Chapter 214 Yucun
The chief sent the independent regiment to Yucun. In addition to letting the independent regiment try the rocket launcher, he also intended to reinforce Yucun.

Although Yucun is a village, it is actually a city.

This is mainly because the geographical location of Yucun is very important.

Highway No. [-] departs from a military depot of the Tongpu Railway, and after [-] miles from east to west, it turns at Yucun and connects with the Baijin Railway in the north.

The devils guarding Yucun not only can build a line of defense along the road to block the base of the Eighth Route Army, but also divide the guerrilla zone and connect the two railways.

The devil even has plans to build railways on both sides of Yucun, so that they can connect to the Baijin Railway and the Tongpu Railway for short-distance transshipment.

It is conceivable that once the devils build this railway, their troops and supplies will take a big step towards the base area, which will provide great convenience for the devils' raids in the future.

The devils knew the importance of Yu Village, so they built a one-meter-thick earthen wall here, and connected the bunkers, city gates, gun towers, etc. with the earthen wall. It looks like an ancient city.

The focus of the devil's defense is naturally the focus of the Eighth Route Army's attack.

Therefore, after basically completing the first phase of the assault mission, the chief ordered the Hundred Battles Regiment and the New Second Regiment to besiege Yucun. Conspiracy to build a railway.

But when the battle was advancing steadily, the chief received information that two tanks were found in the direction of Yucun.

The Chief's heart skipped a beat and he raised it.

"Could the devil's target be Yucun?" The chief frowned.

If the devil's target is Yucun, then the two regiments attacking Yucun will be in danger.

However, the intelligence showed that a large number of devils were gathering in the direction of Shi'nao Mountain, posing a posture to attack Shi'nao Mountain on a large scale.

Shinao Mountain or Yucun, or other directions?
At this time, the chief of staff handed over another telegram, saying: "Chief, I have confirmed that the two tanks in the direction of Yucun are not followed by infantry, and they must have lost their way!"

The chief nodded.

It's not normal for tanks without infantry to follow them, especially at night.

Because the tank has many blind spots, and it is like a blind man in the dark, and it is easy to be blown up without infantry.

Hearing this, the chief was a little relieved, and after a moment of hesitation, he asked, "How's the training going with the independent regiment?"

The chief of staff replied: "It should be almost there. I asked yesterday and said that the general tactics have been clarified, and it will take a few days to practice..."

Before the chief of staff finished speaking, the chief came forward with a sentence: "Other troops are fighting, so there is so much time for drills, and the drills have to be staged on the battlefield!"

As he spoke, he ordered the independent group to prepare for departure.

The chief is a little worried. The devils used the intelligence network of the Eighth Route Army to launch a surprise attack before, and now they are playing some tricks again!
For example, is the strategic intention of the devils gathering troops at Lion's Nao Mountain too obvious?
They knew that the eyes and ears of the Eighth Route Army were everywhere, so they would gather troops in such a grandiose manner?

Therefore, just in case, the independent group will be sent to Yucun first.

Didn't it mean that the bazooka can hit the tank?
You can also build fortifications, bunkers, and blockhouses, why not try it!
See if that thing is as vivid as Xiao Dongbei said!
The chief's judgment can be said to be right or wrong.

It is true that the two tanks of the devil were lost, but they did not come alone. The devil came to a tank regiment and strengthened the infantry coordination of a brigade.

Neiji Okamura's idea was exactly as the Chief had guessed.

He assembled a large number of troops in the direction of Shinao Mountain and even launched an offensive to attract the attention of the Eighth Route Army. On the other side, he formed an elite army composed entirely of devils and went straight into Yucun.

Shinao Mountain was attacked openly, while Yucun was attacked secretly.

Obviously Yucun is the main attack.

Neiji Okamura's plan was as follows: the chariot unit was divided into two parts and advanced along the left and right wings of Yucun, and could successfully encircle the two regiments of the Eighth Route Army.Coupled with the internal and external attack of Yucun defenders and the firepower and defense of the tanks, there is no problem in encircling the two regiments of the Eighth Route Army to death.

Next, we will encircle the reinforcements and use the advantages of the tanks to eliminate the reinforcements that the Eighth Route Army will come later, so that the war can be burned to the door of the Eighth Route Army to alleviate the defeat of the communication line.

Neiji Okamura believes that there is no opponent for tanks in the plains, especially the Eighth Route Army with extremely backward equipment.

In order not to reveal his strategic intentions as much as possible, Neiji Okamura could only choose to march at night, and even asked the troops to urgently repair the railway leading to Yucun for this interspersion, and use the railway to transport the tanks to the nearest point and then carry out interspersion by night .

The plan was originally planned without anyone noticing, but in the dark, two tanks fell behind due to malfunctions and deviated from the original route and something went wrong.

The independent group knew nothing about it. They talked and laughed all the way to Yucun, discussing:
"I heard that there are only two tanks? And they are lost and have no infantry!"

"Then let the guerrillas blow it up? Why are you waiting for us?"

"Isn't this an exercise? It's a good opportunity for us to practice!"


Yucun is more than ten miles away from Lujiagou, and the troops arrived after more than an hour.

Li Yunlong ordered the troops to rest by a small river, and then dispatched scouts to look for the two tanks and at the same time sent someone to notify the Hundred Battles Regiment and the New Second Regiment who were besieging Yucun... If it was night and they didn't know that the Independent Regiment was coming up, If there is a misunderstanding and "friendly casualties", it is not worthwhile.

This is a small river flowing from west to east to Yucun. The river is several meters wide and only reaches the calf.

Li Yunlong chose to rest here so that the soldiers could replenish the water source by the way.

I was in a hurry when I came out, and the camp was a little far from the water source of Lujiagou Village, so many soldiers didn't come to fill the water bottles in a hurry.

Li Yunlong squatted on the ground and spread out the map in front of Zhao Gang. The monk and several guards immediately spread the black cloth and covered them both from top to bottom.

Li Yunlong lit a flashlight inside, pointed to the map and said, "I found that the location of the tank is near Daqiu. I don't think it will go to Yucun but to the Baijin Railway, so our next step should be chasing in the direction of Baijin." !"

The commissar nodded in agreement.

At this time, there was still the sound of siege guns in the direction of Yucun. If the Devils lost their way and left alone, of course it would be impossible to advance to Yucun.

But at this moment, the monk said outside: "Commander, it sounds like a tank!"

Li Yunlong quickly suppressed the flashlight and lifted the black cloth. He listened carefully, and indeed there was a faint sound of a tank's motor in the darkness.

"Damn it!" Li Yunlong scolded, "We were about to look for it, but we bumped into it!"

(End of this chapter)

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