Bright Sword Military System

Chapter 247 Breakthrough

Chapter 247 Breakthrough

At the back of the mountain, more than a dozen soldiers are gathering in the col to practice shooting with rocket launchers on their shoulders.

These bazooka shooters look like recruits doing basic movement training, but they are all veterans who have played bazookas on the battlefield.

Sun Defa, the leader of the fire team, was also among them.

This guy made him the right team leader. He killed two tanks by himself in the Yucun battle, and killed and wounded more than a dozen devils with rockets.

When Wang Xuexin asked about his experience in combat, he just smiled and replied: "Company commander, it's really not a big deal! One of me runs fast, and the other knows how to watch cigarettes!"

It is understandable that he can run fast. This is Sun Defa's specialty. He is a mountain worker. After that competition, his comrades gave him the nickname "porter". Simply put, he can pick and run.


"What's the matter with watching cigarettes?" Wang Xuexin asked.

"Smoke is the wind speed and wind direction!" The porter replied: "The wind will be visible, so we will estimate the amount in advance, and then try to choose a place with a single wind direction. If the smoke is fast and slow or circles back and forth, It’s definitely not right!”

Wang Xuexin nodded with an "oh", and then asked the porter to pass on this experience to other members of the fire team.

At this moment, Wang Xuexin saw two officers in gray and blue military uniforms climbing up the hill from a distance, so he raised his head towards the porter.

The porter installed a rocket on the spot and shouted to the soldiers: "Elbows on the ground, the body is at a 45-degree angle to the axis of the rocket launcher, and the muzzle is 15cm from the ground..."

Then with a "chirp", the rocket flew out and accurately hit the steel plate of the car 80 meters away.

You have to do a full set of acting, and if you want to satisfy the "client", of course you have to perform well.

Therefore, Wang Xuexin specially chose a col with the gentlest wind, otherwise it would be difficult for even a porter to hit the target 80 meters away.

Chu Yunfei and Sun Ming who ran up the hill could not help but look at each other when they saw this scene.

"It turns out that the information is true!" Chu Yunfei said: "The Eighth Route Army really changed the devil's 'spray' into an anti-tank weapon!"

Before that, Chu Yunfei did not believe that the Eighth Route Army could do this with such crude equipment and no military personnel.

Now that he saw it with his own eyes, he couldn't believe it.

"Team seat!" Lieutenant Sun Ming looked at the distance and said, "That's at least 80 meters away, and it can destroy the devil's tank at 80 meters away..."

Chu Yunfei was silent.

They are not completely devoid of anti-tank weapons, but they are so few that they are almost negligible.

As far as Chu Yunfei knows, the government of the Republic of China purchased German PAk36 anti-tank guns at 36, but the total number was only 120. They were destroyed by the enemy or were scrapped due to failure in battle.

So the devil's tank became their heart disease.

(Note: In 41, I purchased the blueprints and prototypes of the Swiss Sulotong 37mm anti-tank gun and successfully trial-produced it, but the key parts need to be imported and only 94 guns will be produced)
Under such circumstances, it is incredible that the Eighth Route Army can develop an individual anti-tank weapon and pass the test of the battlefield!

"Let's go and have a look!" Chu Yunfei ran down the mountain with his adjutant, afraid of being caught up by Li Yunlong behind him.

In fact, if Li Yunlong hadn't deliberately let him go, how could Chu Yunfei outrun Li Yunlong with his pampered legs.

When Li Yunlong caught up with Chu Yunfei, the latter had already observed Wang Xuexin and the others training closely.

"Brother Yunlong!" Chu Yunfei smiled, "Is this the grenade you mentioned?"

Li Yunlong smiled "hehe": "Isn't it? They... aren't they just flying grenades?"

Chu Yunfei had nothing to say, and Li Yunlong's explanation seems to be correct!

"Brother Yunlong!" Chu Yunfei said, "You just use this kind of flying grenade to destroy a squadron of devils' chariots, right? There are more than [-] tanks and armored vehicles, Chu admires it!"

Li Yunlong smiled "hehe": "It's not that amazing, this thing doesn't have enough range, it's about we look at other things?"

Li Yunlong is advancing by retreating, he knows that people are curious, the more you don't let him look at him, the more curious he will be, and then he will get deeper and deeper, and he will kill him as he wants.

"Range?" Chu Yunfei snorted: "80 meters is indeed insufficient, but if there is darkness and smoke, coupled with the mobility of this thing, it can shine!"

Li Yunlong tilted his head and nodded: "Brother Chu is an expert..."

"Li Yunlong!" Zhao Gang stopped Li Yunlong from continuing with his deep voice, and then politely said to Chu Yunfei: "Master Chu, why don't we talk in another place?"

Chu Yunfei smiled "haha" and said: "Commander Zhao, I'll just say it straight. When the country is in crisis, you and I are both soldiers, and we should serve the country as one. Now your army has such anti-tank weapons, but it is against me. The army is secretive, isn't it a gentleman's style?"

Zhao Gang never expected that Chu Yunfei would bite back, and was so angry that he couldn't speak for a while.

Li Yunlong made a haha, and then said: "Brother Chu, can your army talk about the weapons you have in order to be a gentleman? Let's reciprocate courtesy!"

Chu Yunfei was at a loss for words for a while, there were countless equipment produced by them without telling the Eighth Route Army, but he was used to it and took it for granted.

Sun Ming interjected at this moment: "Commander Li, if our army intends to buy this..."

"Bazooka!" Li Yunlong said.

"Bazooka!" Sun Ming continued, "For the great cause of the Anti-Japanese War, I don't think your army will refuse, right?"

"Oh!" Li Yunlong said: "Adjutant Sun, you are right. I didn't want to refuse, but we are not enough? Who told us to keep fighting devils? And your army... I heard that you are fighting devils recently. Negotiations, what do you want the bazooka for? Are you negotiating terms with the devils?"

This made Chu Yunfei's face turn red and white.

After a while, he sighed and said sincerely: "Brother Yunlong, I don't care about the affairs of Shangfeng. Chu doesn't want to get involved in factional disputes, but wants national independence and freedom. Chu thinks that your army is also So, brother Yunlong is also the same, I wonder if Chu is right?"

Li Yunlong put away his cynical attitude, and the two sides clasped their fists together and replied: "Brother Chu is a man, since you and I are here to beat devils, I will consider this matter..."

"Li Yunlong!" Zhao Gang interrupted Li Yunlong with a dark face, and then took Li Yunlong aside.

Chu Yunfei couldn't hear what they said, but vaguely heard a few words:
"What are you doing!"

"This is a serious disciplinary matter!"

"It can be regarded as collaborating with the enemy."


Li Yunlong replied disapprovingly:
"It's all about beating devils!"

"We are short of food."


Chu Yunfei winked at Sun Ming, and said in a low voice, "Take Li Yunlong as the breakthrough point!"

(End of this chapter)

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