Chapter 223
The chief's analysis makes sense.

The devil's original strategic goal, which was to encircle the two regiments with chariot troops and fight for reinforcements, had already gone bankrupt with the defeat of the Yucun North Road chariot troops, and even the South Road chariot troops did not dare to venture forward.

Who knows if it will end up the same as the first tank squadron?

In the absence of effective new tactics and new equipment against the enemy, continuing to attack with chariots is likely to jump into a pit of fire.

What's more, with such an independent regiment standing there, where would the devils go to fight for aid?

Even if it was really surrounded by devils, wouldn't the independent regiment find a random spot to knock in, wouldn't it rescue the besieged troops inside?

Therefore, the devils can only have two purposes in the future: one is to relieve the siege of Yucun, and the other is to target the independent regiment.

The former only needs the existing troops to cooperate with the outside and directly attack the Baizhan regiment.

So the devils urgently assembled troops to reinforce Yucun...they might target the independent regiment.

Thinking of this, the chief issued several orders one after another:
"Order the troops along the railway and road from Taiyuan to Yucun to look for every opportunity to attack the communication lines and telephone lines to prevent the devil's reinforcements from rushing to Yucun."

"Order the Baizhan Regiment and the New Second Regiment to speed up the attack on Yucun. We must take down Yucun and blast it within one day!"

"Order a certain division to immediately reinforce the direction of Yucun!"

"Yes!" The chief of staff responded, and went down to send the report with the order.

However, the chief of staff still had some doubts about the chief's order.

What the chief of staff was worried about was that more and more devils were gathering in the direction of Yucun at this time, and there were also chariot troops.

Although the independent regiment has bazookas that can hit enemy tanks, only the independent regiment is equipped, and other troops can be said to have no resistance to the devil's tank troops.

If the devil knew this, he would casually point the chariot troops at a dozen troops other than the independent regiment... I'm afraid they would suffer heavy losses.

What the chief of staff didn't expect was that the chief had already considered this point, but he was playing a kind of psychological warfare with the devil... To be exact, he was fighting Neji Okamura.

Afterwards, the chief said this: "Ningji Okamura may be able to confirm that the Baizhan Regiment and the New Second Regiment that are attacking Yucun are not equipped with rocket launchers, but he can also be sure that a certain division that has been newly added is not equipped with rocket launchers? How about scaring him? !"

The chief was right, Okamura Ningci soon got the information that the Eighth Route Army had another division to reinforce Yucun... The devil has a reconnaissance plane, and it is difficult for a division's troops to hide from the devil's eyes when marching during the day.

"This is probably another unit with new equipment!" Okamura Ningji frowned and made a judgment: "They first used a small unit of more than a thousand people to test, or test the new equipment, and then Then send a large force to attack in an all-round way!"

Yoshio Shinozuka nodded in agreement. He thought so too, otherwise the Eighth Route Army would not have sent a division to attack the southern flank of the tank troops... If it was not equipped with anti-tank weapons, the division would have committed suicide.

Then, Ningji Okamura analyzed again: "If it is an injection bomb, can we assume that it is not accurate and has a short range?"

"Yes!" Shinozuka Yoshio replied immediately: "Because it has a short range, it can only release smoke to interfere with the sight of our tanks. Only in this way can we attack tanks at close range!"

Neiji Okamura nodded: "So, our chariot only needs to keep a certain distance from the enemy, which means we don't need to worry about this kind of equipment!"

Thinking of Neiji Okamura without hesitation, he ordered: "Order the first tank squadron to cooperate with the Masaki brigade to attack the enemy, and the tanks should keep a distance from the enemy!"

"Yes!" Shinozuka Yoshio immediately conveyed the order.

The Zhengmu Brigade is the infantry left behind by Shigekawa and Yiyi on the northern line of Yucun. The commander is Major Masaki Tatsuo, and it is the 37th Division, also known as Anda 23's troops.

Masaki Tatsuo met with Shigekawa Kazuichi to get a general understanding of the enemy's situation before launching the attack.

Zheng Muchen was very dissatisfied with Shigekawa and Yiyi's behavior of disobeying orders and attacking without authorization. The bastards of these chariot troops never put infantry in their eyes and thought they were superior. Now they have finally suffered and learned a lesson.

However, Masaki Tatsuo did not say it clearly. He pointed to the map calmly and said to Shigekawa Kazuichi: "Captain, I think what the lieutenant general said is right! The anti-tank equipment owned by the enemy may only have a range of tens of meters! Then, the battle The tank should move at least 100 meters behind the infantry, it is enough to provide fire support for our army! Only in this way can the safety of the tank be guaranteed!"

Shigekawa and Yi were so angry that their faces turned red and white.

He couldn't tell that Zheng Mu was satirizing that his chariot troops needed infantry protection.

If this was normal, he would have spoken out and contradicted him a long time ago, but how could he dare to say anything after suffering a disastrous defeat just now, he could only bow his head respectfully and say "yes"!
"Shigekawa-kun!" Then Masaki Tatsuo asked again: "If we want to open a breakthrough and tear apart the enemy's line of defense, which direction do you think we should attack from?"

"Yes!" Shigekawa thought for a while, then pointed to the map and replied: "From the current situation, I think the east is the enemy's main force, and there is a small river in front of the enemy's position, which makes it difficult for our army to move. There's a hill. There's nothing to the north, and I think we should attack from the north!"

Masaki Tatsuo hesitated for a moment, then shook his head slightly and replied: "Mr. Shigekawa, have you ever thought that the open space in the north is also under the cover of fire from this hill. At the same time, what if the enemy's main force of anti-tank vehicles is in the east? Yes Not necessarily for infantry! So, I think we should attack from the east!"

"Yes!" Shigekawa Kazuo understood that Masaki Tatsuo was deliberately ridiculing himself, but he could only swallow his anger.

In fact, what Masaki Tatsuo said was not entirely aimed at Shigekawa Kazuichi.

He is a veteran who has followed Anda 23 for many years, and he knows that personal feelings should not be brought to the battlefield or even affect command decisions.

Masaki Tatsuo had his own reasons for thinking this way.

He believes that infantry attacks should be more worried about the enemy's two types of equipment than the enemy's "spray bombs": bullet mines and shot mines.

(Note: The devils didn't know what the Eighth Route Army's mines that could shoot out countless steel balls were, so they called them "shot mines").

Masaki Tatsuo believed that the chariot troops had already attacked the east once before, so part of the bullet mines and shot mines in the east should have been cleaned up, so it would be easier to attack the east!
So Masaki Tatsuo did not hesitate, deployed the main force to the east, and harassed with small troops in other directions.

(End of this chapter)

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