Bright Sword Military System

Chapter 188 Bargaining

Chapter 188 Bargaining
"Brigade Commander!" Li Yunlong looked embarrassed: "You hold your hand high, you can't just say forty cars..."

Li Yunlong planned to bargain with the brigade commander for a while, even if he could grind back a cart of supplies, it would not be too little.

The brigade commander also simply said: "Success, let's say nothing, I will give you a receipt!"

Then he hung up the phone.

Li Yunlong: ...

Do I mean to get a receipt?

Can I take the receipt as a meal or something?
Can we still take the receipt to collect the debt from the brigade commander?

But scolding is scolding, Li Yunlong still can only suffer from being dumb.

Just kidding, the combat mission is assigned by the brigade commander. If the brigade commander lets the independent regiment stay on the second line to rest, then there will be no chance to eat meat!

It's just that this is the supplies for a full forty cars!

Forty cars!

Forty cars...

Li Yunlong held the microphone for a long time and didn't let go. He stood there in a daze, but his heart was bleeding.

But at this moment, Zhao Gang hurried back to the regiment headquarters from outside again, and said, "Old Li, those devils captured by Xiaobei Northeast and a truckload of 'spray bombs' are not easy, we have to send them to the headquarters..."

Before he finished speaking, Li Yunlong exploded: "Send, send, send...all the eyes of his mother are staring at me, Li Yunlong, or what? I haven't seen anything seized by others before giving it to us! Finally, it's the turn of the independent group to eat The meat is on, the fuck is the one who stretches out his hand and that one opens his mouth, does that happen?"

"Li Yunlong!" After being inexplicably scolded by Li Yunlong, Zhao Gang refused to agree: "Who stretched out his hand and opened his mouth to you? Can you keep those devils captives to fight, or prepare to equip a bunch of 'sprayed bombs' to fight devils ? Do you like to give it away or not!"

Li Yunlong was in a fit of anger, and he replied viciously: "I don't want to keep fighting, let's kill them at the head office!"

As he said, he hung up the box cannon and was about to go out.

Zhao Gang saw that Li Yunlong's posture was for real, so he hurried to catch up and stop him: "Li Yunlong, why are you crazy! These devils are talents that are scarce in the arsenal, and they are willing to cooperate. You have to kill him ! Let me see how you explain to the chief..."

Li Yunlong stared at him: "What are you going to do? What about his mother's shortage of talents? He is a devil no matter what! If you are a devil, you have to... wait a minute, what are you talking about?"

"Where is the arsenal?" Zhao Gang said: "These devils are researching weapons, of course the arsenal is in short supply!"

Then Zhao Gang earnestly persuaded: "I said, Lao Li, we can't be so reckless in this matter! Let's not say that these prisoners are talents we can use, and our army also has the discipline of preferential treatment of prisoners! We must treat prisoners like you Who dares to surrender in the future? Isn’t this just a disguised way to increase the difficulty of our army’s resistance? As a regiment commander, why don’t you understand this truth..."

Li Yunlong was stunned for a moment, and then his fierce face immediately turned into a smiling face, and the gunner who was holding the box also put it down.

"That's right, that's right... you really can't kill him!" Li Yunlong said with a smile, "I'm just talking about it? But the political commissar, you just said... what are these devils capable of?"

Although Zhao Gang was a little surprised, he had long been used to Li Yunlong's doggy face, so he replied: "I heard that he was studying the 'injection bomb', I don't know, Xiaodongbei said it would be useful for us, There are also a few who heard that they studied chemistry in the United States and can make gunpowder!"

Li Yunlong said "oh", then nodded with a smile and said, "Xiao Dongbei is absolutely right! OK, I'll tell Lao Zhang right now!"

Hearing this, Zhao Gang suddenly understood why Li Yunlong "figured it out", this damn thing has nothing to do with his own ideological work at all!
Zhang Wanhe is currently working out the production plan in the office.

During this period of time, the arsenal was quite elated. As soon as the "ghost cannon" was launched on the battlefield, and several of the devil's gun towers were successfully knocked down, the attention of the senior officials of the Eighth Route Army immediately focused on the Lujiagou arsenal.

Although this is only an internal publicity at the moment...

Zhang Wanhe can understand this matter. In order to confuse the enemy, it is not a good thing if the devils know that we can make cannons. We can hide it for as long as we can.So this matter should not be published in the newspapers or spread too widely, and it even has to be said that it was changed by the devil's infantry artillery.

But this does not affect the sensation caused by the top of the Eighth Route Army.

Finally, I can make my own guns, and the first three guns made have played a big role on the battlefield.

The No. [-] gun knocked down three gun towers with ten rounds.

The No. [-] gun knocked out one.

Although the No. [-] gun failed to destroy the gun tower, it played a role in suppressing the enemy.

When looking at these feedback data, the arsenal was full of joy. Zhang Wanhe was still thinking, why is it that the independent regiment can do everything?
Look at Li Yunlong who is proud of it... This cannon is especially good for him.

But this also proves that this is not a question of guns, but a question of whether they will be used!
In this way, the construction of the fifth branch will be no problem. I heard that the superiors will send people to set up the chemical plant in the next few days, and they will also bring a large number of equipment.

Zhang Wanhe felt relieved.

Back then, there were only 21 workers in this arsenal, 2 vises, 4 files and 1 bellows...

Just then the phone rang, and Zhang Wanhe picked up the phone and heard Li Yunlong's voice, so he said first, "I'm talking about Lao Li, I heard that your independent regiment used 'ghost cannons' to knock down three blockhouses in this battle. Not bad?"

Zhang Wanhe was actually boasting to himself, so isn't the "ghost cannon" made by an arsenal?

However, Zhang Wanhe didn't mean to be cocky when he said this, but because he knew that Li Yunlong's call would be bad.

Zhang Wanhe thought to himself, if the credit is given first, then Li Yunlong would be ashamed to speak up if he wanted to sharpen his equipment!

"'Spray'? I don't know what 'Spray' is!"

"I said, Lao Li, don't play with me like this. Devil's researchers are nothing to our arsenal."

"Although they are talented people, we don't have machines or equipment, so the things they know are useless to us!"

"What? Little Northeast said it was useful?"

Speaking of this piece of Wanhe's face, his face changed. A "Xiao Dongbei said it was useful" seemed to hit Zhang Wanhe's Achilles' heel, making him lose his inch.

Devil researchers are indeed not necessarily useful.

In this regard, Zhang Wanhe's thinking is the same as that of Wang Xuexin. Even if it is given to the Eighth Route Army, it cannot be produced with the current conditions of the Eighth Route Army, so it is no different from waste.

But Little Northeast knows the conditions of the Eighth Route Army, and can always use the existing conditions to create things as much as possible.

Although there is still a gap between the things made and the ghosts, such as the Wuxi small cannon and the "ghost cannon", it still solves the problem of whether the Eighth Route Army has it or not.

Now that Xiao Dongbei said it was useful, it probably won't run away.

Zhang Wanhe cursed secretly, it's not good for these devils to fall into the hands of anyone, but Li Yunlong's hands!
No, I have to bleed again!
(End of this chapter)

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