Bright Sword Military System

Chapter 186 Type 4 Bazooka

Chapter 186 Four Type Bazooka

The ammunition unloaded by the Independence Regiment from the train was enough to fill more than [-] cars, and there were also a large number of cotton-padded clothes, military boots, canned food, etc. Li Yunlong immediately asked the soldiers to put one piece of cotton-padded clothes on their bodies first, and then Then find pickers from the military depot and pick up the supplies.

If there is nothing to pack, the cans are wrapped in cotton clothes and tied with ropes, strung on both ends of the bamboo poles and picked up.

The same is true for the puppet troops who surrendered. Everyone picked a big pick, and if they couldn't pick it, they would give him two kicks.

The car is also full of supplies, the roof, front, and even the cab are full of cans.

In addition, there are more than a dozen sidecars handed over from the military depot. This thing is the standard equipment of the devil. It is usually used to patrol the railway line. It is equipped with a machine gun while fighting, and it will shoot when it sees any movement.

At this time, the side buckets on the shoulders were full of things, and the puppet prisoners were waiting in the driver's seat.

The monk became excited when he saw this bag. Without a word, he ran forward to choose one, and pulled the puppet prisoner off the driver's seat: "Go, sit in the back, let me do it!"

How could the puppet prisoners dare to say no, they obediently sat in the back.

As a result, the monk stepped up and swayed, and asked angrily, "Why doesn't this thing go away?"

The puppet prisoner was stunned when he heard this: "Sir, you don't know how?"

"Who the hell can't?" The monk asked while cursing, "Tell me, how do you fix this thing?"

The puppet prisoner hurriedly taught him every detail.

This monk is worthy of being a master of family training, with good coordination of hands and feet, and he can almost play with it after riding around for a while.

Li Yunlong grinned from ear to ear when he saw the prepared materials. He waved to the monk who was playing vigorously and called him to him, saying: "You go ahead and tell the comrades on the broken road to let them blow up slowly." The bridge breaks the road, we still have more than [-] cars to pass!"

The monk responded and walked in the direction of the bag, and Li Yunlong called him back before taking two steps.

"Why are you going?" Li Yunlong asked with staring eyes.

The monk responded incomprehensibly: "It wasn't you who asked me to go ahead..."

"I asked you to go on a saddle?" Li Yunlong said angrily, "Are you stupid? You rode a saddle into our army at night, do you know the consequences?"

When the monk heard it, it was true, it would be too wronged if Mo Ming died in the hands of his own people.

So I had no choice but to ride a horse reluctantly.

Wang Xuexin sat in the passenger cab of the car and followed the convoy staggering forward.

Perhaps the car was overwhelmed with too many things loaded on it, so the forward speed was very slow.

Sitting in the driver's seat was the captain who had surrendered to the devil. His name was Asano Aihara, and he had returned from studying in the United States.

"Then!" Wang Xuexin asked, "What major did you study in the United States?"

"Yes!" Asano Aihara replied respectfully while operating the steering wheel: "I major in chemistry!"

Chemistry, although this major is one of the four major tiankengs of "biochemical and environmental materials" in modern times, it is still very popular in this era, especially in war years.

"Then!" Wang Xuexin continued to ask: "Can you tell me what is going on with this 'injection bomb'?"

"Yes!" Asano Aihara replied: "The higher-ups hope to use 'jet-in bombs' to solve the problem of our army's insufficient anti-tank equipment, but... it is not very ideal! So we need to test it to determine that it is more suitable for developing into an anti-tank tank. Tank equipment or something else..."

Asano Aihara seemed to stay on the surface intentionally and didn't want to go deeper.

But Wang Xuexin is not in a hurry, he knows that there will be plenty of time in the future.

At the same time, Wang Xuexin faintly felt that the devils should have a problem with the direction of the "spraying bombs"... As a country with serious shortage of resources, they probably demanded too much accuracy from the "spraying bombs".

Just like they don't pay attention to the development of submachine guns, they always hope that each bullet can destroy an enemy.

If you bring this kind of thinking to the "jet bombs" that win by numbers, then they may never succeed.

If Wang Xuexin had more military knowledge, he would know that this is indeed the case.

The devil had stagnated in the research and development of rockets during World War II because of this. It was not until the allies sent him several anti-tank rocket launchers and blueprints that the devil succeeded in imitating the Type [-] rocket launcher.

Not many people in China know about this kind of bazooka.

The reason is that the devils have almost no anti-tank demand in China, so they did not put it on the battlefield, but only conducted some secret tests on it.

The devil intends to put this bazooka into the mainland for defense.

Unexpectedly, what they faced on the mainland was not an enemy tank at all, but a "big mushroom".

But no matter what, it must be a good thing to let the devil continue to make mistakes like this, so Wang Xuexin thinks that he should be more cautious in this regard.

Otherwise, the Chongqing side may suffer even if the devils come up with Katyusha-like rocket launchers and hit-and-run tactics.

It was only later that Wang Xuexin realized that his worries in this regard were unnecessary. At this time, the devils were still using the solvent-extruded gunpowder forming method, which was difficult to produce and very dangerous in terms of solid gunpowder columns.

This determines that the devils cannot mass-produce rockets.

At this time, Wang Xuexin heard a noise coming from the window. It turned out that the guerrillas who were busy dismantling the poles and cutting the wires cheered on the side of the road when they saw that the Independence Regiment had seized so many supplies.

Wang Xuexin rolled down the car window and waved to them, and the guerrillas also waved in this direction, shouting at the same time:

"Good job, comrade!"

"I heard you robbed a train?"

"Is there any supplies left? Let's grab some too!"


Before Wang Xuexin could answer, Li Yunlong rode over and shouted: "Comrades, there are still a lot of supplies that have not been delivered to the military depot. Of course, we have to leave some soup for you to eat meat. Go quickly! First come first served! "

The guerrillas ran towards the military depot in groups of three and four after listening to the coaxing sound.

The Hundred Regiments War is actually so disorderly.

At the beginning, the superiors only planned to launch a raid with 22 regiments. As a result, more and more troops were unknowingly invested. Later, they suddenly discovered that there were 105 regiments fighting.

This made the devils confused for a long time where the main force of the Eighth Route Army was.

The result is: the devils sent reinforcements here, and the Eighth Route Army had already withdrawn when they arrived.The other end found the enemy's situation and hurriedly sent reinforcements, and the Eighth Route Army came back here.

So overwhelmed and overwhelmed, it was not until more than a month later that he slowed down and organized a raid that replaced defense with offense.

These are not things that Wang Xuexin needs to care about. At this time, the system has turned on the temptation mode: "It is detected that the host meets the requirements for imitating Type [-] rocket launchers. Do you want to imitate it?"

(End of this chapter)

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