"

"I heard some rumors!" Li Yunlong replied: "It is said that Yan Laoxier won't let you salt, we have to transport it from Dingbian!"

This is not a military secret, and the Eighth Route Army's main salt-producing area is only Dingbian. If there is no salt, it must be transported to Dingbian.

Then Li Yunlong understood what Wang Xuexin meant. He glared at Wang Xuexin with some disdain, and said, "I said Xiaodongbei, you don't mean to let me use these horses to transport salt? You really put our local Master Lao Cai went to grab food from fellow villagers?"

"Look at what you said!" Wang Xuexin replied, "Why is this stealing food from fellow villagers?"

Wang Xuexin moved closer and lowered his voice: "Commander, the situation is different now. In the future, when supplies are in short supply, the superiors will ask each unit to solve their own living problems. Although our independent regiment is a front-line unit and does not require farming, but There must not be much food that the superiors can distribute to our troops! If the soldiers are hungry and hungry, how can we fight in the future?"

Li Yunlong gasped when he heard this.

Things seemed to be exactly as Xiaodongbei said. During this period of time, the army's rations were much worse. Not to mention half of the army rations, the cornmeal would be gone immediately, and the canned meat would not even even be considered.

It is said that this is the result of the devils rushing to buy food with legal currency. Last time, there was a meeting about this matter. Aren't the chiefs jumping in a hurry?
Li Yunlong thought that this was just a temporary phenomenon, and it would get better after a while, but from what Xiao Dongbei said... it seems that this hard time will last longer in the future?
Then you have to think about it!

Thinking about it, Li Yunlong asked: "If we do this, can the superior agree?"

"You must agree!" Wang Xuexin said: "Not only agree, but also encourage!"

If this was before, the superiors probably would not agree.

At that time, the troops were uniformly deployed by the superiors. For example, farming and so on were all planted in collective experimental fields according to orders.

But things are different now.

Before the legal currency was expelled, the materials in the base areas had to be plundered all the time, so the skyrocketing prices of goods and the plummeting of living standards could not be stopped.

Under such circumstances, the headquarters itself can't take care of itself, so of course it can't send money and food to the troops.

So there was only one solution: ask each regiment to solve the problem of self-sufficiency by itself.

Isn't it self-contradictory to require each regiment to solve its own problems without letting the troops make a living?
So superiors must encourage, support, and even organize.

For example, those who transport salt to Dingbian have the transportation team of a certain army, and others go to Mongolia to transport fur, dig licorice, and even set up their own paper mills, quilt factories, tofu shops, etc., so that they can have enough food and clothing by themselves. !Li Yunlong's thinking has not yet changed.

Seeing that Li Yunlong was still hesitating, Wang Xuexin said: "Commander, if you still don't believe me, go to your superiors and ask for instructions. You will know if it is true or not!"

Li Yunlong thought about it, so he nodded and replied: "Okay, I'll go to the superior and talk about it."

After walking a few steps, he turned around and said fiercely to Wang Xuexin, "I'll tell you Xiaodongbei, if I let the chief scold me, I'll take it back from you!"

Wang Xuexin was speechless for a while, who am I provoking?

Then Li Yunlong really went to the chief to ask for instructions. He was prepared to be scolded by the chief.

Because the more he thought about it, the more he felt that something was wrong. All the horses in the army were transporting salt to generate income. What if the battle on the front line was delayed?

If they are all doing business to make money, what about the training of the troops?
Thinking that when Li Yunlong arrived at the entrance of the command department, he walked around there and dared not enter the door.

Unexpectedly, the chief was coming back from the outside, and when he saw Li Yunlong's appearance, he asked, "Li Yunlong, what are you doing wandering around there? Tell me something!"

Li Yunlong hurriedly stepped forward to salute, and then laughed "hehe", "Hey, that's what happened. Didn't we hear that the army is in difficulty during this time? The army is short of supplies. I was thinking, can I organize a team?" The transport team went to Dingbian to transport salt, earn some money and exchange some food for the soldiers to fill their stomachs!"

Li Yunlong didn't dare to talk about handing in a batch of war horses.

joke!If you talk to the brigade commander, you will be paid more than half of it. If you have to talk to the you still have to owe it?
Li Yunlong even thought about how the chief would answer: "Playing the piano randomly! I said you, Li Yunlong, want to be the owner of the old money all day long if you don't do your business! The things in the army are for you to make money? That's for you to fight use!"

Unexpectedly, the chief said "Yo" after hearing this: "I said Li Yunlong, it's not bad! This time, the thinking has gone ahead of others? No problem, your approach is worth promoting, and other troops can also join if they are capable. Do it!"

Li Yunlong was dumbfounded when he heard it, and Xiao Dongbei really hit the nail on the head!

(End of this chapter)

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