Bright Sword Military System

Chapter 234 Special Canned Food

Chapter 234 Special Canned Food
The soldiers were extremely fast, and more than half an hour later, Wang Xuexin commanded the tank to drive on the road to Yucun.

The advantage of following Li Yunlong is that once this guy is sure about something, he will go forward recklessly, and he has to stand aside all orders and disciplines, so his work efficiency is surprisingly high.

Li Yunlong didn't even say anything to political commissar Zhao Gang... In fact, the political commissar couldn't hide it. After all, the entire independent regiment had to march towards Yucun, so it was impossible to keep Zhao Gang and the others here secretly, right?

But Li Yunlong's character is like this, no matter what he does, he will do it vigorously first, and then deal with possible interference or obstacles when it is too late.

This time the tank was not on the road alone, there were twelve other vehicles along with it.

These vehicles were all handed over from the devils... four were seized when the devil's reconnaissance team was wiped out.

In fact, five vehicles were seized. As a result, the most front one was hit by the steel ball of the directional mine and was full of holes. It smoked when it was started, and then caught fire, so there were only four left.

Eight more were seized during the counter-offensive, making a total of twelve vehicles.

There are "devils" sitting on these satchels, three people in each satchel, and a 96-type light machine gun is mounted on the sidebar.

Usually the devils will be equipped with a crooked machine gun in the side fight, but this machine gun has many defects that even the Eighth Route Army doesn't like to use it, so it was changed to the 96 type.

Anyway, there are a lot of various equipment seized this time, so it is useless.

The 96-type machine gun is similar to the 97-type vehicle-mounted machine gun in the tank. They are both imitated Czech machine guns. The difference is that the former is considered a light machine gun with 6.5mm rifle bullets, and the latter is considered a heavy machine gun with 7.7mm rifle bullets (99-type rifle).

Li Yunlong had some doubts about this: "Little Northeast, what are we doing pretending to be devils? If the tanks charge forward, it will kill them. Just hit the earthen walls and gun towers in Yucun, isn't that a big area?"

"Regimental Commander!" Wang Xuexin explained: "The devil has an infantry cannon in his hand, and this infantry cannon can be disassembled and moved to a higher place and reassembled. We only have one tank. If it is hit by an infantry cannon, all It's over!"

Wang Xuexin didn't say the other half of the sentence. He is the commander of the tank and has only one life. Can he be careless?
What's more, it doesn't take much to pretend to be a devil, just change your clothes, and it's the same if you are discovered and then attack!
Li Yunlong thought it was right, so he nodded in agreement.

Before setting off, Wang Xuexin made some preparations. He concentrated all the captured 7.7mm bullets into the tank... There are not many bullets of this kind for the Devils. The reason is that the production of Type 99 rifles is not large. Bullets are only used by tanks, armored vehicles, and heavy machine guns.

This is also the reason why the messenger wants to use the Type 96 machine gun.

If they all use the same kind of bullets, it is convenient and can complement each other in battle, but there is a problem of not enough.

Fortunately, several tanks were damaged and did not explode, including the Type 7.7 that was hit by armor-piercing bullets. There were many [-] bullets in these tanks.

The tanks were looted, and a total of more than 6000 rounds were collected, and they were all magazines and chains... When the tanks were fighting, there was no time or extra manpower to press the bullets, so they were ready before the battle.

The fuel tank is also full, just pump fuel from other tanks.

The more troublesome point is that the devil's bag uses gasoline, and the tank uses diesel. The unknowing monk almost mixed the two kinds of oil.

In addition, the shells are all replenished...

When the Type 97 driven by Wang Xuexin was seized, all [-] shells were full and none of them were fired, and [-] of them were armor-piercing shells.After the war started, Lao Jiu only fired five shells in total.

Since only the Type [-] tank is equipped with a Type [-] anti-tank gun, the shells can only be handed over from the Type [-] that was penetrated.

A total of 45 shells were handed over, of which [-] were armor-piercing shells.

Wang Xuexin asked Lao Jiu to replace all the armor-piercing projectiles with grenades.

In fact, armor-piercing bullets are not really needed on the Huaxia battlefield, even if you hit a Devils tank, you don’t need armor-piercing bullets, the thin-skinned ones can also be pierced by grenades.

Other extra shells and armor-piercing projectiles Wang Xuexin put in the logistics department for storage in case of emergency.

Wang Xuexin guessed that the reason why the devils have been equipped with armor-piercing projectiles on the Type 97 should be to avenge Mao Xiong's revenge on Nuomenhan, so they transferred the Type 97 to the Huaxia battlefield for training.

(Note: The devils have never given up on the war against Mao Xiong. In 41, when their allies invaded Mao Xiong, the devils organized a special Kwantung Army exercise, referred to as "Guan Special Performance", intending to support the allies to attack Mao Xiong, but in the end it was did not dare to do it)
Full fuel, full shells, super machine gun shells.

Ever since he came to this world, Wang Xuexin has been fighting with outdated equipment and insufficient ammunition. At this time, he suddenly had a tank, and it was filled with ammunition as much as he could. Feeling full and unreal.

The tank was staggering on the rough road, and Laojiu was lying in the cabin with two pieces of paper stuffed in his nose to stop the bleeding. When he had nothing to do, he rummaged around inside with a flashlight, and found more than a dozen cans in the supply box. canned meat.

Laojiu originally thought that these cans were the same as the ones he had eaten before, that is, canned meat with vegetables and a little beef offal, but he didn't expect that when he opened it and ate it, he immediately said "um", and threw a can to everyone without saying a word.

Wang Xuexin looked at it under the flashlight. The packaging was a little different. There was a white border on the sealing paper. If you didn't pay attention, you wouldn't notice it. It should be a canned food specially provided by tank soldiers.

After opening it, I picked out some and put it in my mouth... Really, real beef, with a mellow sweet sauce and a strong beef flavor, it is indescribably delicious.

Gangzi didn't care about missing two front teeth, his mouth was full of blood, he ate one bite after another, and then he just grabbed it and stuffed it greedily into his mouth.

Only the monk who drove the tank couldn't eat because he needed to drive the tank with both hands, and shouted anxiously: "Hey... save some for me!"

Gangzi grabbed a small handful with three fingers, stirred it in the pot for more sauce, and then put it into the monk's mouth, saying: "Remember, take a few mouthfuls and stay for a while." You have to pay me back!"

The monk bit his mouth, and after a while he praised: "Damn it, it's real beef. I'll be satisfied with another bottle of wine!"

Wang Xuexin said, "You want to drink while driving a tank?"

The monk turned his head and replied: "Believe it or not, I am more energetic when I drink wine to drive tanks! Guaranteed to crush more devils to death!"

"This is impossible!" Wang Xuexin said: "This time, if we successfully enter the city gate, you have to stay there. Drive wherever I tell you to drive, and you have to slow down!"

"Don't!" The monk was a little anxious: "That's too boring!"

Wang Xuexin replied: "If you are not willing, I will ask the leader to change someone..."

"Don't, don't..." The monk replied helplessly: "Come on, I listen to you! Damn it, if I had known that driving a tank would be laborious and there were no devils to fight, I wouldn't rush to open it!"

(End of this chapter)

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