Chapter 187 Trouble
The headquarters did not receive the news that the independent regiment had seized a large amount of supplies half an hour after the battle at the military depot. Zhao Gang found a free time on the road to report to his superiors.

As soon as the chief of staff received the telegram, he hurriedly reported to the chief: "Chief, the Independence Regiment stopped the depot and stopped a train. I heard that the seized materials were packed into more than [-] cars, and they were brought back together with the cars!"

The chief found the location of the military station on the map, and then laughed: "Not bad! This Li Yunlong has already stretched out his hands to the territory of the Baizhan Regiment!"

Then the chief nodded again and said: "But you can't say that. When the Hundred Battle Group fights up, the train will probably run away long ago! Fighting well and adapting to changes, Li Yunlong is worthy of it!"

The chief of staff then said with some embarrassment: "Chief, it's troublesome now!"

"What's the trouble?" The chief was surprised: "The enemy's reinforcements are standing? It shouldn't be. The railways and roads along the route have been destroyed by our army, and the electric wires and telephone lines have also been cut. How can the devil catch up so quickly... ..."

The chief is right. This is not just a matter of bridges being blown up, tunnels being blown up, or railways being dug up. Almost all the electric wires and telephone lines in various places have been cut and taken away.

This is also one of the reasons why the devils did not dare to send reinforcements without knowing the situation...

The more primitive the communication, the less likely it is to be cut off, such as the Eighth Route Army's homing pigeons and flashlight communications.

On the contrary, devils rely heavily on telephone communication, which is usually not a problem, and telephone lines can usually remain unblocked under the protection of gun towers and barbed wire.

But at this time, the Eighth Route Army suddenly launched a counterattack uncharacteristically, and the telephone lines in various places were cut or even stolen... Not to mention the telephone lines, even the barbed wire was not spared.

So as long as there is no radio station, it will be in a "disconnected" state.

Of course, the military depot would not have a radio station, so Okamura Neiji and Shinozuka Yoshio in Taiyuan did not know about the attack on the military depot.

Neiji Okamura didn't get the news until a day later. When he heard the news, he didn't feel sorry for the lost ammunition at all, and cared more about the researchers from the Firearms Manufacturing Institute.

"What happened to them?" Neiji Okamura asked, "Have you found the body?"

Shinozuka Yoshio replied: "Your Excellency, Lieutenant General, their bodies were not found. Judging from the situation at the scene, they should have been captured by the Eighth Route Army!"

Neiji Okamura sat there with a pale complexion for a while and couldn't recover.

"Your Excellency, Lieutenant General!" Yoshio Shinozuka, who was looking through the documents and found the information of these researchers, felt a little strange: "They are just researchers of the 'injection bomb', and the 'injection bomb' has not been successfully developed, why should you be so worried ?”

Neiji Okamura sighed, and said, "Mr. Xiaozuka, I wonder if you have noticed that the equipment of the Eighth Route Army is different?"

"Yes!" Shinozuka Yoshio replied: "Information from the front line shows that is indeed the case. The most obvious is the grenade. Usually the Eighth Route Army's grenade is of poor quality and low power. Although the lethality is not as good as our army, it is not far behind." Big!"

Shinozuka Yoshio always thought that Chongqing provided a batch of grenades for the Eighth Route Army, so he didn't care.

Neiji Okamura threw a document in front of Yoshio Shinozuka and said, "This is the result of our experts' identification of the unexploded grenades of the Eighth Route Army. They are different from the grenades used by the Chongqing side. Do you know what this means? "

Shinozuka Yoshio took the documents and looked through them, and then said in surprise, "If it wasn't the grenades provided by Chongqing, then... the Eighth Route Army made them themselves?"

Neiji Okamura nodded and said, "Do you still remember the last time we were attacked by mortars when we attacked the Eighth Route Army's anti-slope fortifications? Judging from the density of artillery and the fact that it is common among all enemies, the Eighth Route Army is very Might already be able to produce shells and even mortars!"

After a pause, Neiji Okamura said earnestly, "Mr. Shinozuka, the Eighth Route Army has high morale, a strong will to fight, and a large number of people. The reason why we can take the initiative against them..."

Neiji Okamura felt a little guilty when he mentioned the word "active", because he was in a passive state at this time.

But he went on to say: "There is only one reason, and that is the poor equipment of the Eighth Route Army. If one day, their equipment can be greatly improved, let alone our level, even if they reach the level of Chongqing, What do you think will happen?"

Shinozuka Yoshio nodded repeatedly.

Neiji Okamura was right. Apart from equipment, if the Eighth Route Army still lacked anything, it would be quality.

But the quality can gradually grow in battle, and recruits can become experienced veterans after fighting on the battlefield for a year or even a few months.

With the current strength and development speed of the Eighth Route Army, if it has weapons and equipment of acceptable will soon develop into an unshakable opponent.

Neiji Okamura said worriedly: "So, Shinozuka-san, we must stop their development in the military industry at all costs, but the captured researchers this time sent them a batch of urgently needed talents. "

The Lujiagou Eighth Route Army Headquarters, the leaders did not know that the devils had noticed the development of the Eighth Route Army.

The chief of staff leaned in front of the chief and whispered: "Boss, you said are not jealous no matter how much equipment Li Yunlong seized, but now...isn't it troublesome?"

The chief said "Oh", and then laughed: "It is indeed a trouble!"

On the one hand, the Independence Regiment has captured a large amount of ammunition that cannot be used up, and on the other hand, the troops fighting on the front line are short of ammunition...

If this is in accordance with discipline, of course the seized materials must be turned in and distributed uniformly!

But it was an independent regiment, and the leader had to keep his word, otherwise how would he command the troops in the future?

After thinking about it, the chief said: "Simple! I'm not jealous, but it doesn't mean their brigade commander is not jealous. Give their brigade commander a call!"

The chief of staff was stunned for a while before answering "yes".

When I went to make a phone call, I sighed in my heart: the chief is indeed the chief. If the brigade commander "divides" the ammunition into a batch, then he will ask the brigade commander if he is jealous of the independent regiment?

So, Li Yunlong's car had just arrived at Zhaojiayu with a large amount of ammunition and supplies, when the brigade commander called: "Li Yunlong, I heard that you got rich and seized a large amount of ammunition?"

Li Yunlong laughed "hehehe": "Thanks to the brigade commander, we really got rich today! There are 53 cars full of things..."

Before Li Yunlong finished speaking, the brigade commander said: "You also know that it is thanks to me? 53 vehicles... how about you have to allocate [-] vehicles to me?"

Li Yunlong's smile froze on his face in an instant, this... this damn is too cruel!

(End of this chapter)

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