Chapter 233
Zhao Gang knew about this when Masaki Tatsuo was shot dead.

At that time, Zhao Gang was organizing the rescue of the wounded on the second line.

The conditions of the Eighth Route Army were poor, so they could only hand in the devil's first aid kits to bandage the wounded, and the seriously wounded had to be rushed to the rear.

As a battle draws to a close, the most stressful thing is the treatment of the wounded.

While Zhao Gang was busy, the news of the victory ahead came, and the medical soldiers cheered happily.

Zhao Gang was so happy, the Independence Regiment fought the battle beautifully!
Although there were a lot of casualties, about half of the troops were lost, but once again a brigade of devils was knocked out... To be exact, it was a brigade plus two reinforcement squadrons plus a main tank squadron.

Devils of this scale, usually two divisions can't handle it. Unexpectedly, the independent regiment was defeated by three attacks, five divisions and two, and the captain of the devils was killed.

Zhao Gang was full of emotions, and sighed secretly: "It is different with the new equipment. The key is that the independent regiment also fought bravely and resolutely!"

So happy, Zhao Gang wanted to report the good news to his superiors. At the same time, he guessed that the radio station was about to be repaired, so he put down his work and rushed to the regiment headquarters with the guards.

Unexpectedly, as soon as they arrived at the regiment headquarters, they found Xiao Chen and the others were smoking a cigarette and discussing the victory excitedly:

"I heard it was Xiao Dongbei's contribution again!"

"Isn't it? Driving a tank can beat the devils to the ground!"

"I heard that two or three hundred devils were killed and wounded on the spot, and tanks, armored vehicles, and so on were all taken care of in one go!"

" should pay attention to your mouth, this matter also has the monk's share!"


When Zhao just came in to see their appearance, he frowned and asked, "Is the radio station repaired?"

Xiao Chen hurriedly threw the cigarette butt on the ground, stepped forward and said, "Report to the political commissar, no... it hasn't been fixed yet!"

"If you haven't fixed it, why don't you fix it?" Zhao Gang got angry when he heard the answer, "Do you know how important the radio station is?"

Xiao Chen responded: "Yes, fix it right away!"

Then he turned around and went to tinker with the radio station.

Zhao Gang, who was still angry, couldn't help but say a few more words: "I said to you guys, comrades are bleeding and dying on the front line, how can you work here? As a radio soldier, the radio station is your battlefield and your Weapons, are you worthy of the comrades who are fighting on the front line? Are you worthy of the trust of your superiors? Are you worthy of the training of your organization..."

A radio soldier couldn't hold back, and replied aggrievedly: "Commissar, we..."

Before he finished speaking, he was stopped by Xiao Chen. Xiao Chen took the words with a smile: "Political commissar, we know we made a mistake, fix it right away, fix it right away!"

Now that Zhao Gang saw the name, he nodded and said, "It was ordered by the regiment leader again, right?"

"!" Xiao Chen put on a troubled look: "It's because we really...really can't fix it! No, it's been a radio station for several years..."

Zhao Gang couldn't see that Xiao Chen was covering for Li Yunlong, he tapped his finger in the air, and said, "I'll settle the score with you later!"

After speaking, he went to find Li Yunlong impatiently.

Xiao Chen angrily cursed at the radio station soldier who spoke out: "You are the one who talks too much, if there is any problem with the regiment leader, it depends on how you explain it!"

The radio soldier had a helpless expression on his face. He really didn't like both sides. The radio soldier of the independent regiment really didn't work for a motherfucker!
Zhao Gang was very angry on the road.

This Li Yunlong made radio soldiers, communicators, and security guards all wear a pair of trousers with him.

The radio station will be broken at every turn, and the war is just a joke!

At this moment, I must be thinking about eating meat on my own.

Who is this?
And the leader!

Walking while cursing, when he arrived at the tank and saw Li Yunlong busy with a group of people, he angrily stepped forward and asked, "Li Yunlong, what do you want to do?"

"Hey, political commissar!" Li Yunlong saw that it was Zhao Gang and immediately changed his smile: "How can it be? How can there be any tricks!"

After saying that, he took Zhao Gang aside: "Let's talk about it here, calm down, and there is nothing you can't solve if you calmly reason, right?"

Zhao Gang was almost deceived by Li Yunlong. He was about to sit with Li Yunlong and reason with him, but out of the corner of his eye, he caught sight of several soldiers putting on the devil's military uniform.

Zhao Gang grabbed Li Yunlong and asked, "I said, Lao Li, do you want to fight the county seat or Taiyuan?"

Seeing that he couldn't hide it anymore, Li Yunlong could only laugh "hehe" and said, "Look at what you said, how can we fight Taiyuan? That is... I want to fight Yucun!"

Then Zhao Gang understood, his face turned blue with anger, pointed at Li Yunlong and said, "You...are you so messed up? Do you know that this may disrupt the overall plan of the superior..."

Now that he's said it, Li Yunlong is not polite anymore. He raised his head and replied: "We don't know the overall plan. I know that the superior is eager to attack Yucun, and I also know that the New Second Regiment and the Baizhan Regiment beat the old It didn’t take a long time! If this is the case, why can’t we go and take Yucun, isn’t this the overall plan?”

Zhao Gang retorted: "Are you serious? The two regiments have been besieged for days and nights and have not taken it down. You took it as you said? Do you really think that the independent regiment is a heavenly soldier?"

"Heavenly soldiers and generals are not counted!" Li Yunlong said with a smile: "There is a tank!"

Speaking of which, Li Yunlong raised his head in the direction of the tank, and asked, "Political commissar, tell this thing going to hit the blockhouses and gun towers in Yucun, is it good?"

Zhao Gang was stunned for a moment, this iron lump would definitely work well if it was used to build bunkers and gun towers!

The Devil's machine gun is useless against it, but it can move forward and fire at the perforation... Isn't that one shot and one shot?

Seeing that Zhao Gang was in a daze, Li Yunlong went on to explain: "Old Zhao, we have to analyze the specific situation in detail. Isn't there a saying called, will be outside...what is it?"

"Military orders are not accepted!" Zhao Gang added reluctantly.

"That's right, that's the way to say it!" Li Yunlong said, "That's a good way to say it! You scholars all have the same reasoning, why don't you understand it?"

"That depends on the situation..."

"Aren't I just looking at the situation?" Li Yunlong grabbed the topic without waiting for Zhao Gang's rebuttal: "Old Zhao, think about it. Although the chief knows that we have tanks, he thinks we don't know how to use them. If he knows that we can use tanks , so why not let the tanks attack Yucun? It doesn’t make sense!”

Li Yunlong still didn't say a word.

If the superior knew that the Independent Regiment would use tanks, they would probably transfer the tanks to the Hundred Battle Regiment or the New Second Regiment.

Li Yunlong didn't want to do this kind of loss-making business, so he said "no rush" when repairing the radio station.

When Zhao Gang heard this, he felt that it made sense. Now the radio station has not been repaired and cannot be contacted. The superior does not know the specific situation, so he cannot command normally.

Thinking of this, Zhao Gang asked, "How are you going to fight?"

(End of this chapter)

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