Bright Sword Military System

Chapter 238 Puppet Army

Chapter 238 Puppet Army
With a bang, the gun tower was smashed into a big hole by the tank.

Wang Xuexin's order to aim at the second floor was not intentional, but that shells should be higher and more powerful.

No, the blasted broken bricks and gravel flew everywhere, knocking down the devils below.

As for whether the squadron commander was killed... Wang Xuexin doesn't care about this, the whole Yucun is going to be destroyed, it's not a matter of time before the commander is taken down, it doesn't matter when they fight!
Immediately afterwards, Laojiu fired another shot, and this time the shell went through the hole and exploded inside the gun tower with a "boom", it seemed that there was nothing serious outside, except for a little more smoke, but the inside was blown into a mess.

After a while, the whole blockhouse was disconnected from the second floor and then collapsed... This is another reason why Wang Xuexin ordered the second floor to be hit. It is too high to cause much damage to the blockhouse, and the second floor is just right.

The devils were also stubborn, and they still organized a counterattack under the sudden blow and the commander was killed immediately.

But this is exactly what Wang Xuexin hoped for. He was worried that the devils would be hiding everywhere and it would be hard to find them!

The situation at that time was as follows:

The tank happened to be stuck in the middle of two earthen houses, and there were people guarding both sides, so the flanks were safer.

There was Gangzi's 89-type heavy machine gun in front of him, and he swept forward with the bullet belt "da da da". As many devils came up, he was knocked down as many as possible.

The rear is relatively more difficult, because there is only one Type 97 machine gun controlled by Wang Xuexin.

Wang Xuexin didn't dare to be careless at all. Although his vision was not very good, he would shoot whenever there was someone in sight.

Later, Wang Xuexin didn't know how many magazines he used, he only knew how to change them one by one, and the barrels were all red.

But at this time, several devils crawled on the ground and approached the tank, at a tricky angle, just avoiding the shooting surface of the machine gun.

Wang Xuexin hastily pulled out the grenade from his waist, ignited it and threw it out...

The grenade is a good thing for tank defense, because its shrapnel exploded outside, causing no loss to itself, but it can blow up the enemy.

However, it is also a temporary solution, especially if the enemy is far away and wants to throw the grenade under the tank to blow up the chassis, the grenade cannot be stopped in time.

Then more and more devils rushed over from all directions. Seeing that Wang Xuexin couldn't stand it anymore, he hurriedly shouted: "Monk, come back in a circle!"

"Okay!" The monk, who had been about to move for a long time, stepped on the gas pedal to the bottom, and the tank rushed out with a "thump", and several people in the car were hit again.

Wang Xuexin cursed secretly in his heart, the monk is sitting in the driver's seat like others!
But Wang Xuexin didn't have time to scold, he immediately got up and grabbed the machine gun and pointed it at the enemy and pulled the trigger.

The devil obviously didn't expect the tank to rush out at this time, and was beaten into a mess in an instant.

In fact, Wang Xuexin had no other choice. It was too dangerous to stay in one place all the time. In the words of the chief, he was too passive. Even with the protection of Daniel and his party, he couldn't guard against it.

While fighting in Yucun was lively, the Independent Regiment and the New Second Regiment outside the city also launched an attack.

Li Changfu is still wondering, the New Second Regiment is fighting with the Hundred Battle Regiment, and they have to follow his command, why did they fight without saying a word?
When I heard the gunshots again, it was much denser, and there were gunshots among them, and then I understood that the independent regiment must have joined the battle!

His mother, Li Yunlong, defied the military orders and messed around again!

Didn't Zhao Gang look more honest?
How can you still be so virtuous!
But after thinking about it, since they were all up, the Hundred Battle Group couldn't fall behind, so they also joined the battle group with an order.

On Wang Xuexin's side, his original intention was to let the monk drive the tank around and return to the original place, so that he could stab the devil from behind to reinforce Daniel and his party.

Unexpectedly, the monk, the tank was driving so fast, he would go wherever there were too many people, and after a while, he got lost and couldn't go back.

When we drove to several bunkers, Laojiu fired two shots without saying a word... Although the tank was not accurate during the march, there were enemies everywhere and there were many shells, so Laojiu also fought all the way.

This place is a bit strange, there is basically no gunshots or people, so Wang Xuexin is worried whether it is a trap... The ambushes in the movie are almost like this. It looks like there is no one on the surface, and they rush up in the middle.

After Laojiu fired two shots, the pot suddenly exploded, and the gunshots rang out.

Wang Xuexin secretly thought it was not good, it really was a trap.

This area is full of small alleys with many turns, and the tanks are difficult to move and cannot move fast. If the enemy suddenly appears from both sides, this mission will come to an end.

Unexpectedly, after listening carefully, most of the gunshots rang out in the room, and it stopped after a while.

A lot of people rushed out, but their postures were not right, the gun was held above their heads instead of in their hands.

After a serious look, it turned out that it was the puppet soldiers who came out and surrendered in batches. The gunshots that rang out just now were probably because they killed the devils who "supervised" them.

"Don't shoot!" Wang Xuexin ordered: "Stop!"

"Stop?" the monk said, "Stopping is dangerous! Who knows if they're a fake surrender?"

"It's dangerous to stop!" Wang Xuexin replied: "Didn't you see so many people? We can't bear to throw a few grenades at random!"

Tanks are actually much more fragile than imagined, especially when there is no infantry following, the enemy only needs to throw a few grenades in front of the tank, and the tank drives forward...then the most vulnerable chassis will be blown up.

The monk reluctantly stopped the tank, but he still wanted to kill.

Wang Xuexin was about to poke his head out but was pulled back by Laojiu.

"You're still wearing a devil's skin!" Lao Jiu said, "Do you want to scare them to death or seek death when you go out?"

Wang Xuexin thought it was right, so he quickly took off his military cap and uniform, and then he came out.

There were a lot of people outside, and the military flags were actually blue, white, and red, but there was a piece of khaki cloth on top of the flags.

It was only later that Wang Xuexin found out that the puppet Wang government was competing with Chongqing for the qualifications of the legal government. They didn't even admit that they were traitors and called it "curve to save the country", so the military flag was the same as before.

"Comrade!" An officer wearing a big hat with flowers on his shoulders shouted at Wang Xuexin: "We have surrendered, and the Eighth Route Army treats the prisoners preferentially, does that count?"

"Keep your word!" Wang Xuexin was delighted when he heard it: "You must keep your word, otherwise it won't be called the Eighth Route Army!"

As soon as the officer received an affirmative answer, he reached out and undid his arm belt.

"Wait a minute!" Wang Xuexin stopped him: "You hand over your guns before the battle is over... Wouldn't all the devils be finished if they came?"

A group of puppet soldiers looked at each other, then nodded.

Wang Xuexin suggested: "Brothers, if you really want to surrender, then go back together. Only by killing all the devils can we survive! How about it, do you want to do it?"

The puppet soldiers hesitated for a moment, and then grew their heads one after another:

"We follow your command!"


(End of this chapter)

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