Chapter 190
When Wang Xuexin arrived at the Lujiagou Arsenal, Zhang Wanhe was organizing a meeting.

A small office is crowded with more than a dozen people, including several branch directors including Su Xin.

Wang Xuexin was a little surprised when he saw this situation.

It was wartime, and although the independent regiment withdrew temporarily, it had to be brought back because it had completed the first phase of the mission and seized a large amount of supplies.

Other troops are still carrying out large-scale raids on the devil's communication line one after another, and are still in urgent need of ammunition to fight against the devils and puppet troops. This should be the busiest period of time for the arsenal, so why would they have time to gather in the office for meetings?
Then Wang Xuexin understood...

As soon as Zhang Wanhe saw Wang Xuexin coming in, he waved to him happily and said, "Come on, Comrade Wang Xuexin, you came just in time, everyone is talking about you!"

Then Zhang Wanhe introduced to Wang Xuexin: "This is Comrade Li Changji, a chemical expert sent by the superior to assist us in the establishment of the fifth branch factory. A batch of equipment and helpers. With them, we don't need to worry about explosives!"

"Hello!" Li Changji stood up and shook hands with Wang Xuexin, looking at Wang Xuexin with surprise in his eyes: "Comrade Wang Xuexin, I have heard of your name for a long time, and everyone is talking about you along the way! We all say you At least I will be four or 50 years old, I didn't expect to be so young!"

The cadres in the office laughed immediately.

Zhang Wanhe also took a look at the proud Su Xin, and secretly thought that if this little Northeast was really 50 or [-] years old, Director Su might not be able to give it away!
Wang Xuexin was polite, and secretly thought that he wanted to set up a fifth branch factory.

Good thing, the "spray into the bomb" side needs propellant!
Just as he was thinking about it, Zhang Wanhe remembered Wang Xuexin's reason for coming, and he asked suspiciously: "Comrade Wang Xuexin, I heard that you paid something from the devil...'sprayed bomb'? What is it?"

Wang Xuexin couldn't explain it clearly for a while, so he said: "How about we go and have a look?"

"Success!" Zhang Wanhe turned his attention to the crowd and asked in a discussion tone, "Let's go and see the new equipment seized by Comrade Wang Xuexin?"

Everyone was aroused with curiosity and agreed.

Of course, the test firing of the "spray bomb" could not be near the arsenal. In fact, even the cars equipped with the "spray bomb" were parked outside the village and did not drive.

Just kidding, this is an arsenal, one end is the headquarters, and the other end is a field hospital... If the "spray bomb" is ignited and flies around, just blowing up anything can cause a lot of damage.

Everyone came to the entrance of the village talking and laughing. Asano and other prisoners were lined up under Liu Dazuo's command, and there were several boxes just unloaded from the car beside them.

Wang Xuexin nodded, and Liu Dazuo yelled at Asano: "Hi Quoduo, Kaji Meiliu! (Start working)"

This guy learned some common expressions from the devils when he sang opera in the enemy-occupied area, and now he is eager to show off.

Asano and the others didn't dare to neglect, they hurriedly opened the box in groups of several people and took out two "injection bombs", then set up, debug, and load the bombs, and they were ready in a few minutes.

Wang Xuexin nodded, and Asano Aihara shouted: "Launch!"

The gunner pulled the rope at a distance, and the two "jet bombs" emitted a burst of flame one after another, and then shot into the air with a "chirp".

Contrary to Wang Xuexin's imagination, these "spray bombs" stopped flying in the air, and one of them did a Brownian motion in the air like a kick, and then fell in an arc in the form of a free fall. It came down and exploded with a "boom" in an open space more than 200 meters away, and it deviated from the target by at least 100 meters.

This made Wang Xuexin a little embarrassed, feeling... Did the devil really make the rocket into a mortar?
It was only later that Wang Xuexin found out that the devils did this. They actually just made a rocket booster, and hoped that it could be used for multiple purposes.

That is to say, no matter what kind of shells are unqualified, expired, or damaged, a rocket propeller is added to the tail, so that they will hit the enemy with a "chirp".

As for whether it can be played or what the effect is, then don't dare to have too many extravagant demands.

In the later period, the devils even played with aerial bombs because a large number of planes were destroyed.

Wang Xuexin looked at Zhang Wanhe and the others behind him, and they were all stunned. They didn't expect Wang Xuexin to put in so much effort and recommend such a useful thing.

Asano Aihara seemed to feel the disappointment of everyone, and hurried up and bowed again and again: "I'm very sorry, very sorry! This equipment is still in testing, and the range and accuracy have not reached the ideal state, but we... can improve it... ..."

After a while, Zhang Wanhe said: "Comrade Wang Xuexin! Your 'spraying bomb'...doesn't seem reliable?"

"It's not very reliable." Wang Xuexin said truthfully: "But it will be different after improvement..."

Li Changji interrupted Wang Xuexin: "Comrade Wang Xuexin, although I don't want to say it, but the 300-meter target deviates by 100 meters. If you change this thing, it won't change anything, right?"

"No!" Wang Xuexin explained: "This 'injection bomb' wins not by precision, but by quantity..."

"Quantity?" Li Changji shook his head again, and said earnestly: "Comrade Wang Xuexin, you may not know that our troops are seriously short of resources. We have always emphasized precision, emphasizing that 'every bullet can destroy an enemy', emphasizing Use limited resources to fight as many devils as possible, how can we win by numbers in this situation? How many resources will be wasted?"

The other cadres also nodded in agreement.

Zhang Ruozhong, director of the No. [-] Branch Factory, frowned and said: "Comrade Wang Xuexin, Director Li is right. We should use high-quality steel for the blade. The accuracy of 'spraying bullets'... I'm afraid it will be limited if we change it again!"

Zhang Wanhe didn't think it was that simple. He said thoughtfully, "Comrades, let's not jump to conclusions. If this thing is really so useless, why would the devil bother with it? The devil is not stupid. Ah, they have a huge battlefield, and they are also short of resources. They also require that "every bullet kills an enemy", so why would the devil want to use this thing?"

Li Changji said with a smile: "Director, there are always some devils with bad brains, just like there are always devils who are greedy for life and afraid of death!"

The cadres laughed out loud. Everyone knew that Li Changji was referring to the researcher Asano Kazuchi, and he was right about the fear of death.

At this time, Su Xin, who had been silent all this time, exclaimed: "I see, have you noticed... this 'sprayed bomb' doesn't need a cannon?"

(End of this chapter)

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