Bright Sword Military System

Chapter 220 What is that?

Chapter 220 What is that?
300 m.

Under the guidance of the engineers and the cover of the flanks, the Devils tanks and armored vehicles crossed the river to regroup.

They quickly aimed their spearhead at the hill garrisoned by the third row and advanced towards it.

Occupying the commanding heights is common sense in combat, otherwise the devil's infantry is likely to be hit by side fire from the hills and separate the infantry and tanks.

Once the infantry is separated, tanks and infantry will fight on their own, and both will be at risk.

200 m.

As Wang Xuexin estimated, the devils did not directly drive the tank up the hill.

Rugged hills or high ground can almost be said to be a tank's nightmare.

The reason is not only the pitch angle problem, but also because of the tank's backward fire control system...

Most of the tanks at this time used the first-generation fire control, that is, only simple optical sights (the equipment with rangefinders and mechanical ballistic calculators was the second generation, equipped in the 50s).

This backward fire control is okay on a relatively flat ground. You only need to rely on the sight and estimate the distance to the target, and then aim and launch.

But if the tank is on an uneven hill, one side is high and the other is low, it will cause the plane of the turret to rotate and the horizontal plane are not on the same plane, so it is very difficult to just aim at the target. Driving up the hill has almost no combat effectiveness and can only be used as a shield. .

Therefore, the Devil Tank was divided into two parts, one on the left and the other on the right to attack the hills in an arc... This may be affected by the "pincer offensive" of its allies.

However, there are indeed many advantages to doing so. For example, at this time, the Japanese army is expected to capture the hills from the flank.

100 m.

The devil infantry jumped over the tank and rushed to the front.

The coordinated operations of infantry and tanks are usually not like those filmed in film and television dramas, where the tanks are in front and the infantry is behind.

Doing so in actual combat is very dangerous.

There is no problem with a long distance, and the tank has sufficient firepower and strong defense, which can provide effective cover for infantry.

But if you're close enough to do it...

The enemy only needs to hide in a certain position in front, calculate the route of the tank and temporarily plant anti-tank mines, or estimate the speed of the tank, throw cluster grenades, explosive packages, etc. in front of the tank, and wait for the tank to come up" With a was easily blown up.

Therefore, when approaching the enemy at close range, infantry not only cannot hide behind the tank, but also actively move forward to break through obstacles for the tank. When the enemy rushes up with grenades or explosives, they must stop them in a safe range at all costs. outside.

The tank, on the other hand, will follow closely behind the infantry, using its artillery and machine guns to destroy and suppress the enemy's firepower.

But the devils soon tasted the bitterness. When several devils jumped forward, they suddenly felt pain in their feet and fell to the ground.

Then someone shouted: "Mine, it's a bullet mine!"

Lieutenant Kiyoki Inoue was the staff officer of the No. [-] Squadron and the frontline commander of the No. [-] Squadron.

When the devils fight, they usually send a staff officer to the front line to strengthen their command, which is somewhat similar to how the Eighth Route Army uses a deputy to strengthen its command.

There are usually two options when faced with a landmine problem on the battlefield:

One is to move the tank up and crush it with its tracks.

The second is that engineers go out to clear mines.

Kiyoki Inoue hesitated for a while, and chose the latter.

Because he judged that the enemy released smoke first and then laid mines, he obviously hoped that the tank would come forward to blow it up.

So Kiyoki Inoue ordered forward loudly while following the armored vehicle: "Demining with grenades, keep going!"

The devil who received the order immediately threw rows of grenades forward to clear the way for himself. There was a lot of dust on the battlefield immediately, and even a few tens of meters away, only a vague figure could be seen.

Then, Kiyoki Inoue discovered that the enemy was running away, and they collapsed in groups of three or four... This was completely in his expectation, no one could block the impact of the tank squadron.

Without hesitation, Kiyoki Inoue waved the Nambu Fourteen pistol and ordered in a loud voice: "Speed ​​up, all attack!"

The infantry cheered and chased after the enemy with their rifles over the tanks. They thought the battle was over and the imperial army won another victory. All they had to do was to rush forward to reap the lives of the enemy and the fruits of victory!
However, at this moment something terrible happened...

There was a "boom", and after a bang, there was a dense sound of piercing the air in the smoke, as if more than a dozen machine guns were shooting at them at the same time, and at the same time, a large number of imperial soldiers fell down in an instant.

Then there were a few "booms" again, and bullets hit the charging imperial soldiers all over the sky, stopping their charging formation abruptly. A big hand was stopping them in the smoke, and they were slapped to the ground with a slap .

"What's that?" Inoue Kiyoki yelled.

"I don't know, lieutenant!" A soldier hiding in the bunker replied in panic: "The enemy's firepower is very fierce, we have never seen such weapons..."

Before he finished speaking, the soldier tilted his head and fell into a pool of blood after a loud bang.

A few projectiles hit the armored vehicle and made a clanging sound. Kiyoki Inoue searched the ground for a while while walking forward, and then found a few steel balls at his feet.

"Bastard!" Inoue Kiyoki cursed, he guessed it was some kind of shotgun shells.

But why the explosion like that and the explosion that radiates upwards?

Kiyoki Inoue didn't know.

But he knew that if this continues, the imperial soldiers will soon be wiped out!

"Come back!" Kiyoki Inoue ordered: "Follow the tank!"

That sounds like a good idea, and a more palatable one.

Because the armor of tanks and armored vehicles is a sharp weapon against shotgun shells.

The imperial soldiers also knew this, so one by one they retreated and hid behind the tanks.

The troops continued to move forward, and there were wounded soldiers on the ground everywhere on both sides. They wailed and struggled in pain, some even vomited blood and could not make a sound. They could only helplessly look at their comrades stretching out their bloody hands hand……

Kiyoki Inoue didn't even look at them, and there was no wave in his heart.

As an imperial soldier, one should be prepared to die for the empire.

When this moment comes, they should face it calmly instead of showing cowardice and fear!
With a "boom", a spray of projectiles made the armored vehicle clank and jingle.

This made Inoue Kiyoki feel that his command was correct, and the enemy had no way to take the armored vehicle with this kind of artillery.

However, just when Kiyoki Inoue was complacent, he heard a whistling sound of "chirp", and then a tank beside him burst into flames.

Kiyoki Inoue watched all this in disbelief, so much so that he even forgot to dodge.

After a while, Kiyoki Inoue shouted angrily: "What is that?"

"We don't know, lieutenant!" The subordinates replied in horror: "It can destroy our tanks, armored vehicles..."

If tanks can be destroyed, armored vehicles are less of a problem.

(End of this chapter)

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