Bright Sword Military System

Chapter 215 Chariot Wing

Chapter 215 Chariot Wing
"Hidden, hidden!"

"Get ready for battle!"


The orders came down one after another.

The soldiers who were fetching water hurriedly turned around to hide, and in a hurry, they even threw the water bottle by the river without taking it.

It turned out that Xie Baoqing picked up two water bottles, and Wang Xuexin picked up a towel, and then followed the soldiers to hide behind a mound more than ten meters away from the river... If these things were left by the river, they would be killed immediately. exposed.

It has to be said that although the Eighth Route Army at this time had more than enough courage and fighting spirit to face the enemy, its quality was obviously insufficient, even if the Seventh Company was the main company of the Third Battalion.

Without hesitation, Wang Xuexin ordered in a low voice as soon as he got down on the ground: "Bazooka, tune up the bazooka!"




The order was passed on, and in a short while the three rocket launchers in the company were transferred to the front.

"Company commander!" Xie Baoqing ran up to Wang Xuexin with a box of guns, and said in a low voice, "The situation is not right!"

"What's wrong?" Wang Xuexin asked.

"There are more than two tanks!" Xie Baoqing listened and said, "There are tanks, and devil soldiers!"

Wang Xuexin's face changed at that time.

He believed in Xie Baoqing's judgment. This guy had developed a pair of ears when he was a bandit. What came from the direction of the road, whether it was a person, a horse, or a car, he could tell the exact same thing.

If the devils have more than two tanks, it means that the superior's judgment is wrong, and this battle will not be as easy as imagined.

Wang Xuexin hesitated for a moment, and then ordered: "Fire a few directional mines by the river, move quickly!"

Several soldiers responded, and thrust forward a few directional mines by the river.

Li Yunlong also felt that something was wrong. When he saw the lights in the distance through the telescope, he found not only two tanks, but also many infantrymen with flashlights (actually engineers who paved the way for the tanks).

When he got closer, Li Yunlong became more certain. He put down the binoculars and turned to Zhao Gang beside him, saying, "Old Zhao, in front of you is a reconnaissance team of devils. At least there are three tanks and two armored vehicles! If the reconnaissance team can have This scale, the main force..."

Needless to say, what the independent regiment fought was not a "practice hand fight" at all, but kicked on the steel plate with one kick.

Zhao Gang didn't think much, and replied, "I'll report to the headquarters immediately!"

Then he turned around and ran towards the radio station.

As soon as the chief of staff at the Lujiagou headquarters received the information, he took a telegram and reported to the chief: "Chief, the Independent Regiment found a reconnaissance team of devil tanks two kilometers northwest of Yucun, and there may be a large number of tank troops behind! "

The chief was taken aback, and immediately found the location on the map, then frowned, and said, "What I was worried about really happened. The devil's attack focus is on Yucun!"

At this time, the chief was in a dilemma.

If you continue to attack Yucun, then the Baizhan Regiment and the New Second Regiment will be surrounded by devil chariot troops.

If you give up the attack and break through immediately, maybe the two regiments can escape, but the attack on Yucun will be in vain.

At the same time, Yucun, as a nail nailed to the front of the base area, will be very passive in future battles if it is not removed.

The chief of staff analyzed from the side: "Two tanks appeared before, and now there is a chariot reconnaissance team. It is estimated that the devils will dispatch at least dozens of tanks this time!"

Let alone dozens of tanks, the Eighth Route Army cannot stop even one tank.

So another meaning of the chief of staff's words is: "Chief, withdraw! If you don't withdraw, it will be too late!"

But the chief didn't think so. He thought about it for a while and said, "What if the independent regiment can stop the devil's attack?"

"Chief!" said the chief of staff, "but this is too risky, three regiments..."

"How can you catch a tiger if you don't enter the tiger's lair!" The chief said: "How can you take Yucun without taking risks? I want to take a look! Order the independent regiment to destroy this reconnaissance team. It's time to see what it really is!"

Li Yunlong became excited when he heard the order: "Damn it, after sitting on the bench for so long, I can finally eat meat!"

Then he ordered: "Cheer up everyone, not even a single tank can be let go! Whoever destroys a fucking tank, I will reward him with ten boxes of canned meat!"

When Wang Xuexin heard this order, he thought he had heard it wrong. One of his mother's tanks was only worth ten boxes of canned meat?Is there such a thing as cheap?
However, after hearing this, the soldiers were eager to give it a try one by one...

If the devils heard that one of their tanks was worth ten boxes of cans, they probably wouldn't be convinced.

The first squadron of the 25th Tank Regiment of the Devils came up, the squadron leader Kurokawa and the first lieutenant.

The organization of the devil's chariot unit is somewhat different from that of the infantry. The chariot wing does not have the organization of a brigade, and there are chariot squadrons under the wing. A chariot wing usually governs four chariot squadrons.

This may be the reason for the shortage of tanks and armored vehicles. The formation of tank brigades and regiment-sized tanks is not affordable by the production capacity of the Devils Arsenal.

So it sounds scary to hear that the tank regiment is actually the size of a brigade, with about 55 tanks in the whole regiment (the standard establishment is [-] tanks, which vary slightly depending on the situation).

At this time, Kurokawa Kazuichi was sitting in an armored vehicle and looking at the map. His No. [-] Squadron was the main force, equipped with [-] tanks and five armored vehicles, and was in charge of penetrating the north wing of Yucun.

The other direction is outflanked by the second and third squadrons.

Although Okamura Neji will repeatedly confess to slowing down and interspersing.

"Our chariots are not suitable for fighting at night!" Neiji Okamura said: "Marching at night is just to hide whereabouts, so be sure to let the infantry search ahead!"

But Kurokawa Kazuichi didn't take this seriously at all.

Kurokawa Kazuichi thinks that this kind of thinking has fallen behind, and interspersed should be unexpected and fast, just like the blitzkrieg launched by allies against the enemy.

What's more, the opponent is still the Eighth Route Army, which has no anti-tank weapons at all. What is there to worry about?
Therefore, Kurokawa and Yiyi marched forward triumphantly all the way, and it didn't take long for them to leave the infantry far behind.

At the front is a troop of devils, with three rounds "chug" and machine guns mounted on each side, there are five in total.

They parked their satchels by the river and fetched water under the headlights. They talked without saying a word, and even two people stood by the river and untied their crotches to pour water into the river.

On the opposite side of the river is Qilian's ambush site, the distance is only a dozen meters away, and there are three directional mines inserted in the middle.

Xie Baoqing nervously looked in Wang Xuexin's direction.

Wang Xuexin shook his head slightly, signaling to Xie Baoqing not to mess around, these guys are just small guys, and the tank behind them is the big fish.

Then the "little minions" took off their shoes and went into the river, as if to test the depth of the river and prepare for the tank to cross the river.

A devil held a ruler in his hand, and when he got to the middle of the river to test the depth, he turned around and shouted: "The river is not deep, and there is no silt. It's all right! Let them come here!"

(End of this chapter)

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