Bright Sword Military System

Chapter 239 "Dividing the spoils"

Chapter 239 "Dividing the spoils"
The characteristic of the puppet army is that there is nothing on the wall, and whoever has the upper hand will fall to whomever, and to put it bluntly is to save lives.

This time it is obvious that the Eighth Route Army has the upper hand, and of course it will fall to the Eighth Route Army.

So a strange scene appeared in Yucun: a devil's tank carried several Eighth Route Army soldiers, leading a group of puppet troops to charge towards the devil...

Moreover, the performance of the puppet army in this battle was quite heroic. Everyone shouted that they dared to meet the devils with bayonets.

This is actually understandable.

The puppet army at this time is still a sinner. They are now going to take the blame and make meritorious service. Only by winning this battle can they better claim credit and save their lives, so they all strive to be the first.

If you really let them go to the battlefield to fight in a serious manner, they will get away from you.

But with the help of these puppet troops, the devil was defeated like a mountain, and he was beaten to pieces with only one charge. Finally, the puppet troops charged towards the city wall again, and Yucun was successfully captured.

Daniu was frightened and broke out in a cold sweat.

He came out of the earthen hut and raised his head in the direction of the puppet army in shock, and said to Wang Xuexin who jumped out of the tank with lingering fear: "Little Northeast, this is the rescuer you... moved? Why didn't you say it earlier? I looked at this group of soldiers." When the person came up, he thought it was going to be over, if he didn't recognize this tank, he almost got angry!"

Wang Xuexin grinned, and replied: "Where is the rescue? The monk lost his way and went around the puppet army defense area and accidentally captured these prisoners! They have to show some sincerity when they surrender, don't they?"

Daniel was stunned for a long time before he smiled and said, "Blow it up, there are more than 400 people at least, and you only have four people in one tank..."

Wang Xuexin looked helpless, he did not expect such a thing to happen.

Seeing Wang Xuexin's expression, Daniu asked again in doubt: "Really!"

Wang Xuexin nodded seriously.

Daniel "haha" laughed and put his arms around Wang Xuexin's shoulders: "Okay, you! This matter has to spread throughout the army again, what should I call it?"

As he spoke, he put his hands on his hips and raised his hands high, and sang in a posture: "Four warriors broke into Yu Village alone, and captured four hundred puppet soldiers...more than..."

The singing is quite a bit of Peking Opera, which surprised Wang Xuexin, who didn't expect Daniel to have such a skill.

It was only later that Wang Xuexin realized that there were quite a few people in the team who could sing a few lines and put on a show.

In this day and age, mobile phones, movies, TVs, and even radios are rare. Usually, if we want to talk about entertainment, we just listen to operas. If we listen to a lot, we will naturally say a few words, just like modern people can hum a few pop songs for the same purpose.

The chief had originally received information and knew that the independent regiment had attacked Yucun without heeding orders, so he couldn't help being furious.

"This Li Yunlong!" The chief slammed his fist on the table and even jumped up the cup: "There is no organization and discipline at all! So what if you can fight, isn't it just a stubborn donkey who can't get along with the others? The problem, I must remove him as the head of the regiment!"

At this time, the chief of staff in the electromechanical room received a telegram. He pushed his glasses in disbelief and asked the correspondent: "Is there an error in the information? Check with the Hundred Battles!"

The correspondent responded, and soon passed a telegram to the chief of staff: "Report to the chief of staff, it is confirmed, our army has occupied Yucun, requesting instructions on the next step!"

The chief of staff returned to the office with a telegram while shaking his head and smiling, and said to the chief who was walking around angrily: "Chief, the situation is clear. Our army has occupied Yucun!"

The chief froze, and asked in surprise and joy: "You took it? Okay! How did you take it?"

The chief of staff handed over a telegram: "The Independence Regiment disguised itself as a devil, and drove in through the gate of the city with a tank and a bag!"

After a pause, the chief of staff went on to say: "It is said that it was Comrade Wang Xuexin's idea, and he was also the one who drove the tank into the city, captured [-] puppet soldiers in one breath, killed and wounded more than [-] devils, and our troops outside Once we attack... Yucun will be taken!"

The chief looked at the telegram, and then he laughed: "Good guy, he has become the main force to attack Yucun, and the few regiments outside have become foils!"

The Chief of Staff nodded: "In addition, the Independent Regiment did not break out of the encirclement, but defeated Masaki Battalion. After killing Masaki Battalion Leader and Shigekawa Squadron Leader, they successfully transferred to Yucun. Their radio station was blown up by the devil plane. There has been no contact!"

After hearing so many unexpected good news, the Chief had long forgotten his previous temper and dissatisfaction with Li Yunlong.

"Very good!" The chief laughed and said, "This independent regiment has shown its momentum! Not only can it win more with less, but it also outsmarts Yucun. It has two tricks!"

"Chief!" the Chief of Staff asked, "Then next..."

Without hesitation, the chief ordered: "Destroy Yucun and evacuate as soon as possible!"


The troops who received the order immediately launched a raid on Yucun.

The attack means blowing up all the gun towers, bunkers and earthen walls, and the barbed wire is also demolished.

This is not a problem, it is a problem with the explosive package.

What is more troublesome is the supplies in the two warehouses in Yucun...

Ammunition, food, etc. piled up like mountains in the warehouse.

Li Yunlong's eyes straightened when he looked at these things.

As soon as he turned around, he asked Kong Jie hypocritically: "Old Kong, tell me... how do we divide up the supplies?"

"The three regiments will be divided equally!" Kong Jie replied, and then looked up at Li Yunlong warily: "I said, Lao Li, you don't want to be alone, do you?"

" can it be?" Li Yunlong laughed: "I said Lao Kong, if there is no independent group of me today..."

"Wait a minute!" Kong Jie interrupted Li Yunlong: "When you were in Zhaojiayu last time, you seemed to have said that the troops should be divided according to their strength, or we can divide them according to the proportion of casualties!"

Li Yunlong thought for a while, then said helplessly: "Yes, let's divide according to the strength of the troops! It is fair to divide according to the strength of the troops. Every soldier who participated in this battle has credit and consumed ammunition. That's right, no matter what we do, we have to have a bowl of water level!"

When Li Yunlong said that, Kong Jie was dumbfounded.

He always thought that Li Yunlong would definitely not want to divide according to the strength of the troops or the proportion of casualties.

These two divisions of independent groups do not take advantage!
But after much deliberation, Kong Jie didn't want to understand the truth, so he could only nod his head and say, "Since you have no objection, then divide according to the strength of the troops!"

So the New Second Regiment and the Independent Regiment each got one share, and the Hundred Battle Regiment got three more shares because of its strength.

How could Kong Jie have thought that Li Yunlong turned to Li Changfu, shook his hands and said, "Captain Li, we will share the captured supplies according to our merits, and the Baizhan regiment will share, is it okay?"

Li Changfu originally felt that this battle was a disgrace, that the Hundred Battles didn't deserve much credit, and that they would not be rewarded for their merits, so it would be nice to get a share, so he agreed without saying anything.

As a result... the independent group took three shares.

(End of this chapter)

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