Bright Sword Military System

Chapter 248 A good price to kill

Chapter 248

It took a while for Li Yunlong to finish speaking.

He returned to Chu Yunfei with an unhappy expression on his face, and said in embarrassment: "Brother Chu, I don't want to sell it if it's not a brother, it's really..."

"No problem!" Chu Yunfei pretended to be generous and replied: "Since your army is unwilling to sell, Chu will not force others. I heard that your army has also invented a new tactic called reverse slope fortification. I wonder if it is possible to let Chu Do you open your eyes?"

"That's no problem!" Li Yunlong waved his hand: "Go, it's over there!"

The reverse slope tactic is a bit of a magic thing, it is only useful for the poorly equipped side.

For example, it is useful when the Eighth Route Army is attacking the devils, and it is also useful for the stubborn army to attack the devils.

One day in the future, when the Eighth Route Army confronts the recalcitrant army, the recalcitrant army will be the one with the best equipment, and this fortification will be useless against the recalcitrant army.

Therefore, reverse slope tactics are also a thing that only fights devils and not yourself, so you can teach it with confidence.

On this point, a consensus was reached during the meeting at the headquarters, so Li Yunlong took Chu Yunfei and the two to the high ground to explain the reverse slope in detail to the fortifications and tunnels.

What if the equipment of the Eighth Route Army is stronger than that of the stubborn army?
Hey, if there was such a day, wouldn't the stubborn army be defeated long ago?Can it withstand the reverse slope tactics?

Only our Eighth Route Army can fight this kind of bitter battle, vicious battle, and desperate battle with the enemy!
Before Chu Yunfei came to the fortification, he walked around and looked around, but the more he looked, the more frightened he became.

Although this tactic is inconspicuous, in the final analysis it is to use up the enemy's long-range firepower and powerful equipment for melee combat.

But in this way, this battle becomes a fight for morale, determination, and life.

Chu Yunfei couldn't help sighing: "Meeting on a narrow road, the brave wins. This tactic is to force the enemy to the 'narrow road' to compete for courage. The fighting spirit of your army is really admirable!"

"Isn't it?" Li Yunlong gestured at the fortification with his thumb, and said proudly: "Brother Chu, it's not that I, Li Yunlong, look down on you. If you guard this'll be scared to pee before it starts!"

Although Chu Yunfei was quite unhappy hearing these words, he had to admit that what Li Yunlong said was somewhat reasonable.

This reverse slope fortification is at the cost of giving up a high vantage point, and it is necessary to fight the enemy face to face with bayonets at every turn.

Such fortifications are a terrifying existence in themselves, and the "two-gun troops" can be scared away at a glance.

The 358th Regiment in Chu Yunfei's hand might be better, but it's not at the point where it can repeatedly charge and compete with the enemy.

Chu Yunfei sighed in his heart, what kind of army is this? It can fight such cruel melee combat with such simple equipment without any training. The Jinsui Army dare not even imagine , Tactics that I dare not try are commonplace...

If he hadn't seen the craters, bullet holes and shocking blood stains left over from the reverse slope battlefield, Chu Yunfei could hardly believe that all of this was true.

Then thinking about it, Chu Yunfei frowned again.

One day in the future, what should he do if he faces the tactics of the Eighth Route Army?
I'm afraid it can only be head-to-head!

Chu Yunfei sighed, this is not their strong point. ,
With a glance, he found that Sun Ming had lured Zhao Gang away under the pretext of knowing the tactics, and he understood, so he moved closer and lowered his voice and said to Li Yunlong: "Brother Yunlong, we can't make a deal openly, so it's okay to do a secret deal?"

"Secret deal?" Li Yunlong pretended to be confused: "What deal?"

"Bazooka!" Chu Yunfei reminded.

Li Yunlong let out an "oh" and then laughed: "Brother Chu is still playing with the bazooka idea? I advise you to give up on this! The political commissar said that this is collaborating with the enemy and you will lose your head! Damn us It's not that I don't want to make this money, but how much can I buy Li Yunlong's head?"

Chu Yun flew to look in Zhao Gang's direction, and said, "The so-called wealth and wealth come from danger, as long as the political commissar is not informed, this matter is not a big deal to Brother Yunlong, is it?"

Chu Yunfei had investigated Li Yunlong a long time ago, and knew that he was a guy who didn't follow the rules. Disobeying orders was commonplace, and secret deals were not a thing for him.

Seeing that Li Yunlong was silent, Chu Yunfei added another sentence: "Brother Yunlong, Chu also had to make such a move to beat devils! Brother Yunlong think about it, if this deal is done, Chu can beat devils , Brother Yunlong can exchange for food, so why not do it?"

Chu Yunfei's ordinary words were carefully thought out and done with sufficient homework.

"Fighting devils" is to increase the rationality of the transaction, and at the same time, it also seizes Li Yunlong's weakness of "speaking loyalty", and "exchanging food" is to target the supplies that the Eighth Route Army is in short supply.

It never occurred to Chu Yunfei that he spent so much time investigating and playing tricks, but he actually jumped into the pit dug by this muddy leg...

Li Yunlong put on a embarrassed look, frowned and sighed as if he was engaged in an ideological struggle, but he was happy in his heart.

Isn't this guy a cultural person?How is it so easy to be fooled?

His mother is also a Huangpu student!

I don't care if you are a Whampoa student or not, I'm cheating a Whampoa student!
"Brother Yunlong!" Seeing Li Yunlong's heartbeat, Chu Yunfei stepped up his efforts: "As long as Brother Yunlong is interested, the price is negotiable!"

"Price?" Li Yunlong was not happy when he heard this: "Brother Chu, this is a job that loses our heads. How much money can buy our life? Brother Chu, what are you willing to do?"

"Brother Yunlong!" Chu Yunfei said, "If there is no food, isn't it the same as death?"

Li Yunlong became silent when he heard this, and it took a while before he made up his mind: "Let's do it, the devil bought my Li Yunlong's life for [-] oceans, brother, I don't want to talk nonsense with Brother Chu, and want me to sell my life, what's the matter?" It can't be lower than the price offered by the devil, otherwise I, Li Yunlong, might as well sell my head to the devil!"

These words startled Chu Yunfei.

You must know that the international silver price rose at this time, so that the value of the silver dollar exceeded itself, and many people melted the silver dollar into silver and shipped it abroad for sale.

However, the legal currency depreciated rapidly due to counterfeit currency and excessive printing. At this time, more than 200 legal currency were exchanged for an ocean.

In this way, isn't that tens of millions of French currency?
Chu Yunfei asked with a dark face: "How many?"

Li Yunlong thought for a while, and replied: "Two, each with three rockets, too many can't be carried!"

Doesn't this mean that the lion opened his mouth wide?

Tens of millions of French currency for such a thing?
But Chu Yunfei thought about it, and felt that from Li Yunlong's point of view, he was indeed risking his life, and he really didn't want to do it without him!

What's more, if you can buy a few, you can equip your own troops by imitating them later... Then tens of millions of French coins are also worth spending!
So Chu Yunfei gritted his teeth and said, "Add another one, otherwise we won't talk about it!"

(End of this chapter)

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