Chapter 221 Rout
Inoue ultimately failed to figure out what destroyed his tank.

At the last moment, Kiyoki Inoue chose to attack the enemy desperately.

However, this kind of attack has no rules at all, and it is impossible to have rules... From top to bottom, the imperial army doesn't know what they are facing, and of course they don't have targeted tactics.

They only know that they are in a dilemma: if they charge with soldiers, they will be attacked indiscriminately by the enemy's "shotgun", and if they attack with tanks, they will be destroyed by the enemy's mysterious and terrifying howling artillery fire.

The shrieks that resounded throughout the battlefield were like the voices from hell, the names of these murderers were being called out by ghosts seeking revenge and death-seeking ghosts.

In fact, the devils can retreat at this time.

The Eighth Route Army was unable to catch up, and there was even a minefield of bullets and mines in front of the bazooka shooters.

Therefore, as soon as the devils turned around, the bazooka shooter could only watch them escape.

But the devils could not retreat, because retreat would be an unforgivable shame for them.

Therefore, although the tanks and armored vehicles in front have been destroyed one after another, even though the soldiers and even Kiyoki Inoue himself have no confidence in defeating the enemy, Kiyoki Inoue still waved his pistol and shouted hysterically ordering to attack. Running back, he raised his pistol and pulled the trigger without hesitation...

Just as Kiyoki Inoue killed a soldier who retreated in panic, a bullet flew and pierced his chest.

Kiyoki Inoue looked down at the blood oozing from his chest, then all the strength in his body suddenly disappeared, and he couldn't help but collapsed on the ground.

At the last moment, Kiyoki Inoue finally tasted the fear of death, knowing that this powerlessness and despair cannot be stopped by the so-called imperial belief.

This bullet was fired by Wang Xuexin.

The visibility on the battlefield is extremely poor, and it is difficult to find the target a hundred meters away.

This is the price of releasing smoke, which Wang Xuexin did not consider before the war.

Therefore, the "sharp shooters" arranged on the hills actually didn't play much role. They were more of holding a commanding height.

However, Wang Xuexin found an opportunity to provide cover for the bazooka shooter... Whenever the rocket exploded in the enemy's position, the flames would reflect black shadows in the smoke. What Wang Xuexin had to do was to aim at these Sombra pulled the trigger.

Wang Xuexin knocked down at least seven devils, and also blew up a directional mine... The soldier who controlled the directional mine must have died, so that a group of devils rushed to the directional mine with bayonets and did not detonate it.

Wang Xuexin noticed the square shadow in the background of the fire, so he pulled the trigger on it without thinking.

There was a loud "boom", and the group of devils fell in a pool of blood in disarray.

The screams of rockets are everywhere on the battlefield, which is a wonderful piece of music to Wang Xuexin's ears. If it is not in the battle, he even wants to stop and enjoy it for a while.

At this time, a devil with a pistol came into Wang Xuexin's eyes in the firelight.

Wang Xuexin was used to aiming at the target naturally and pulled the trigger.

But when the bullet shot out of the gun with a "bang", Wang Xuexin realized that the shot was wrong.

The devil officer is preventing the devil from escaping, and the tanks are also rushing forward under his command.

The Eighth Route Army at this time needs these devils to jump into the trap, so this commander should not be killed.

Sure enough, the next second, the devil collapsed because the commander was killed. The infantry and tanks turned around and fled in a swarm. In the smoke, there were even many devil infantrymen who were crushed under the tracks of the invisible tanks.

Soon, the battlefield gradually quieted down, and then cheers erupted.

In the past, the Eighth Route Army had to use the terrain to fight guerrillas because of its absolute disadvantage in equipment, even against infantry. But this time, it was able to withstand the attack of the Devils' chariot troops. On the plains, there were dozens of them. ...

How can this not make them ecstatic, how can it not make them cheer!
Battalion Commander Guan Dashan ran over from a long distance, hugged Wang Xuexin, held Wang Xuexin's hand heavily, and said incoherently: "Comrade Wang Xuexin, we have won... really won! His mother defeated the tank... thanks Thanks to you! Thanks to you..."

Shigekawa Kazuichi's entire face turned black, and when he looked at the battle ahead through the telescope, he also had the same doubts as Kiyoki Inoue: What are those?What weapon can actually destroy an imperial tank?

Then Shigekawa Kazuichi realized that he had made a mistake.

The enemy army in front of them is not a "covering force" at all, and there is no retreating enemy main force.

The reconnaissance team that was surrounded and annihilated in the early morning came from this Eighth Route Army. They were all from the beginning to the end, using the same equipment, a kind of equipment unknown to the empire.

However, Shigekawa Kazuichi still held a glimmer of hope, hoping that his chariot could rely on speed and numbers to rush into the enemy's position and win the battle.

But in the end he was disappointed.

Shigekawa Kazuichi saw the defeat of the First Tank Squadron for the first time, a veritable defeat... only six tanks escaped from the smoke, two of them were still wounded, and the entire armored vehicle was wiped out. This one of the command vehicle is the only one left.

Shigekawa Kazuichi couldn't believe this result, but had to face this reality.

The first thing he thought of was seppuku... The shame of this failure seemed to be washed away only by seppuku.

However, he can't do this!

Chong Chuanhe returned to the command vehicle with a heavy heart, and said weakly to the radio soldiers who were getting ready inside: "Send a report to the regiment leader, the Eighth Route Army has an unknown and powerful anti-tank weapon, not artillery, it is probably a single It is an anti-tank weapon that is easy to hide and maneuver, and our army has suffered heavy losses in the ambush of this weapon!"

The telegram was quickly transferred to Neiji Okamura.

Okamura Ningji couldn't help being taken aback.

Unknown and powerful individual anti-tank weapons?
Why is there no information at all?

Neji Okamura knew about the Eighth Route Army. He knew that the Eighth Route Army had only three sources of weapons:
[-]. Distributed in Chongqing.

[-]. Captured by imperial troops.

[-]. A small amount is produced by the arsenal.

It is basically impossible for the Chongqing side to distribute it. The troops fighting against the Chongqing side on the front line have never heard of such equipment.

It is even more impossible to seize it from the imperial army. If the imperial army has such a weapon, Neiji Okamura must know it.

Could it be that the Eighth Route Army produced it itself?
Neiji Okamura immediately rejected this idea. He even thought it was ridiculous. How could the Eighth Route Army, which couldn't even produce standard bullets and shells, produce such advanced equipment!

At this moment, Shinozuka Yoshio hurried over with a telegram and reported: "Your Excellency, the news from the front line, this kind of equipment will emit piercing screams, and there will be long trails..."

Neiji Okamura was taken aback for a moment, and then his face changed drastically. He turned his head to look at Yoshio Shinozuka in shock, and said, "Could it be...a spray bomb?"

(End of this chapter)

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