Bright Sword Military System

Chapter 235 Information

Chapter 235 Information
The correspondent had already been riding a horse to tell the news to the Hundred Battle Group and the New Second Group respectively.

Without going into too much detail, it is said that the independent regiment will join the team to attack Yucun, and there will be a group of troops disguised as devils to sneak into Yucun, and then various ministries will attack Yucun from inside and outside.

This is not because Li Yunlong intends to show off, but because he knows that there are many devils and spies from the puppet army in the Eighth Route Army, so he tries to say as little as possible.

To be honest, it would not be too late to add detailed information when the tank unit was about to reach the ground. At that time, it would be too late for the spies to notify the enemy.

Kong Jie, the head of the New Second Regiment, saw the news and "cut": "Li Yunlong also underestimated the devils in Yucun, he thought he could pretend to be a devil and sneak into the city as long as he put on a layer of devil skin... If it's that simple, would it still take the two of us to fight together for three days and four nights? Think of something beautiful!"

Li Changfu, the head of the Hundred Battles Regiment, also had the same idea. He was red-eyed when he hit Yucun. Although Yucun is not big, it has done a good job of defense.

Isolation ditches, barbed wire fences, and finally an earthen wall plus gun towers, and blockhouses on the commanding heights.

More importantly, the devils have stored a large amount of ammunition in Yucun... It is understood that the devils also use Yucun as an ammunition supply point, and there are at least two warehouses for storing ammunition.

This made the devil's firepower very fierce. Whenever the Eighth Route Army made any movement, it would immediately be hit by enemy artillery fire and machine guns.

After the three-day attack, the Baizhan Regiment only used "ghost cannons" to smash a gap in the enemy's wall after losing troops, but the gap was quickly filled by the devils with firepower.

Now, Li Changfu can only hope for the tunnel dug underground... This tunnel will be dug all the way to the bottom of the enemy's gun tower, and then piled with explosives to blow it down.

At that time, when the enemy has a firepower gap and has not had time to fill it, the soldiers will rush in.

Therefore, the Baizhan Regiment and the New Second Regiment launched a feint attack on the devils, one to attract the devils' attention, and the other to cover up the sound of tunnel digging with the sound of guns and cannons.

Li Changfu estimated that the tunnel could be dug before dawn tomorrow, and the attack could be launched in the dark before dawn, and then they would win in one battle.

At this time, when he heard that the independent group was coming up, Li Changfu couldn't help cursing: "Who does Li Yunlong think he is? Really think that there is a little Northeast who can talk about devils, and he can make way for devils all over the world?"

Then I thought again, I just contacted the headquarters just now, and the headquarters didn't say that the independent group would participate in the attack on Yucun!
If it really did what Li Yunlong said, wouldn't it disrupt the plan of the Hundred Battle Group?
It can't be... Li Yunlong wants to grab the meat on his own initiative, right?
Thinking about it, Li Changfu immediately sent a telegram to the headquarters to inquire.

The headquarters is in a hurry because it has lost contact with the independent group.

The chief walked back and forth in front of the desk, wondering if there would be any problems with the independent group under the siege of the devils!
After all, the independent group is not the main group, only more than 1000 people.

However, the devils initially estimated that there were 2000 to [-] people, and there was also a tank squadron.

This force is more than that and it is still fighting on the plains. The independent regiment is more than auspicious!

When I was in a hurry, I received a telegram from the Hundred Battles.

The chief looked at the telegram and was both happy and angry.

"Break out!" The chief said to the chief of staff with a telegram: "It's not easy, and he can still break out in this situation! This Li Yunlong still has a few tricks!"

It's no wonder that the chief's judgment is to break out of the encirclement. Under such circumstances, it is not easy for the independent regiment to break through.

How could he have thought that the independent regiment did not break out of the siege, but defeated and wiped out the devils who surrounded them.

"But..." the chief of staff was a little strange: "Why did the independent group break out in the direction of Yucun? Shouldn't they return to the headquarters?"

"Li Yunlong refuses to admit defeat!" The chief said, "No, I'm going to fight Yucun!"

Then the chief said: "However, in a place like Dayu Village, which has strong fortifications and a complete defense system, and there are not many rocket launchers in the hands of the independent regiment, what do they use to fight?"

The chief of staff looked at the telegram carefully and said, "It seems that Li Yunlong intends to disguise himself as a devil and sneak in, and let the New Second Regiment and Baizhan Regiment cooperate with the Independent Regiment to attack."

"Nonsense!" said the chief, "It's not so easy for a devil to pretend. Yucun just enters when it says so?"

As he said that, the chief turned his attention to the radio station and ordered: "Order the independent regiment to stand by on the spot, and do not act without orders!"

As soon as the order was sent to the Baizhan Regiment, Li Changfu immediately dispatched a correspondent with the order to intercept the Independent Regiment.

This order was directly ignored by Li Yunlong, and it was assumed that he had not received it.

Almost everyone does not think that the independent group can succeed, including the chief.

Indeed, it is not easy to successfully sneak into the city by pretending to be a devil. The only one who can speak devil's language is Xiao Dongbei, and he will be exposed if he asks casually.

The problem is that……

They didn't know that the Independence Regiment had won a big battle, and they didn't know that the Independence Regiment went up with tanks and more than a dozen trolleys.

These things are only available to devils, especially tanks.

So the first impression given to the devils is that they are their own people, just like the Eighth Route Army will immediately regard tanks as enemies when they see them.

During this time, Wang Xuexin asked the team to stop and rest for a while.

To do this is to wait for the independent group to catch up, and the second is that the monk needs to rest.

In the tanks of this era, the joysticks, gear shifting, brakes and the like have no power, and driving a tank is all manual work.

Fortunately, the monk has kung fu in his hands, otherwise he would not be able to persist until now.

But even so, the monk was almost exhausted and paralyzed. He almost crawled out of the tank. With the help of several people, he turned over and lay down immediately, cursing: "Little Northeast, you **** He also said that he needs to change people, you put the independent group to find someone who can do the job and try!"

Wang Xuexin replied calmly while looking at the map: "I said monk, others can't drive continuously for hours like you, but I can tell you clearly, we are only five or six miles away from Yucun. The speed of the tank is about ten minutes... you really want me to find someone?"

"Don't!" The monk immediately balked: "I'm just talking, can I let someone else take over after driving this far? Isn't that why I marry a wife and someone else enters the bridal chamber? I'm not stupid!"

The speed of the Type 37 tank is about [-] kilometers per hour, but that is the highest speed on flat ground.

It was night at this time, and the road conditions were not good, and from time to time, the road would be cut and detoured, so the tank was not much faster than walking.

It didn't take long for the large troops following behind to come up.

Li Yunlong rode his horse to the front of the tank, turned over and jumped off, and asked, "How are you doing, are you ready?"

"Reporting head!" Wang Xuexin replied: "Ready!"

Li Yunlong nodded and said, "Then I will send detailed information!"

(End of this chapter)

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