Chapter 224
Wang Xuexin was shivering from the cold in the individual fortification.

Sometimes he wanted to get up and run, but on the battlefield, such a simple action would have risked his life... The devils had already set up snipers on the opposite side, waiting to hit anyone who dared to take the lead.

At this time, Liang Guisheng ran up from behind with his waist down, holding a round ball of wheat stalks in front of Wang Xuexin, handed it up and said, "Company commander, how about you keep warm?"

"What is this?" Wang Xuexin asked, hesitantly took it, and then said "Yo", "Is it hot?"

"Isn't it?" Liang Guisheng replied with a smile.

"What's the matter?" Wang Xuexin asked while spreading his hands on the wheat stalk balls to keep warm.

"Easy!" Liang Guisheng replied, "Put a few stones in the fire to burn the rubber, scald it, throw it out and put it in a bag of wheat stalks!"

"There are two hands!" Wang Xuexin praised: "I can still think of this method!"

This admiration comes from the heart. In order to survive, the poor in this era can always come up with some simple and practical solutions.

"It's nothing!" Liang Guisheng raised his head: "When we were in Heiyunzhai, everyone did it! It's cool to live in the cave, and we can't survive the winter without this thing!"

As he spoke, the smile on Liang Guisheng's face gradually disappeared.

He sighed and said: "Company commander, if you say something from the bottom of your heart, if we go up the mountain to be bandits, we will be forced by the devils to survive. It is also a hard life to go up the mountain. If there is still a way to go, who Would like to stay there!"

Wang Xuexin smiled: "Then joining the Eighth Route Army is a way to survive?"

"It doesn't count!" Liang Guisheng shook his head, and replied very honestly: "We are fighting all day long, and we may die someday!"

"Then why did you join the Eighth Route Army?" Wang Xuexin asked.

When Heiyunzhai was incorporated, Xie Baoqing gave the bandits the right to choose: go home or join the Eighth Route Army, or continue to hang around in the rivers and lakes, come and go freely, and each will live his own life.

"You can go home!" Liang Guisheng straightened his waist and replied: "I have been in Heiyunzhai all these years, and I have never been allowed to enter the house. I have to sneak back to the village. It is different now! When we go back Da also opened an altar of old wine, drank for a whole night and got completely drunk!"

As he said that, he laughed "hehe", with some tears in his eyes.

Wang Xuexin's nose also felt sore when he heard it.

After all, it was all the evils of devils, otherwise there would be so much helplessness, so many misfortunes, and so many divorced wives.

Modern people like to watch this war for fun, and they would never think of the hardships and cruelty involved.

Just as he was thinking, there were a few whistles of shells suddenly, and the shells exploded in the position.

Wang Xuexin immediately realized that this was the devil's test shooting. If he shot correctly, a large number of shells would come later.

So without even thinking about it, I reached out and pressed Liang Guisheng down...

Then the artillery shells rang together, large and small, of various types, and smashed around like hailstones.

There was a sound of vibration, and even a few shells hit right in front of them. Wang Xuexin and Liang Guisheng could only lie tightly on their stomachs and remained motionless.

At this time a black shadow flew over, Wang Xuexin was startled, he instinctively thought that the enemy was charging up with the help of artillery fire, and when he took a closer look, he found that it was a soldier who was hit by the artillery shell and thrown over.

His limbs have been blown away, leaving only his torso, covered in blood, and his face has been shattered into several pieces, like a shattered mirror covered with bloody cracks.

What was even more frightening was that he was still alive. Wang Xuexin could clearly see his body twisting and struggling, as if he wanted to get up or cover his wound, but he couldn't.

Wang Xuexin was stunned at that moment, or at a loss, and Liang Guisheng was similar. They didn't know what to do to make this soldier feel better, so they could only lie on the spot and watch him twitch in pain, repeatedly. , and finally stopped moving.

The sound of the cannon was followed by a sound, and layers of sand and soil were thrown up like waves to cover the corpse, and finally disappeared, as if it had never happened.

It took a while for the gunfire to stop, and there was a "buzzing" in Wang Xuexin's ears. He only saw Xie Baoqing waving and shouting in front of him, but he didn't hear any sound.

Holding the rifle, Wang Xuexin jumped up and leaped forward. He ran to Xie Baoqing and looked up. He saw a large group of devils crossing the small river under the cover of tanks and armored vehicles and launched an offensive in skirmish formation, densely packed everywhere. An active devil.

Wang Xuexin's heart was condensed. In contrast, Wang Xuexin hoped to face enemy tanks rather than infantry, because the devil's tank tactics were rigid and unresponsive, and the independent regiment had a bazooka restraint to win by cleverness.

For the devil infantry...the fight is about quality, coordination, and individual equipment, and these are what the Eighth Route Army lacks.

Masaki Tatsuo made two points before ordering the attack:

[-]. Use grenades to deal with enemy mines, whether they are bullet mines or shot mines.

[-]. Kill all the enemies!
As for the task of capturing the enemy's "sprayed bombs" assigned by the superiors, if all the enemies are killed, of course they can be captured.

Masaki Tatsuo is a traditional commander. He believes in spiritual victory tactics like most imperial officers, but Masaki Tatsuo is more traditional and extreme. He doesn't even believe in the role of advanced equipment on the battlefield, thinking that they are just unnecessary auxiliary.

The thinking of people like Masaki Tatsuo is very simple. They think that if they have advanced equipment, sooner or later the enemy will have corresponding weapons to restrain this equipment. People, specifically speaking, are the will, spirit and quality of soldiers.

There is some truth to this idea. War can never ignore the importance of people. It is a combination of people and equipment.

But it is undeniable that with the advancement of technology, the role of people on the battlefield has become less and less. Using an extreme example, a person who has never been on the battlefield may also be killed by pressing a button. Tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, or even millions of well-trained soldiers.

At this time, Masaki Tatsuo certainly did not agree with this.

He thought that the battle before him would be a clear proof of his point of view... If the chariot troops were unable to capture the enemy's position and he managed it, wouldn't it mean that people are more important?
He will use this battle to slap those radicals who have exhausted the resources of the empire because of their advocacy of Western weapons and equipment. It is best to wake them up!
Therefore, Masaki Tatsuo set his headquarters only 1000 meters away from the front line.

Here, he can better observe the battle situation and make adjustments according to the situation, and more importantly, he can inspire his soldiers to fight bravely!

(End of this chapter)

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