Bright Sword Military System

Chapter 189 Solvent-free double-base gunpowder

Chapter 189 Solvent-free double-base gunpowder

Wang Xuexin stopped at Zhaojiayu for a while, for no other reason than to give Ergou a ride.

When Xie Baoqing was at the military depot, he picked up the fragments of the corpses he could find, wrapped them in cotton clothes and took them with him.

After arriving at Zhaojiayu, soldiers from the original Heiyun Village, soldiers from the Seventh Company, and many other battalions gathered spontaneously. Li Yunlong also came up after answering the call at the regiment headquarters.

Xie Baoqing found a place in the back mountain, asked his subordinates to dig a hole, buried the body wrapped in cotton clothes, piled up a grave, and inserted a throwing knife that Ergou carried with him on the top of the grave, and it was over.

Xie Baoqing picked up a bowl of wine and said, "Ergou! Don't blame the boss for burying you here. As we said, you are a member of the Eighth Route Army when you live, and you are a ghost of the Eighth Route Army when you die. Just watch your brothers beat devils here. ! The head of the family respects you a bowl, let's go on the road!"

As he spoke, he spilled the wine on the grave with tears in his eyes.

The soldiers took off their hats to pay tribute.

Li Yunlong came forward with the wine and said, "Ergou, you are a man! Just wait, I will be your brother when I go down! Let's drink him for a few days and nights, and we won't go home until we're drunk!"

As he said that, he raised his bowl to respect the two dogs, and bent down to sprinkle the wine on the grave.

The four masters led a group of brothers from Heiyunzhai, knelt down on one knee in Jianghu etiquette, clasped their hands and shouted in unison: "Brother, let's go!".

Wang Xuexin has a lot of feelings about this situation.

What he thought was not just Ergou, but also the tens of thousands of soldiers who died on the battlefield, and many innocent people who died under the devil's butcher's knife.

But there is no way.

There is an unchanging motto that "if you fall behind, you will be beaten". Who will make China lag behind other countries at this time!Who made China unable to unite when invaded by foreign enemies!Who made China produce so many traitors who defected to the enemy and betrayed the country!
Wang Xuexin feels that since he came to this world, he has the responsibility to do his best to change these things.

Even if there is no power to change, it is not in vain to let more people survive in this troubled world.

After going down the mountain, Wang Xuexin returned to the army and temporarily handed over the affairs of the platoon to Huzi, then took several soldiers to escort Asano Aihara and his party to the headquarters in two car transported "sprayed bombs" , another vehicle to transport the researcher.

As the road to Lujiagou is narrow and the surroundings are deserted, Asano Aihara was a little worried. He looked around while driving the car, and then asked Wang Xuexin with a pale face: "Well, where are you taking us? Wouldn't it be taking us to the execution ground? Bar?"

Wang Xuexin smiled and said, "Don't worry, Asano-kun. If we want to kill you, we won't take you into the wild."

Asano Aihara breathed a sigh of relief, and then asked again: "Well, why didn't you take it to the wild?"

"You know the reason!" Wang Xuexin replied coldly: "Everyone wants to see you die, don't you feel it?"

Asano Aihara only felt a chill down his back.

He really felt that all the people, whether it was the Eighth Route Army, the guerrillas, or the common people, looked at Asano Aihara and the others with deep hatred in their eyes.

"I'm very sorry!" Asano Aihara said, "We..."

"Don't say sorry!" Wang Xuexin interrupted Asano Aihara.

Wang Xuexin didn't want to hear this word. Devils are always like this. No matter what mistakes they make, they think that it's over as long as they bow and apologize, and then do what they should.

Wang Xuexin said: "I hope you can understand that the hatred between us can only be washed away with blood. So, if you can't provide us with useful technology or make false promises, you know what will happen."

This is not Wang Xuexin scaring Asano Aihara. There are too many people in the army who are willing to take disciplinary action to kill these devils, including Li Yunlong.

"Yes!" Asano Aihara nodded again and again: "I will try my best, please rest assured!"

After a pause, Asano Aihara said worriedly: "However, if we try our best to make 'injection bombs', we still cannot meet the requirements of your army..."

"Don't worry!" Wang Xuexin said, "I will solve this problem!"

"Yes!" Asano Aohara replied, and didn't dare to ask any more questions.

But Asano Aihara wondered, this Chinese man named Wang Xuexin, does he really know what he is talking about?

This is a "spray bomb". Although its battlefield performance is not satisfactory, it is already the most cutting-edge spray technology of the empire.

Even so, Asano Aihara wasn't sure how useful this thing would be on the battlefield.

But Shenjun, a Chinese man, is confident about this, as if he knows everything and can even solve many problems existing in the "spray into the bomb".

Does the Eighth Route Army also have the technology of "spraying bombs"?
No, it can't be!

Asano Aihara quickly denied this guess.

So...the Eighth Route Army's equipment is too lacking, even if the "sprayed bomb" is immature, it is still advanced equipment for them.

Yes, it must be so!

Thinking of this, Asano Aihara felt more relieved, because it meant that they were useful, so they would not be executed.

Wang Xuexin didn't bother to pay attention to Asano, the system in his mind started acting like a monster again, "Ding": "It is detected that the host meets the requirements for imitating Type [-] bazooka, whether to imitate it or not!"

Wang Xuexin chose "No" without even thinking about it.

Do you think I'm stupid?
The rocket launcher is not a difficult thing to do, the important thing is the rocket.

The difficulty of the rocket is the solid powder column.

If I spent military coins to imitate it, would you just give me a bazooka, and then use the solvent-extruded gunpowder forming method that the devils already know?
This does make a bazooka.

The problem is that this method of producing propellants is very dangerous, and there are many processes, difficult production, time-consuming, and even high cost, which is only suitable for small-batch production, and it will be tasteless at that time.

Wang Xuexin had been fooled once before... First, some white-hearted toughening technique, and then a black-hearted toughening technique.

Wouldn't it be enough to understand once?

This fucking broken system knows how to swindle money without doing business, just like Li Yunlong!
But what is the technology for making propellants?

It seems to be... solventless double base gunpowder.

It should be the name.

Wang Xuexin tried to ask in his mind whether the system had this technology for sale.

The system was silent for a while, before reluctantly throwing out an offer... 100 million military coins.

As a result, Wang Xuexin's military industrial coins were all spent, leaving only pitiful single digits.


Wang Xuexin then thought that if he bought this technology, then rockets, bazookas and even Katyusha would not be a problem.

By that time, you won't even earn back all your principal and interest?
Thinking of this, Wang Xuexin didn't hesitate any longer, and bought this technology with a single thought.

(End of this chapter)

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